
生活学习2024-03-11 06:04:18自考教育网



What does "healthy" mean?

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a. 身体健康

首先,“healthy”最常见的含义是指身体健康。这包括身体器官功能正常、没有患上任何疾病或受到伤害等方面。例如:“She is a healthy woman with no medical issues.”(她是一个身体健康、没有任何医疗问题的女性。)

b. 心理健康

除了身体上的健康,心理上的健康也是“healthy”的重要含义之一。这指一个人具有良好的心理状态,没有受到压力、焦虑或抑郁等负面情绪的影响。例如:“It's important to take care of your mental health and stay healthy.”(关心自己的心理健康并保持良好状态是很重要的。)

c. 生活习惯健康

除了身体和心理,生活习惯也是“healthy”的重要组成部分。这指一个人具有健康的生活方式,如均衡饮食、适量运动、规律作息等。例如:“I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising regularly.”(我通过饮食均衡、经常运动来保持健康的生活方式。)

4. 同义词及例句


- "She is a fit and healthy woman."(她是一个身体健康、强壮的女性。)

- "He is well both physically and mentally."(他在身体和心理上都很健康。)

- "The baby's lungs sound healthy."(宝宝的肺部听起来很健康。)


How do you pronounce "healthy"?

Are you tired of struggling with the pronunciation of the word "healthy"? Don't worry, you're not alone. With its silent "h" and tricky "th" sound, this word can be quite confusing for non-native English speakers. But fear not, I'm here to help you out. In this article, we'll explore the meaning of "healthy", how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples to help you better understand and use this word.

1. What does "healthy" mean?

To put it simply, "healthy" means being in good physical or mental condition. It is often used to describe someone who is fit and well, both physically and mentally. For example: "I feel healthy after starting a new exercise routine."

2. How do you pronounce "healthy"?

The correct pronunciation of "healthy" is /ˈhelθi/. The first sound is a silent "h", so make sure not to pronounce it like /he/ as in "hello". The second sound is the tricky part - it's a combination of /th/ as in "think" and /i/ as in "ski". So when saying the word, your tongue should touch your upper teeth while making a hissing sound like /thi/. Practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until you get it right!

3. Synonyms for "healthy"

There are many words that have similar meanings to "healthy". Some examples include:

- Fit: physically strong and healthy

- Robust: strong and full of energy

- Vigorous: strong and active

- Wholesome: promoting good health

- Sound: in good condition

4. Examples using "healthy"

Here are some sentences with the word "healthy" to help you understand its usage better:

- Eating fruits and vegetables is important for maintaining a healthy diet.

- Regular exercise is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

- He has a healthy appetite and can eat a lot without gaining weight.

- The doctor said I have a clean bill of health, which means I'm healthy.

- Mental health is just as important as physical health.

So there you have it - the meaning of "healthy", how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples to help you remember and use this word. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until you feel confident in your pronunciation. Stay healthy!

Usage and examples of "healthy"

1. What does "healthy" mean?

- "Healthy" means being in good physical, mental, and emotional condition.

- It can also refer to something that promotes or supports overall well-being.

2. How do you pronounce "healthy"?

- The word is pronounced as "hel-thee."

3. Synonyms for "healthy"

- Some synonyms for "healthy" include: fit, robust, vigorous, strong, and sound.

- Other related words include: wholesome, well, and hearty.

4. Examples of usage

- Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

- The doctor said that my blood pressure and cholesterol levels are healthy.

- Spending time outdoors is good for your mental health.

- The company promotes a healthy work-life balance for its employees.

5. Idioms using the word "healthy"

- There are many idioms that use the word "healthy," such as:

- A healthy dose: a sufficient amount of something

- A clean bill of health: confirmation of being in good health

- In good health: being physically fit and well

- Healthy competition: fair and positive competition

6. Common mistakes when using "healthy"

- Using the word as an adverb instead of an adjective (e.g. saying "eat healthy" instead of "eat healthily")

- Confusing it with the word "healthful," which means promoting good health (e.g. saying "a healthful diet" instead of "a healthy diet")

In conclusion, understanding the meaning and proper usage of the word "healthy" is important in promoting overall well-being in our daily lives. Remember to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health to live a truly healthy life!

Phrases with "healthy"

1. "Fit and healthy": This phrase is often used to describe someone who is physically and mentally well.

Example: "She exercises regularly and eats well, so she's always fit and healthy."

2. "Healthy lifestyle": This refers to a way of living that promotes good health, such as regular exercise, balanced diet, and avoiding harmful habits.

Example: "I've started following a healthy lifestyle by going to the gym and eating more fruits and vegetables."

3. "In good health": This phrase means to be in a state of good physical or mental condition.

Example: "Despite her age, she's still in good health and can do all her daily activities without any problems."

4. "Healthy habits": These are actions or behaviors that contribute to overall well-being.

Example: "One of the keys to maintaining a healthy weight is having healthy habits like drinking plenty of water and getting enough sleep."

5. "Healthy mindset": This refers to having a positive attitude towards life, which can improve overall health.

Example: "She's always happy and optimistic, which helps her maintain a healthy mindset even during difficult times."

6. "Healthy balance": This phrase means finding a middle ground between extremes, especially when it comes to diet or exercise.

Example: "It's important to have a healthy balance between work and personal life for better overall health."

7. "Healthy dose": This refers to an appropriate or beneficial amount of something.

Example: "A little bit of stress can be good for you, but too much is not a healthy dose."

8. "Healthy competition": This describes friendly rivalry that motivates individuals or teams to improve themselves.

Example: "Our company encourages healthy competition among employees as it leads to increased productivity and innovation."

9. "Healthy environment": This phrase means creating surroundings that promote physical and mental well-being.

Example: "We need to take care of our planet for a healthy environment for future generations."

10. "Healthy relationship": This refers to a positive and supportive connection between individuals.

Example: "Communication and trust are essential for a healthy relationship, whether it's with friends, family, or romantic partners."

Synonyms for "healthy" with examples

1. Synonyms for "healthy"

- Fit: physically strong and healthy

Example: She is very fit, she exercises regularly and eats a balanced diet.

- Robust: strong and healthy, able to withstand difficult conditions

Example: The robust athlete completed the marathon with ease.

- Vigorous: full of physical or mental strength and energy

Example: He leads a vigorous lifestyle, always participating in outdoor activities.

- Thriving: growing or developing well and vigorously

Example: The plants in my garden are thriving thanks to the healthy soil.

- Wholesome: promoting health or well-being of the body and mind

Example: The doctor recommended a wholesome diet for overall health.

- Sound: free from injury or disease, in good condition

Example: After a thorough check-up, the doctor declared her sound and healthy.

- Robustious: full of vigor and strength, sturdy

Example: The robustious child was always running around and playing outside.

- Hale: strong and healthy, especially in old age

Example: Despite his age, he remains hale and hearty.

- Salubrious: promoting health or well-being

Example: The mountain air is known for its salubrious effects on the body.

- Flourishing: growing or developing successfully, thriving

Example: The company is flourishing thanks to its healthy financial management.

2. Examples of "healthy" in sentences:

1) Eating fruits and vegetables every day is essential for maintaining a healthy diet.

2) Regular exercise is important for keeping your body healthy.

3) She has a robust immune system that fights off any sickness quickly.

4) He leads a vigorous lifestyle which includes daily workouts at the gym.

5) The thriving economy has led to an increase in job opportunities.

6) A wholesome breakfast consisting of whole grains, fruits, and protein will keep you energized throughout the day.

7) After months of treatment, the patient's sound health was a relief to everyone.

8) The robustious puppy was full of energy and always ready to play.

9) Despite his age, the hale old man still goes for daily walks.

10) The salubrious climate of the coastal town attracted many tourists

In conclusion, "healthy" is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts. It can refer to physical, mental, or emotional well-being, and it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in all aspects of our lives. Remember, health is wealth!
