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4. 含义


5. 发音


6. 同义词及例句

- He is the heir to his father's business and will take over the company when he retires.


- The prince is the heir apparent to the throne and will become king one day.


- She is the only child and will inherit all of her parents' wealth as their sole heir.



1. 发音和读法


2. 词源解析


3. 同义词


4. 例句

- He is the rightful heir to the throne. (他是王位的合法继承人。)

- The young prince is the sole heir to his father's fortune. (这位年轻的王子是父亲财富的唯一继承人。)

- She is the heir to her family's legacy of philanthropy. (她是家族慈善事业遗产的继承人。)

5. 衍生词

- Heiress:女性继承人

- Heirloom:传家宝,世袭财产

6. 使用场景


7. 拓展阅读


- “The Heir Apparent: A Life of Edward VII, the Playboy Prince” by Jane Ridley

- “Heirs of the Founders: The Epic Rivalry of Henry Clay, John Calhoun and Daniel Webster, the Second Generation of American Giants” by H.W. Brands

- “The Heir Affair (The Royal We #2)” by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan


1. heir的意思


2. heir的发音


3. heir的同义词


4. heir的用法示例

- He is the sole heir to his father's fortune. (他是他父亲遗产的唯一继承人。)

- The queen's eldest son is the heir to the throne. (女王长子是王位的继承人。)

- She was named as the rightful heir to her grandfather's estate. (她被认定为祖父财产的合法继承人。)

5. 双语例句

- The prince is the sole heir to the throne, as he is the only son of the king.


- According to his will, his daughter will be his sole heir and inherit all of his properties.


- The company's CEO has named his successor as the official heir to take over the business.


- The young prince was trained from a young age to prepare him for his future role as heir to the throne.



1. Successor

同义词:heir apparent, inheritor, descendant, beneficiary

例句:The prince is the heir to the throne and will become king when his father passes away.

2. Inheritor

同义词:heir, recipient, legatee, devisee

例句:The young girl was the sole inheritor of her wealthy grandfather's estate.

3. Descendant

同义词:offspring, progeny, scion, successor

例句:The family's lineage can be traced back to their famous ancestor who was a descendant of royalty.

4. Beneficiary

同义词:recipient, heir, legatee, inheritor

例句:The charity organization was named as the beneficiary in the will of a wealthy philanthropist.

5. Legatee

同义词:heir, inheritor, recipient, devisee

例句:The artist's son was named as the sole legatee of his father's paintings and sculptures.

6. Devisee

同义词:heir, recipient, inheritor, legatee

例句:The lawyer informed the family that they were named as devisees in their late relative's will.

7. Next in line

同义词:successor, heir apparent,next heir,next of kin

例句: The company's CEO is retiring and his son is next in line to take over the business.

8. Heiress (female)

同义词: heiress apparent,inheritor,beneficiary,descendant

例句: The heiress to the fortune of her late father is known for her extravagant lifestyle.

9. Scion (male)

同义词: descendant,offspring,successor,progeny

例句: The young scion of the wealthy family is expected to take over the family business in the future.

10. Replacement

同义词: successor,substitute,stand-in,alternate

例句: The company quickly found a replacement for their CEO who unexpectedly resigned


1. 不继承者:heir的反义词可以是“不继承者”,即那些没有被指定为继承人的人。例如,他的兄弟姐妹都不愿意成为他的继承人,因此他只能将财产留给其他人。

2. 失业者:在某些情况下,heir的反义词可以是“失业者”,即那些没有被指定为继承人,也没有自己的工作或收入来源的人。例如,他是家里唯一的孩子,但由于缺乏工作能力,无法成为父母财产的继承人。

3. 放弃者:有时候,heir的反义词可以是“放弃者”,即那些主动放弃继承权利或财产继承权利的人。例如,他对家庭财产不感兴趣,在父母去世后主动放弃了自己作为唯一继承人的权利。

4. 剥夺者:在某些情况下,heir的反义词可以是“剥夺者”,即那些被剥夺了继承权利或财产继承权利的人。例如,在遗嘱中明确规定剥夺了某个孩子的继承权利,因此他不再是heir。

5. 无关者:有时候,heir的反义词可以是“无关者”,即那些与遗产或财产没有任何关系的人。例如,他是一个远房亲戚,与遗产主人没有任何血缘关系,因此不能成为heir

heir是指继承人,通常指的是某个家族中的下一代或接班人。它的发音为/er/,读作“air”。在使用中,我们可以说“The eldest son is the heir of the family.”(长子是这个家族的继承人)。同义词有successor、inheritor等。相反地,反义词则有predecessor、ancestor等。通过了解heir的含义和用法,我们可以更好地理解它在英语中的应用场景,并且更加准确地表达自己的意思。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣且实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
