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4. Harrowing的含义


5. 发音和同义词


6. 例句


- The survivors of the natural disaster shared their harrowing experiences with the media.


- The harrowing images from the war-torn country shocked the world.


- The harrowing screams of the victims could be heard from miles away.




1. 单词harrowing的发音为[hărō′ĭng],重音在第一个音节。

2. harrowing是形容词,意为“令人痛苦的;令人心碎的”,常用来形容极其恐怖、可怕或令人不安的事物。

3. 同义词有:terrifying、agonizing、distressing、traumatic等。

4. 例句:

- The harrowing screams of the victims echoed through the abandoned building.


- The movie was a harrowing depiction of war and its devastating effects on soldiers.


- She went through a harrowing experience when her car broke down in the middle of the desert.



1. harrowing的意思


2. harrowing的发音


3. 同义词

harrowing的同义词包括:distressing, agonizing, traumatic, terrifying等。

4. harrowing的例句

- The survivors of the plane crash described the harrowing experience of being stranded in the jungle for days.


- The documentary showed the harrowing conditions in which children were forced to work in sweatshops.


5. Harrowing是一个来源于动词"harrow"的形容词,原意为“耙地,耙土”,引申为“折磨,使痛苦”。因此,在使用时也可以根据上下文来理解其含义。

6. Harrowing在双语例句中的使用:

- The refugees' stories were truly harrowing and brought tears to our eyes.


- The harrowing images of war and destruction are a reminder of the horrors of conflict.



1. 惊心动魄的 (heart-stopping)

例如:The movie's harrowing chase scenes had the audience on the edge of their seats.

2. 令人毛骨悚然的 (chilling)

例如:The harrowing descriptions of the crime scene left the detective shaken.

3. 令人恐惧的 (terrifying)

例如:The harrowing screams coming from the haunted house sent shivers down my spine.

4. 痛苦的 (agonizing)

例如:The survivor's harrowing account of her experience in the earthquake brought tears to everyone's eyes.

5. 可怕的 (horrifying)

例如:The news report showed harrowing images of the aftermath of the natural disaster.

6. 难以忍受的 (unbearable)

例如:It was a harrowing experience to watch my loved one suffer from a serious illness.

7. 悲惨的 (tragic)

例如:The novel tells the harrowing story of a family torn apart by war and poverty.

8. 折磨人的 (torturous)

例如:Being stranded in the wilderness for days was a harrowing ordeal for the hikers.

9. 惊险的 (thrilling)

例如:Despite being a bit harrowing at times, bungee jumping was an exhilarating experience for me.

10. 令人恐怖的 (horrific)

例如:The survivors' accounts of their escape from the burning building were truly harrowing


1. Distressing - The movie's harrowing scenes left me feeling emotionally drained.

2. Traumatic - The harrowing experience of surviving a natural disaster can have lasting effects on one's mental health.

3. Terrifying - The harrowing screams coming from the haunted house sent chills down my spine.

4. Disturbing - The novel's harrowing descriptions of war and violence were difficult to read.

5. Heart-wrenching - The documentary told the harrowing stories of refugees fleeing their war-torn countries.

6. Chilling - The reporter's firsthand account of the disaster was a harrowing tale of survival against all odds.

7. Horrifying - The film depicted the harrowing reality of human trafficking in a raw and unflinching manner.

8. Nerve-wracking - The suspenseful plot kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the harrowing thriller.

9. Frightening - The thought of being lost in the wilderness without any supplies was a truly harrowing prospect.

10. Gut-wrenching - The actor's performance in the play was so powerful that it left me with a harrowing sense of sadness and despair

harrowing一词可以用来形容令人痛苦和难受的经历或事件。它的发音为[hăr′ō-ing],读者可以通过这样的发音记忆和学习这个单词。在使用harrowing时,我们可以结合一些常用的词组,如“a harrowing experience”、“a harrowing tale”等,来表达更加精确的含义。此外,harrowing还有一些同义词,如distressing、agonizing、traumatic等,读者可以根据具体语境选择合适的单词。作为网站编辑,我希望通过本文的介绍能够帮助读者更好地理解和运用harrowing这个单词。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣且实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
