
生活学习2024-03-11 07:45:58自考教育网



1. 定义和词性

- 名词:heighten


- 动词:heighten (第三人称单数形式:heightens;过去式:heightened;过去分词:heightened;现在分词:heightening)

2. 字义解释

- 名词:指高度或程度增加的过程或结果。

- 动词:使高度或程度增加,提高,增强。

3. 同义词

- increase: 增加,增长,扩大

- elevate: 提升,抬高,提高

- intensify: 加强,强化,增强

4. 例句

- The construction of the new tower will heighten the skyline of the city.


- The recent events have only served to heighten tensions between the two countries.


- The company plans to heighten security measures in light of recent cyber attacks.



1. 发音:[hahy-tuh n]

2. 读法:在发音上,"heighten"的第一个音节"h"发音为清辅音,接着是元音"a"的短促发音,最后是清辅音"t"和鼻化元音"n"的结合。整个单词的发音需要快速而流畅地将这些音节连接起来。

3. 音标:/ˈhaɪtən/

4. 同义词:增加、提高、升高、加强

5. 例句:

- The company plans to heighten its production capacity in order to meet the increasing demand.


- The intense competition has heightened the need for innovation in the industry.


- The government has implemented policies to heighten security measures in public places.


- The tension between the two countries is heightening with each passing day.



1. heighten的意思


2. heighten的读音


3. 同义词及例句

- Synonyms of Heighten: enhance, intensify, strengthen, boost, escalate, amplify

- Example sentences:

1) The use of bright colors can heighten the overall effect of the painting.

2) The new security measures will help to heighten the safety of our building.

3) The company is looking for ways to heighten customer satisfaction.

4) The tension in the room was heightened by the sudden entrance of the boss.

5) The smell of freshly baked bread always seems to heighten my appetite.

4. Heighten的用法


5. Heighten与其他单词搭配使用

- Heightened awareness: 增强意识

- Heightened emotions: 激烈的情绪

- Heightened sensitivity: 增强敏感性

- Heightened security: 加强安全措施

- Heightened tension: 加剧紧张气氛

6. Heighten的常见搭配短语

- Heighten one's senses: 增强感官

- Heighten one's awareness: 提高意识

- Heighten one's expectations: 提高期望值

- Heighten the intensity: 加强强度

- Heighten the effect: 增强效果


1. Increase

- 例句:The company plans to increase its production capacity next year.


2. Enhance

- 例句:The new software is designed to enhance user experience.


3. Intensify

- 例句:The storm is expected to intensify in the next few hours.


4. Raise

- 例句:The government plans to raise taxes in order to fund social programs.


5. Amplify

- 例句:The microphone was used to amplify the speaker's voice.


6. Heighten

- 例句:The tension between the two countries has heightened in recent weeks.


7. Intensify

- 例句:His efforts to intensify his workout routine paid off when he won the race.


8. Augment

- 例句:She decided to augment her income by taking on a part-time job.


9. Boost

- 例句:A new marketing strategy was implemented to boost sales.


10. Intensify

- 例句:The medication is known to intensify the side effects of other drugs.




1. 增加:指增加某物的数量、程度或强度。例如:The company plans to heighten its production capacity next year. (公司计划明年提高生产能力。)

2. 提高:指改善或增强某种情况、状况或水平。例如:The new policy aims to heighten the quality of education in rural areas. (新政策旨在提高农村地区的教育质量。)

3. 加强:指使某物变得更有力量、更有效率或更有影响力。例如:The team needs to heighten their defense tactics in order to win the game. (为了赢得比赛,球队需要加强他们的防守战术。)

除了以上含义之外,heighten还可以作为形容词使用,表示“更高的”、“更大的”、“更强烈的”。例如:The mountain climbers faced the challenge of reaching the heightened peak. (登山者面临着攀登那座更高峰的挑战。)

除了heighten之外,也可以使用其他同义词来表达类似的意思,如increase、enhance、strengthen等。例如:The government plans to increase funding for healthcare in order to enhance the quality of life for its citizens. (政府计划增加医疗保健的资金,以提高公民的生活质量。)

