
生活学习2024-03-11 05:14:28自考教育网




1. headers的定义


2. headers的解释


3. headers同义词

除了headers之外,还有一些类似的术语也可以被用来描述这种网络通信中的元数据。比如说,在HTTP协议中,headers也被称为“消息头”(message headers)或者“请求头”(request headers)。在其他协议中,headers可能会有不同的名称,但它们所起到的作用都是相似的。

4. headers例句


- 在HTTP请求中,headers用于传输关于请求内容、格式、来源等信息。

- 服务器收到客户端发送过来的请求后会检查其中的headers,并根据其内容做出相应的响应。

- 在网络数据包中,headers包含了关于数据包大小、发送时间、目的地址等信息,这些信息可以帮助网络设备正确地路由和传输数据


1. 发音及读法


2. 同义词


3. 例句

- The headers of this document are very clear and easy to understand.


- Please make sure to include headers for each section in your report.


- The website's headers are not displaying properly on my phone.


4. 解释说明


5. 注意事项


- These headers are too long, we should shorten them.


- The header of this article is missing, can you add it?



1. headers的含义


2. headers的发音


3. headers的同义词

Headers的同义词包括:page header、heading、title等。

4. headers双语例句

- The headers of this document are too large and make it difficult to read.


- The HTTP request must include valid headers in order for the server to process it correctly.



1. Headings

- Meaning: Titles or subtitles that indicate the topic or subject of a text.

- Example: The headings in this report are well-organized and easy to follow.

2. Titles

- Meaning: Names given to literary, artistic, or other works.

- Example: The titles of the books on the shelf caught my attention.

3. Captions

- Meaning: Brief descriptions or explanations accompanying an image or illustration.

- Example: The captions under each photograph provided additional information about the event.

4. Subheadings

- Meaning: Secondary headings that divide a larger section into smaller, more specific parts.

- Example: The subheadings in this article help to break down the main topic into manageable sections.

5. Subject lines

- Meaning: Short phrases used to summarize the content of an email or other electronic communication.

- Example: Make sure your subject line accurately reflects the purpose of your email.

6. Labels

- Meaning: Words or phrases used to identify and categorize items.

- Example: The labels on each folder helped me quickly find the document I was looking for.

7. Section headers

- Meaning: Headings that divide a longer piece of writing into distinct sections.

- Example: Each section header in this research paper corresponds to a different aspect of the topic.

8. Chapter titles

- Meaning: Headings that introduce and summarize the content of a chapter in a book.

- Example: The chapter titles in this novel give readers an idea of what to expect in each section.

9. Main points

- Meaning: Key ideas or concepts presented in a text.

- Example: The main points of this presentation are outlined in bold font for emphasis.

10. Topic sentences

- Meaning: Sentences at the beginning of a paragraph that introduce and summarize its main idea.

- Example: Each paragraph in this essay begins with a clear topic sentence that guides the reader's understanding


1. HTTP headers:HTTP头部,用于在客户端和服务器之间传递信息的元数据。

例句:The HTTP headers contain important information about the request and response.

2. Request headers:请求头部,包含客户端向服务器发送的请求信息。

例句:The request headers include the type of request, content type, and accepted languages.

3. Response headers:响应头部,包含服务器返回给客户端的响应信息。

例句:The response headers include the status code, content type, and cache control directives.

4. User-agent header:用户代理头部,包含浏览器或其他客户端程序的相关信息。

例句:The user-agent header can be used to identify the type of device or browser making the request.

5. Content-type header:内容类型头部,指示响应中所返回内容的类型。

例句:The content-type header for an HTML document is "text/html".

6. Accept header:接收头部,指示客户端能够接收的内容类型。

例句:The accept header can be used to specify that the client only wants to receive JSON data.

7. Cache-control header:缓存控制头部,用于控制缓存行为。

例句:Setting a cache-control header can improve website performance by caching certain resources.

8. Authorization header:授权头部,用于在请求中发送授权凭证。

例句: The authorization header is necessary for accessing protected resources on a server.

9. Cookie header: Cookie头部,包含客户端发送给服务器的Cookie信息。

例句: The cookie header can be used to remember user preferences or login information.

10. Referer header:来源头部,指示请求的来源页面。

例句: The referer header can be used to track the source of website traffic

