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The pronunciation of hale

1. What does hale mean?

Hale is an adjective that means strong and healthy, often used to describe a person's physical condition.

2. How do you pronounce hale?

Hale is pronounced as "heyl" with a long "a" sound, similar to the word "hail".

3. Synonyms for hale

Some synonyms for hale include robust, vigorous, hearty, and fit.

4. Example sentences

- After recovering from his illness, John looked hale and energetic again.

- The doctor praised the patient's hale constitution and advised him to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

- Despite his advanced age, the old man remained hale and active.

5. Additional information

Hale can also be used as a verb meaning to drag or pull forcefully. In this case, it is pronounced as "hey-l", with a short "a" sound.

6. Common mistakes in pronunciation

Some people may mistakenly pronounce hale as "hah-lee" or "hayl". However, these pronunciations are incorrect and should be avoided.

7. Tips for correct pronunciation

To correctly pronounce hale, remember to stress the first syllable and use a long "a" sound. You can also listen to audio recordings of the word to practice your pronunciation.

8. Other useful phrases

- Hale and hearty: This phrase means strong and healthy.

- Hail fellow well met: This phrase means friendly or sociable.

- To hail from: This phrase means to come from or originate from a particular place.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word hale has multiple meanings depending on its usage in a sentence. As an adjective, it describes someone who is strong and healthy; as a verb, it means to drag or pull forcefully. Remember to pronounce it as "heyl" with a long "a" sound for correct usage in everyday conversations

Is hale an idiom?

1. Hale的含义


2. Hale的发音及拼写方式


3. Hale的同义词


4. Hale在句子中的用法及例句

(1) 作形容词时:

- He is still hale and hearty at the age of 80.


- The old man's hale appearance surprised everyone.


(2) 作动词时:

- The doctor advised him to hale up by doing more exercises.


- The fresh air and sunshine haled her spirits.


5. Hale是否是一个习语?



Usage and examples of hale

1. Hale, pronounced as "heyl", is an adjective that means strong and healthy.

Example: After recovering from the flu, she looked hale and hearty.

2. Other synonyms for hale include robust, vigorous, and sturdy.

Example: Despite his age, the old man was still hale and full of energy.

3. Hale can also be used to describe someone who is free from disease or illness.

Example: The doctor declared him hale and fit to return to work.

4. In some contexts, hale can also mean lively or energetic.

Example: The children were full of hale and laughter as they played in the park.

5. Another similar word to hale is hearty, which also means healthy and strong.

Example: He enjoyed a hearty meal after a long day of work.

6. However, unlike hearty which can also mean enthusiastic or sincere, hale is strictly used to describe physical health.

Example: His enthusiasm for the project was not matched by his hale appearance.

7. In literature, the phrase "hale and hearty" is often used together to emphasize someone's good health.

Example: The hero emerged from the battle hale and hearty, much to the relief of his loved ones.

8. It can also be used in a more figurative sense to describe something that is strong or well-preserved.

Example: Despite its age, the antique chair was still hale and sturdy.

9. In summary, hale can be used to describe physical health or strength in a person or object.

Example: The athlete's training regimen kept him in hale condition for all his competitions

Antonyms and synonyms of hale

1. Antonyms of hale

1.1 Weak

Hale refers to a state of being healthy and strong, so its antonym would be weak, which means lacking physical strength or vigor. Some synonyms of weak include frail, feeble, and delicate.

Example sentence: After being sick for weeks, he was no longer hale and had become weak.

1.2 Sickly

Another antonym for hale is sickly, which means prone to illness or not in good health. It is often used to describe someone who is constantly ill or has a weak constitution.

Example sentence: Despite his old age, he remained hale and showed no signs of being sickly.

1.3 Frail

Frail is another word that can be used as an antonym for hale. It means physically weak or delicate, often due to age or illness.

Example sentence: The elderly woman was no longer hale and had become frail after her recent surgery.

2. Synonyms of hale

2.1 Healthy

One of the most common synonyms for hale is healthy, which means having good physical or mental health. It can also refer to something that promotes good health.

Example sentence: He lived a very active lifestyle and was always hale and healthy.

2.2 Robust

Robust is another word that can be used as a synonym for hale. It means strong and healthy in appearance or constitution.

Example sentence: Despite his advanced age, he remained robust and showed no signs of slowing down.

2.3 Vigorous

Vigorous is another synonym for hale that refers to having physical strength and energy. It can also mean showing enthusiasm or intensity in action.

Example sentence: The athlete was known for his vigorous training routine which kept him hale and strong.

3. Example sentences using "hale"

3.1 The old man may have been in his 80s, but he was still hale and could easily outrun people half his age.

3.2 Despite the harsh weather conditions, the farmer remained hale and continued to work on his farm.

3.3 The doctor assured her that with proper care and medication, she would soon be hale and healthy again.


In conclusion, the word hale refers to being healthy and strong. Its antonyms include weak, sickly, and frail, while its synonyms include healthy, robust, and vigorous. By understanding these words and their meanings, we can better describe someone's state of health or physical condition

Explanation of the meaning of hale

1. Introduction to hale

Hale is a word that has multiple meanings and can be used in different contexts. It is an adjective that is commonly used in the English language and has its roots in Old English. In this section, we will explore the different meanings of hale, how to pronounce it, and provide some synonyms and examples of its usage.

2. Meaning of hale

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, hale means "free from disease or infirmity; robust; vigorous." This definition suggests that hale is used to describe someone who is healthy and strong. It can also refer to something that is strong or sturdy.

3. Pronunciation of hale

Hale is pronounced as "heyl" with a long "a" sound, similar to the word "hail." The "e" at the end of the word is silent.

4. Synonyms for hale

Some synonyms for hale include:

- Healthy: physically fit, well, robust

- Strong: sturdy, tough, resilient

- Vigorous: energetic, lively, active

5. Examples of usage

a) She was still hale and hearty despite her advanced age.

b) The old oak tree stood tall and hale against the storm.

c) He was a hale man who could still run marathons at the age of 70.

6. Other meanings of hale

Apart from its main definition as an adjective describing health and strength, hale can also be used as a verb meaning "to drag or pull forcibly," or as a noun referring to a large basket used for carrying loads on one's back.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, hale has multiple meanings but is commonly used to describe someone who is healthy and strong. Its pronunciation can be tricky but remembering that the "e" at the end is silent can help. Some synonyms for hale include healthy, strong, and vigorous. We hope this explanation has helped you understand the meaning of hale better and how it can be used in different contexts

