
生活学习2024-03-11 06:18:03自考教育网


Introduction to the meaning of heartache






Heartache读作[hɑːrt eɪk],其中“h”发音时要带有气息,“e”发音要轻一些,“a”发音要长一些。“t”的发音要略微重一些,“k”发音要清晰。



- My heart aches for her loss.(我的心为她的损失而痛苦。)

- The heartache of losing a loved one is indescribable.(失去所爱的人的心痛是无法言表的。)

- He couldn't bear the grief of his best friend's betrayal.(他无法忍受最好的朋友背叛带来的悲伤。)

- The sorrow in her eyes was evident.(她眼中的悲哀是显而易见的。)

Pronunciation of heartache

1. What does heartache mean?

Heartache refers to emotional or physical pain that one experiences in their heart, often caused by a deep sense of sadness, loss, or longing.

2. How do you pronounce heartache?

Heartache is pronounced as "hahrt-eyk" with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for heartache

Some synonyms for heartache include sorrow, grief, anguish, and pain.

4. Examples of using heartache in a sentence

- The breakup caused her so much heartache that she couldn't focus on anything else.

- My grandfather's passing left a deep sense of heartache in our family.

- It's heartbreaking to see someone you love go through such intense heartache.

- The loss of his job brought about a great deal of financial and emotional heartache for John.

In conclusion, heartache can be described as a feeling of intense sadness or pain in one's heart. It can be pronounced as "hahrt-eyk" and is often associated with words like sorrow, grief, and anguish. Heartache can be experienced in various situations and can have a profound effect on an individual's emotions

Usage and examples of heartache

Heartache is a common term that we often hear in songs, movies, and conversations. But what does it really mean? How do you pronounce it? And are there any other words that can be used to express the same feeling? In this section, we will explore the usage and examples of heartache.

1. What does heartache mean?

Heartache is a noun that refers to emotional pain or distress caused by love or loss. It can also be used to describe a physical sensation of tightness or discomfort in the chest area. For example, "She felt a sharp heartache when she saw her ex-boyfriend with his new girlfriend."

2. How do you pronounce heartache?

Heartache is pronounced as "hɑːrt-eɪk" with the stress on the first syllable. It is important to note that the "t" in "heart" is silent.

3. Synonyms for heartache

Heartache can also be expressed using other words such as sorrow, grief, anguish, misery, and pain. For instance, "He was filled with sorrow and heartache after his father's passing."

4. Examples of using heartache in sentences

- "Her heart ached every time she thought about her long-distance relationship."

- "The breakup caused him immense heartache."

- "The loss of her beloved pet brought her great heartache."

- "It's hard to watch someone you love go through so much heartache."

- "He tried to numb his heartache with alcohol."

In conclusion, heartache is a powerful word that captures the intense emotions associated with love and loss. Its usage can vary from describing emotional pain to physical discomfort in the chest area. Knowing how to use it correctly and understanding its synonyms can help you express your feelings more accurately in English. So next time you feel a pang of sadness or discomfort in your chest, remember that it's just another form of heartache

Synonyms for heartache and their usage in sentences

1. Synonyms for heartache

- Heartbreak

- Sorrow

- Grief

- Sadness

- Misery

- Agony

- Pain

2. Usage in sentences:

- She felt a deep heartache when she heard the news of her grandmother's passing.

- The heartache of losing a loved one is indescribable.

- His heartache was evident in the way he avoided talking about his failed relationship.

- The heartache of rejection can be overwhelming.

- The heartache caused by the loss of their home in the fire was immense.

- She couldn't bear the thought of causing her parents any more heartache.

- The heartache of losing a pet can be just as painful as losing a family member.

3. Synonyms for "heartbreak"

- Despair

- Anguish

- Distress

- Devastation

4. Usage in sentences:

- The heartbreak she felt when her best friend betrayed her was unbearable.

- He couldn't handle the heartbreak of losing his dream job.

- The heartbreak caused by their breakup was too much for her to handle.

- She tried to hide her feelings of heartbreak, but it was written all over her face.

5. Synonyms for "sorrow"




6. Usage in sentences:

-The sorrow she felt after losing her job was overwhelming.

-His sorrow over his father's death never truly went away.

-The weight of sorrow seemed to crush her every time she thought about her failed marriage.

7. Synonyms for "grief"




8. Usage in sentences:

-The grief she experienced after the death of her husband consumed her every waking moment.

-Her grief over the loss of her unborn child was too much for her to bear alone.

9. Synonyms for "sadness"




10. Usage in sentences:

-The sadness she felt after her breakup was palpable.

-His sadness over the loss of his childhood home was evident in his voice.

11. Synonyms for "misery"




12. Usage in sentences:

-She couldn't escape the misery of her past mistakes.

-His misery over his financial struggles was evident in the way he carried himself.

13. Synonyms for "agony"




14. Usage in sentences:

-The agony she felt when she lost her job was unbearable.

-His agony over the loss of his best friend was too much for him to handle.

15. Synonyms for "pain"




16. Usage in sentences:

-The pain of betrayal was too much for her to bear.

-He tried to hide the pain he felt from his chronic illness, but it was evident in his tired eyes

