
生活学习2024-03-11 05:28:00自考教育网




1. headline的中文翻译是“标题”,是指新闻、文章或广告中最吸引人的部分,通常位于文章开头或页面顶部。

2. headline的同义词包括title、heading、caption等,它们都指代同样的概念。

3. 例如,在一篇新闻报道中,headline可能是“大雨袭击城市,造成严重交通拥堵”,这个标题就能吸引读者的注意力并概括出文章的主要内容。

4. 英语中读作/ˈhedˌlaɪn/,其中h和l发音较轻,重音在第一个e上


1. headline的发音是什么?


2. headline的意思是什么?


3. headline怎么读?


4. headline的同义词有哪些?


5. headline例句:

- The headline of the newspaper caught my attention.


- The headline of the article accurately summarizes its main point.


- The headline of the news is misleading and does not reflect the true story.



1. headline的意思


2. headline的发音


3. headline的同义词


4. headline的例句

(1) The headline of the newspaper caught my attention.


(2) Can you come up with a catchy headline for this article?


(3) The headline accurately summarizes the main point of the news.


(4) She always reads the headlines before reading the entire article.


(5) The newspaper editor decided to change the headline to make it more eye-catching.


5. 如何使用headline

a. 作名词时,可以用来指代新闻报道中最重要、最引人注目的部分。

b. 作动词时,可以用来描述给文章或新闻加上标题,或用标题来概括内容。

6. 如何写出独特的headline

a. 要注意使用吸引人的词汇,如“惊人的”、“令人震惊的”、“独家报道”等。

b. 可以使用问句来吸引读者的注意力。

c. 保持简洁,尽量用少数词语来概括主要内容。

d. 要符合新闻报道的风格,避免夸张和虚假宣传。

7. headline在新闻报道中的重要性



1. Headline的意思

- Headline的含义:标题,新闻标题,大字标题

- Headline的解释:指在新闻、文章或广告中最突出、最重要的部分,通常用较大的字体来显示,以吸引读者的注意力。

- Headline的同义词:title, heading, caption, banner

2. Headline怎么读

- Headline发音:/ˈhedlaɪn/

- Headline音标:[hed-lahyn]

3. 同义词及例句

- Title: 标题

例句:The headline of this article is very eye-catching. (本次介绍的标题非常吸引人。)

- Heading: 标题

例句:The heading of the report summarizes the main points. (报告的标题总结了主要内容。)

- Caption: 字幕,说明文字

例句:The caption under the photo explained the scene in detail. (照片下方的说明文字详细解释了场景。)

- Banner: 横幅,广告语

例句:The banner on the website caught my attention immediately. (网站上的横幅立刻吸引了我的注意力。)

4. 更多短语搭配

- Catchy headline: 引人注目的标题

例句:A catchy headline can make a big difference in attracting readers to an article. (一个引人注目的标题可以在吸引读者阅读一篇文章方面起到很大作用。)

- Headline news: 头条新闻

例句:The headline news today is about the upcoming election. (今天的头条新闻是关于即将到来的选举。)

- Headline story: 主要故事

例句:The headline story of the day was the celebrity's sudden death. (当天的主要故事是这位名人突然去世。)

- Headline grabbing: 引人注目的

例句:The headline grabbing performance of the young actor catapulted him to fame. (年轻演员引人注目的表现让他一夜成名。)

- Above the headline: 标题上方

例句:There was a photo above the headline that caught my attention. (标题上方有一张照片吸引了我的注意力。)

5. 使用Headline的句子

- The headline of this newspaper article is misleading and does not accurately reflect the content.


- The headline on this advertisement caught my eye and I ended up buying the product.


- The news channel's constant use of sensational headlines has caused a lot of controversy.



1. Title

例句:The title of the article caught my attention immediately.

2. Heading

例句:The heading of the news report was misleading.

3. Banner

例句:The banner on the website was eye-catching.

4. Caption

例句:The caption of the photograph explained the scene perfectly.

5. Subject line

例句:The subject line of the email was intriguing.

6. Label

例句:The label on the product clearly stated its ingredients.

7. Tagline

例句:The tagline for the new product was memorable and effective.

8. Slogan

例句:The company's slogan is "Quality first, always."

9. Masthead

例句:The masthead of the newspaper displayed today's date.

10. Lead-in

例句:The lead-in to the article summarized its main points.

11. Headline news

例句:The headline news of the day was about a major political scandal.

12. Top story

例句:The top story on the evening news was about a natural disaster.

13. Main story

例句:The main story in the magazine was an interview with a famous celebrity.

14. Breaking news

例句: The breaking news about a terrorist attack shocked everyone.

15. News flash

例句: The news flash interrupted our TV show with an urgent announcement

