help yourselves是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-11 08:31:44自考教育网

你是否曾经在英语学习中遇到过“help yourselves”这个标题?它究竟意味着什么呢?或许你已经听说过它,但并不清楚它的词性和发音。那么,让我们一起来探索一下吧!在本文中,我将为你介绍“help yourselves”的定义和用法,并且给出一些例句和翻译。此外,还会分享一些常用的短语和搭配词汇,以及它的同义词和近义词示例。相信通过阅读本文,你将对“help yourselves”有更深入的理解,并能够更加自信地运用它。现在就让我们开始吧!

help yourselves是什么意思

help yourselves的词性和发音

1. 词性:help yourselves是一个动词短语,由动词help和代词yourselves构成。

2. 发音:help [help], yourselves [jɔːrˈselvz]

3. 动词help的意思是“帮助”,表示为“帮助某人做某事”。而代词yourselves则是复数形式的自己,表示为“你们自己”。

4. 因此,help yourselves的意思就是“自己帮助自己”或者“你们自己帮助你们自己”。它可以用来指导别人做某事,也可以表示一种亲切的邀请或提醒。

5. 例如,在餐桌上,您可能会听到主人说:“请随意用餐,help yourselves。”这句话的意思是让客人自由享用食物。

6. 或者,在一个团队合作的环境中,您可能会听到领导者说:“我们都很忙,请大家互相帮助吧,help yourselves。”这句话则是指导团队成员相互协作完成任务。

7. 在英语口语中,help yourselves也可以用来表示一种友好的邀请或提醒。例如,在朋友聚会上,您可能会听到朋友说:“有点心吗?请随便拿,help yourselves。”这句话的意思是让大家自由享用零食。

8. 最后,help yourselves也可以用来表达一种自我提醒的方式。例如,当您在做某件事情时,可能会对自己说:“我必须要多加努力,只有自己帮助自己才能成功,I have to help myself, help yourselves。”

9. 总的来说,help yourselves是一个非常常用的英语短语,在不同的语境下具有不同的含义。它既可以指导他人行动,也可以表示一种友好的邀请或提醒,同时也可以作为一种自我激励的方式。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解和运用这个短语

help yourselves的定义和用法

help yourselves指的是自己帮助自己,也可以解释为自给自足。在英语中,这个短语通常用于鼓励他人去做某件事情,而不是依赖别人的帮助。

1. 常用于口语:help yourselves是一种非正式的表达方式,在日常口语中经常被使用。例如,在朋友聚会上,主人可能会说“help yourselves to some food”(随意吃点东西)来邀请客人享用食物。

2. 自助服务:在餐厅或者酒店中,我们也经常可以看到“help yourself”(自取)的标志。这意味着顾客可以自行取用食物或者服务,而不需要等待服务员。

3. 自我解决问题:当我们遇到困难或者问题时,有时候别人的帮助并不能解决一切。这时候,我们就需要自己动手去解决问题,即“help yourselves”。这也体现了一种积极乐观的态度和独立思考能力。

4. 指导别人:除了表示鼓励和提供选择外,“help yourselves”也可以被用来指导别人做某件事情。例如,在工作场合,老板可能会说“you need to help yourselves and come up with a solution”(你们需要自己想办法解决问题)来鼓励员工独立思考和解决问题的能力

help yourselves的例句和翻译

1. "Please help yourselves to some snacks and drinks." (请自取一些小吃和饮料。)

2. "The restaurant has a self-service system, so you can just help yourselves to the food." (这家餐厅有自助服务系统,你们可以自己取食物。)

3. "We have prepared a variety of desserts for you to help yourselves after dinner." (晚餐后我们为您准备了各种甜点,您可以自己取用。)

4. "You don't need to wait for me, just help yourselves and start eating." (你们不需要等我,可以自己开始吃。)

5. "The buffet allows guests to help themselves to unlimited amounts of food." (自助餐允许客人无限制地取用食物。)


1. "Please help yourselves to some snacks and drinks." (请自取一些小吃和饮料。)

2. "The restaurant has a self-service system, so you can just help yourselves to the food." (这家餐厅有自助服务系统,你们可以自己取食物。)

3. "We have prepared a variety of desserts for you to help yourselves after dinner." (晚餐后我们为您准备了各种甜点,您可以自己取用。)

4. "You don't need to wait for me, just help yourselves and start eating." (你们不需要等我,可以自己开始吃。)

5. "The buffet allows guests to help themselves to unlimited amounts of food." (自助餐允许客人无限制地取用食物。)

help yourselves常用短语和搭配词汇

1. Help yourselves to (something):自取(某物)

例句:Please help yourselves to some snacks on the table.

2. Help yourself (to something):随意取用(某物)

例句:Feel free to help yourself to some drinks in the fridge.

3. Help oneself (to something):自己取用(某物)

例句:You can help yourself to anything in the kitchen.

4. Help yourself (to something):请便,随意

例句:Help yourself to a seat, we'll be starting the meeting soon.

5. Take/Grab/Get something for oneself:为自己拿(某物)

例句:I'll go and grab some water for myself, do you want anything?

6. Serve oneself (with something):给自己盛(某物)

例句:Please serve yourselves with some food from the buffet.

7. Make/get/help oneself (to something):给自己准备/拿/取用(某物)

例句:You can make yourself a cup of tea if you'd like.

8. Do it by oneself/on one's own/himself/herself/themselves: 自己做

例句: He always likes to do things by himself without any help.

9. Take care of oneself: 照顾好自己

例句: She's old enough to take care of herself now.

10. Look after oneself: 照顾好自己

例句: Don't worry about me, I can look after myself just fine.

11. Pick out/Choose for oneself: 自己挑选

例句: I'll let you pick out your own outfit for the party.

12. Help oneself to (something):自己享用(某物)

例句:You can help yourself to some dessert after dinner.

13. Allow oneself:允许自己(做某事)

例句:I'll allow myself a piece of cake as a treat.

14. Take it upon oneself: 自己承担

例句:He took it upon himself to organize the event.

15. Do something for oneself: 为自己做某事

例句:She's always doing things for herself, she's very independent.

16. Give (someone) a hand: 帮助(某人)

例句:Can you give me a hand with these boxes?

17. Lend (someone) a hand: 帮助(某人)

例句:I'll lend you a hand with your project if you need it.

18. Offer (someone) a hand: 提供帮助给(某人)

例句:She offered me a hand when I was struggling with my work.

19. Help (someone) out: 帮助(某人)

例句:I need someone to help me out with this difficult task.

20. Come to someone's aid/rescue: 前来帮助/救援

例句:The lifeguard came to the drowning swimmer's rescue just in time

help yourselves的同义词和近义词示例

1. Serve yourself

- 同义词:help yourself, take for yourself, get for yourself

- 近义词示例:You can serve yourself some food from the buffet table. (你可以从自助餐桌上为自己取些食物。)

2. Help yourselves to

- 同义词:take, grab, have

- 近义词示例:Help yourselves to some drinks from the fridge. (请从冰箱里拿些饮料。)

3. Take what you want

- 同义词:help yourselves, feel free to take, go ahead and take

- 近义词示例:Take what you want from the selection of desserts. (从甜点选择中随便拿吧。)

4. Get whatever you need

- 同义词:take what you need, help yourselves to what you need, feel free to get what you need

- 近义词示例:Get whatever you need from the supply cabinet. (从储藏柜中拿你需要的东西。)

5. Serve yourself up

- 同义词:help yourself to something, get something for oneself, take something for oneself

- 近义词示例:Serve yourself up a plate of food from the counter. (从柜台上为自己盛一盘食物。)

help yourselves是一个非常常用且实用的短语,它可以用来表达“自己动手”、“随便用”等含义。希望通过本文的介绍,读者们能够更加清楚地理解help yourselves的含义和用法,并在日常生活中灵活运用。作为网站的编辑,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识和信息,喜欢就关注我吧!谢谢阅读!
