
生活学习2024-03-10 22:24:37自考教育网



1. 拼写:hallucinatory,音标:/həˈluːsɪnətɔːri/

2. 发音:哈-卢-西-纳-托-里


3. 词性:形容词,表示“幻觉的,幻影的”

4. 词源:源自拉丁语“hallucinatus”,意为“幻觉”

5. 同义词:illusive, delusional

6. 反义词:real, genuine

7. 强调发音的部分为“lu”和“to”,读起来比较重音。

8. 注意发音时要将第一个“l”和最后一个“y”都读出来,不要忽略。

9. “hallucinatory”的复数形式为“hallucinatories”,读作/həˈluːsɪnətɔːriz/。

10. 在英国英语中,“hallucinatory”的发音可能会稍有不同,读作/həˈluːsɪneɪt(ə)ri/。

11. 如果你想更准确地了解如何发音,“Google Translate”或其他在线发音工具可以帮助你听到真实的发音。

12. “hallucinatory”的名词形式为“hallucination”,读作/həˌluːsɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n/。它的动词形式为“hallucinate”,读作/həˈluːsɪneɪt/。

13. “hallucinatory”一词通常用于描述某人或某物具有幻觉或幻影的特质。例如:“The drug caused him to have hallucinatory experiences.”(这种药物导致他产生了幻觉体验。)

14. 在医学领域,该词也可以用来指代精神病患者的幻觉症状。例如:“The patient experienced hallucinatory visions during his psychotic episode.”(在他的精神病发作期间,患者经历了幻觉视觉。)

15. 总的来说,“hallucinatory”是一个形容词,它描述了一种虚假的、不真实的感知或体验。它可以用来形容任何具有幻觉特征的事物,从药物到心理状态都可以


1. 什么是hallucinatory?


2. Hallucinatory的发音


3. Hallucinatory和hallucinate有什么区别?


4. Hallucinatory和illusionary有什么区别?


5. Hallucinatory在文学作品中的应用

由于其具有独特性和神秘感,hallucinatory一词经常出现在文学作品中。它可以用来描述主人公的幻想或梦境,也可以用来形容某种神秘的氛围。例如,小说《Alice's Adventures in Wonderland》中就充满了hallucinatory的场景和人物。

6. Hallucinatory在医学领域中的意义


7. Hallucinatory和其他相关词汇



1. 什么是hallucinatory?


2. 如何正确读音?


3. “hallucinatory”的用法

“hallucinatory”通常用来形容产生幻觉的事物或情况。比如:“He experienced hallucinatory effects after taking the drug.”(他在服用药物后经历了幻觉效果。)

4. 双语例句

- The patient reported experiencing hallucinatory visions during his fever.(这位病人报告在发烧期间经历了幻觉。)

- The artist's paintings are known for their hallucinatory quality, making viewers feel like they are in a dream.(这位艺术家的画作以其幻觉般的质感而闻名,让观众感觉像是置身于梦境中。)

- The book is filled with vivid descriptions of the protagonist's hallucinatory experiences while on a journey through the desert.(这本书充满了对主角在穿越沙漠旅行中所经历的幻觉体验的生动描述。)

- Some people believe that the use of certain plants can induce hallucinatory states for spiritual or medicinal purposes.(有些人认为使用某些植物可以诱发幻觉状态,用于精神或医疗目的。)

- The film's special effects were so realistic that they created a hallucinatory experience for the audience.(这部电影的特效非常逼真,给观众带来了幻觉般的体验。)


1. "hallucinatory experience": 幻觉体验

2. "hallucinatory drugs": 致幻药物

3. "hallucinatory visions": 幻觉视觉

4. "hallucinatory state": 幻觉状态

5. "hallucinatory effects": 幻觉效应

6. "hallucinatory trip": 幻觉旅程

7. "hallucinatory sensations": 幻觉感受

8. "hallucinatory perception": 幻觉知觉

9. "hallucinatory images": 幻觉图像

10. "hallucinatory phenomena": 幻觉现象


1. Illusory - 幻觉的,虚幻的

2. Delusional - 妄想的,错觉的

3. Fantastical - 空想的,奇幻的

4. Hallucinogenic - 致幻的,引起幻觉的

5. Phantasmagoric - 幻影般的,怪诞的

6. Visionary - 幻想的,有远见的

7. Dreamlike - 梦幻般的,如梦似幻的

8. Fanciful - 幻想中的,不切实际的

9. Mirage-like - 似海市蜃楼般的,虚假的

10. Unrealistic - 不现实的,荒诞不经的

1. Illusory是hallucinatory最常见且最直接地同义词。它们都指代一种虚假、欺骗性或错觉性质。例如:The drug created an illusory world where everything seemed surreal and distorted.

2. Delusional和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种妄想或错觉。但是delusional更多地指代一种持续的、不可动摇的信念,而hallucinatory则更多地指代一种暂时的、非现实的体验。例如:He was delusional in his belief that he could fly, but after taking the drug, he had a hallucinatory experience of actually flying.

3. Fantastical和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种奇幻或离奇的体验。但是fantastical更多地指代一种想象中的、不切实际的情景,而hallucinatory则更多地指代一种感知上的幻觉。例如:She had a fantastical dream about being in a magical forest, but after taking the drug, she had a hallucinatory experience of actually being in that forest.

4. Hallucinogenic和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种引起幻觉或幻觉性质的物质。但是hallucinogenic更多地指代具有这种作用的药物,而hallucinatory则更多地指代由此产生的体验。例如:The plant is known for its hallucinogenic properties, causing people to have hallucinatory experiences after consuming it.

5. Phantasmagoric和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种幻影般或怪诞的体验。但是phantasmagoric更多地指代具有梦境般特征的、不真实感受,而hallucinatory则更多地指代由此产生的幻觉。例如:The movie created a phantasmagoric world filled with bizarre creatures, and after taking the drug, she had a hallucinatory experience of actually being in that world.

6. Visionary和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种幻想或具有远见的体验。但是visionary更多地指代一种具有启示性或超越现实的体验,而hallucinatory则更多地指代一种非现实的体验。例如:The artist had a visionary experience while creating his masterpiece, but after taking the drug, he had a hallucinatory experience of actually being inside the painting.

7. Dreamlike和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种梦幻般或如梦似幻的体验。但是dreamlike更多地指代一种虚假、不真实的感受,而hallucinatory则更多地指代由此产生的幻觉。例如:She had a dreamlike experience of floating in space, but after taking the drug, she had a hallucinatory experience of actually floating in space.

8. Fanciful和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种幻想中的或不切实际的情况。但是fanciful更多地指代一种荒诞不经或离奇的情况,而hallucinatory则更多地指代由此产生的非现实感受。例如:His fanciful imagination often led him to believe in impossible things, but after taking the drug, he had a hallucinatory experience of actually living in a fantasy world.

9. Mirage-like和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种似海市蜃楼般的或虚假的体验。但是mirage-like更多地指代一种具有欺骗性或不真实性质的感受,而hallucinatory则更多地指代由此产生的幻觉。例如:The desert heat created mirage-like illusions, but after taking the drug, he had a hallucinatory experience of actually seeing an oasis.

10. Unrealistic和hallucinatory都可以用来形容一种不现实或荒诞不经的体验。但是unrealistic更多地指代一种不合理或不可信的情况,而hallucinatory则更多地指代由此产生的非现实感受。例如:Her expectations for love were unrealistic, but after taking the drug, she had a hallucinatory experience of actually finding her perfect match

