
生活学习2024-03-10 21:45:30自考教育网



1. hairs的拼音是 "hɛrz"。


2. "hairs"是hair的复数形式,指的是头发。它来自于古英语中的"hǣr",意为“毛发”。

3. 在英语中,hair作为一个可数名词,它的复数形式可以用来表示多根头发或者不同部位的头发。例如:She has blonde hairs on her head.(她头上有几根金色的头发。)His beard is made up of many different colors of hairs.(他的胡须由许多不同颜色的毛发组成。)

4. 此外,在英语中还有一些常见搭配词组,如:body hair(身体毛发)、facial hair(面部毛发)、curly hair(卷曲头发)、straight hair(直发)等等。

5. 另外,hairs也可以指动物身上的毛发,比如:dog hairs(狗毛)、cat hairs(猫毛)等。

6. 在日常生活中,我们也经常用hair来表示某种特定类型或者样式的头发。比如:short hair(短发)、long hair(长发)、thick hair(浓密头发)、fine hair(细软头发)等等。

7. 总结一下,hairs是hair的复数形式,在英语中它可以表示多根头发、不同部位的头发、动物身上的毛发,以及某种特定类型或者样式的头发。它的拼音是 "hɛrz",读起来比较接近 "hairs" 的发音。

8. 最后,需要注意的是,在英语中hair作为不可数名词时,它的复数形式是不可用的。比如:I need to wash my hair.(我需要洗头发。)而不是 "hairs"。因此,在使用"hairs"时,一定要注意它所指代的具体含义和语境。

9. 总而言之,hairs作为hair的复数形式,在英语中有着丰富多样的含义和用法。希望通过本小节能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇


1. “hairs”是一个英语单词,读作[hɛrz]。

2. 这个单词的意思是指头发的细小部分,通常指头上的每根头发。

3. 它也可以用来表示一些类似细丝状的物体,比如毛发、羽毛等。

4. 在口语中,有时也会用“hair”来表示“一根头发”的意思。

5. 如果要表达复数形式,则需要在单词末尾加上“s”,即“hairs”。

6. 除了作为名词使用外,它还可以作为动词,意为“使…变得多毛”或“长出细长物体”等。

7. 总而言之,“hairs”的含义主要与头发有关,但也可以指其他细长物体


1. hairs的含义


2. hairs的用法

hairs通常作为可数名词使用,可以加上不同的数量词来表示具体数量,如“a few hairs”(几根头发)、“a head of hairs”(一头头发)。此外,在某些特定短语中,hairs也可以作为不可数名词使用,如“splitting hairs”(吹毛求疵)。

3. hairs在双语例句中的用法

- She has long, curly hairs that cascade down her back.(她有着长长、卷曲的头发,从背后垂下来。)

- The barber trimmed his beard and cut his stray hairs.(理发师修剪了他的胡须,并剪掉了散乱的头发。)

- I found a few grey hairs in my hairbrush this morning.(今天早晨我在我的梳子里找到了几根白发。)

- Are you splitting hairs again? Just let it go!(你又在吹毛求疵了吗?放手吧!)

4. 总结



1. Hair-raising: 惊险的,令人毛骨悚然的。例如:The horror movie was so hair-raising that I couldn't sleep at night.

2. Hair-trigger: 非常敏感的,容易触发的。例如:Her temper is like a hair-trigger, any small thing can set her off.

3. Split hairs: 斤斤计较,小题大做。例如:Don't split hairs over such minor details, it's not worth the argument.

4. Let your hair down: 放松,放开自己。例如:After a long day at work, I just want to go home and let my hair down.

5. Make your hair stand on end: 使人毛骨悚然。例如:The ghost stories she told made my hair stand on end.

6. Have a bad hair day: 运气不佳,心情糟糕。例如:I woke up late and spilled coffee on my shirt, it's been a bad hair day for me.

7. Keep your hair on: 冷静下来,别发脾气。例如:Calm down, keep your hair on, we can find a solution to this problem.

8. Splitting hairs: 纠缠细节,吹毛求疵。例如:Stop splitting hairs and focus on the bigger picture.

9. Hair of the dog that bit you: 治疗宿醉的方法,在喝酒中加一点新酒。例如:I have a terrible hangover, I think I'll need some hair of the dog that bit me.

10. Hair-brained: 荒谬的,愚蠢的。例如:His hair-brained idea of starting a business with no experience ended in failure


1. Strands: This is a common synonym for hairs, often used to describe individual pieces of hair.

2. Locks: This term is often used to refer to a person's hair in general, but can also be used as a synonym for hairs.

3. Tresses: This word is typically used to describe long, flowing strands of hair, and can be used interchangeably with hairs.

4. Curls: This term specifically refers to hair that is tightly or loosely wound into small spirals or waves.

5. Mane: While usually associated with horses, this word can also be used as a synonym for a person's head of hair.

6. Follicles: This term refers to the small openings in the skin where hairs grow from and can be used as a scientific synonym for hairs.

7. Strands of hair: Similar to "strands," this phrase is often used when describing individual pieces of hair on someone's head.

8. Tresses of hair: A more poetic way of saying "tresses," this phrase emphasizes the beauty and flow of someone's hair.

9. Curls and waves: Used together, these words encompass all types of curly or wavy hairs on someone's head.

10. Head of hair: This phrase refers to all the hairs on someone's head collectively and can be used interchangeably with "hairs."

