
生活学习2024-03-10 22:51:32自考教育网




1. hame的含义


2. hame的同义词


3. hame的例句

- I miss my hame in the countryside.


- She left her hame to pursue her dreams in the city.


- The old man spent his whole life in this hame.


4. 关于hame的更多解释


此外,在苏格兰语中,“hame”也可以作为副词使用,意为“回家”。例如:“I'm going hame now.”(我现在要回家了。)


1. hame的发音


- 听力练习:可以通过听英语母语人士的发音来学习正确的hame发音。

- 发音视频教程:可以通过观看相关的发音视频教程来学习正确的hame发音。

- 口型练习:可以通过模仿母语人士的口型来练习正确地发出hame这个单词。

2. hame怎么读


- 首先读出字母h,其发音为/h/;

- 然后读出字母a,其发音为/eɪ/;

- 最后读出字母m,其发音为/m/。

3. hame同义词及例句



- He put the hames on the horse to control its movements.


- The hames were made of leather and metal.


- The horse was fitted with a new hame and collar.



1. hame的意思是什么?


2. hame的发音及读音


3. hame的同义词


4. hame的例句

(1) She carefully placed the hames on the horse's back before attaching the harness.


(2) The farmer taught his son how to hame a horse for the first time.


5. 如何正确使用hame?


6. 关于hame的其他用法




1. Harness: This word can be used as a synonym for "hame" in the context of horse equipment. It refers to the part of a horse's collar that is attached to the traces (straps that connect the collar to the vehicle).

Example: The harness was made of high-quality leather and was adorned with intricate designs.

2. Collar: In some cases, "collar" can be used as a synonym for "hame". It refers to the part of a horse's harness that fits around its neck.

Example: The collar was too tight and caused discomfort for the horse.

3. Yoke: This word can also be used as a synonym for "hame". It refers to a wooden or metal frame that is placed over the necks of two animals (usually oxen) and attached to a plow or cart.

Example: The yoke was heavy, but the oxen were strong enough to pull it.

4. Traces: In certain contexts, "traces" can be used interchangeably with "hame". It refers to the straps that connect a horse's collar or harness to a vehicle.

Example: The traces were frayed and needed to be replaced.

5. Tug: This word is often used as a synonym for "hame" when referring to one of two straps attached to each side of a collar or harness, used for pulling vehicles.

Example: The tug broke under the weight of the heavy load.

6. Rein: In some cases, "rein" can be used as a synonym for "hame". It refers to one of two straps attached to each side of a bit (a metal mouthpiece) in order to control and guide horses while riding.

Example: She pulled on the left rein, causing her horse to turn left.

7. Straps: This word can also be used as an alternative for "hame". It refers to the long, narrow pieces of leather or other material used for fastening or securing something.

Example: The straps on the saddle were worn and needed to be replaced.

8. Bridle: In certain contexts, "bridle" can be used interchangeably with "hame". It refers to the headgear used to control a horse, consisting of a headstall (part that goes over the head), bit (metal mouthpiece), and reins (straps).

Example: She adjusted the bridle on her horse before riding.

9. Headstall: This word is often used as a synonym for "hame" when referring to the part of a bridle that fits over a horse's head.

Example: The headstall was decorated with silver studs.

10. Bit: In some cases, "bit" can be used as an alternative for "hame". It refers to the metal mouthpiece attached to a bridle, used for controlling horses while riding.

Example: The horse refused to take the bit and had to be coaxed into it


1. In a hame: 在困境中,陷入困境中

例句:She found herself in a hame when her car broke down in the middle of nowhere.

2. Hame and haw: 犹豫不决,犹豫不定

例句:He kept haming and hawing about whether to accept the job offer or not.

3. Hame-handed: 笨手笨脚的,拙劣的

例句:The new employee was very hame-handed and kept making mistakes.

4. Hame-fisted: 笨手笨脚的,粗鲁的

例句:His hame-fisted attempts at fixing the computer only made it worse.

5. Hame-baked: 无知的,愚蠢的

例句:His hame-baked theories were quickly dismissed by the experts.

6. By hook or by hame: 不管怎样,无论如何

例句:We will finish this project by hook or by hame, even if it means working overtime.

7. Hamespun: 简单朴素的,纯朴的

例句:The novel's charm lies in its hamespun storytelling style.

8. To make a hames of something: 把某事搞砸了,把某事搞糟了

例句:He made a complete hames of his presentation and ended up embarrassing himself.

9. Hamesick: 思乡的,想家的

例句:Living away from home for so long, she often felt homesick and missed her family.

10. Hamegrown: 本地出产的,当地的

例句:The restaurant prides itself on using only hamegrown ingredients in their dishes.

11. Hamebrewed: 自制的,家酿的

例句:He offered us some of his hamebrewed beer, which turned out to be surprisingly good.

12. To put the cart before the hame: 本末倒置,把事情搞错了

例句:He always puts the cart before the hame and ends up causing more problems than he solves.

13. Hamespun philosophy: 简单朴素的哲学,纯朴的思想

例句:The old man's hamespun philosophy on life had a profound impact on me.

14. To hang by a single hame: 岌岌可危,岌岌可怕

例句:The company's future hangs by a single hame as they struggle to stay afloat.

15. To be in the same hame as someone: 处于同样的困境中

例句:After losing their jobs, they were all in the same hame and had to find ways to survive together

