
生活学习2024-03-11 08:41:20自考教育网





首先,help可以作为动词使用,表示“帮助”、“协助”。例如,“Can you help me with my homework?”(你能帮我做作业吗?)此外,help还可以表示“有用”、“有益”,如“I hope this information is helpful to you.”(希望这些信息对你有用。)

其次,help也可以作为名词使用,表示“帮助”、“援助”。例如,“I need your help to carry these boxes.”(我需要你的帮助搬这些箱子。)此外,help还可以指“服务员”、“帮手”,如“The restaurant has friendly and efficient help.”(这家餐厅有友好高效的服务员。)

另外,在口语中,help还可以作为感叹词使用,表示惊讶、吃惊或赞叹。例如,“Help! I can't believe it!”(天哪!我简直不敢相信!)

除了以上提到的意思之外,help还有一些同义词,比如assist、aid、support等,它们都可以表示“帮助”。例如,“My friends always assist me when I need help.”(当我需要帮助时,我的朋友总是会帮助我。)

1. Can you help me find my keys?(你能帮我找到我的钥匙吗?)

2. The volunteers are providing help to the flood victims.(志愿者们正在为水灾受害者提供帮助。)

3. Help! I need somebody!(救命啊!我需要有人帮忙!)

4. My sister is always there to support and help me.(我的妹妹总是在那里支持和帮助我。)



1. "help"的读音


2. "help"的意思


- Can you help me with this math problem?(你能帮我解决这道数学题吗?)

- The doctor helped the injured man to the hospital.(医生将受伤的男子送到了医院。)

- I need someone to help me move this heavy box.(我需要有人来帮我搬这个重箱子。)


- Thank you for your help.(谢谢你的帮助。)

- I need your help to finish this project.(我需要你的帮助来完成这个项目。)


- May I help you with your coat?(我可以帮你脱外套吗?)

- The waiter helped us choose the best wine for our meal.(服务员帮我们选择了最好的葡萄酒来搭配我们的餐点。)

3. "help"的同义词

- Assist:帮助、协助

- Aid:援助、帮助

- Support:支持、帮助

- Aid in:协助、帮助

- Serve:服务、帮助

4. "help"的例句

- Can you help me carry these bags?(你能帮我拿这些袋子吗?)

- The charity organization provides help to those in need.(慈善组织向有需要的人提供援助。)

- I'm happy to help you with your English homework.(我很乐意帮你做英语作业。)

- The new technology can greatly help improve our work efficiency.(这项新技术可以大大提高我们的工作效率。)


1. help的意思是帮助,支持,协助。它可以作为动词和名词使用,具体用法如下:

- 动词:帮助;协助;支持

- 名词:帮助;援助;救命

2. help的发音为/ˈhɛlp/,读音为[help]。

3. help的同义词有:

- assist:帮助,协助

- aid:援助,救援

- support:支持,支撑

4. 以下是一些关于help的双语例句:

- Can you help me with this project?(你能帮我完成这个项目吗?)

- I need your help to carry this box.(我需要你的帮助来搬运这个盒子。)

- Thank you for your help.(谢谢你的帮忙。)

- The charity organization provides help for the homeless people.(慈善组织为无家可归的人提供援助。)

- She is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need.(她总是乐于伸出援手帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

5. 除了以上常见用法外,help还有一些常见的短语搭配:

- help out:帮忙,协助

- ask for help:寻求帮助

- cry for help:呼救

- help oneself:自己动手

- help with:帮助做某事


1. Lend a hand:帮助,协助

例句:Could you lend me a hand with carrying these boxes?

2. Give a hand:帮忙,支持

例句:We all need to give a hand to those in need.

3. Be of assistance:提供帮助,协助

例句:I am always willing to be of assistance to my friends.

4. Offer aid:提供援助

例句:The Red Cross is offering aid to the victims of the natural disaster.

5. Come to someone's rescue:救援某人

例句:The lifeguard came to the swimmer's rescue when he got caught in a rip current.

6. Pitch in:加入,贡献力量

例句:Let's all pitch in and help clean up the park.

7. Extend a helping hand:伸出援手,帮忙

例句:The community extended a helping hand to the family who lost their home in the fire.

8. Be there for someone:支持某人,帮助某人

例句:I will always be there for you, no matter what happens.

9. Give support:给予支持,支撑

例句: The team gave their full support to their captain during the game.

10. Offer a shoulder to cry on: 给予倾诉的肩膀,倾听和安慰他人的困难或悲伤。

例句: Whenever I feel down, my best friend is always there with a shoulder to cry on


1. Assist

例句:I need someone to assist me with this project.

2. Aid

例句:The organization provided aid to the victims of the natural disaster.

3. Support

例句:My friends always support me when I need help.

4. Assistance

例句:The government offers financial assistance to low-income families.

5. Service

例句:The hotel provides excellent service to their guests.

6. Relief

例句:The Red Cross provided relief to the victims of the earthquake.

7. Aid in

例句:Can you aid in organizing the event?

8. Help out

例句:Could you help out with cleaning up after the party?

9. Give a hand

例句:My neighbor always gives a hand when I need help with my car.

10. Lend a hand

例句:I'll be happy to lend a hand with your move next weekend.

11. Supportive

例句:My family is very supportive of my career choices.

12. Assistive

例句:The technology is designed to be assistive for people with disabilities.

13. Beneficial

例句:Learning another language can be beneficial for your career prospects.

14. Useful

例句:These tips are really useful for improving your writing skills in English.

15. Valuable

例句:The training program was valuable in preparing me for my new job.

16. Handy

例句: This app is really handy for keeping track of your expenses while traveling abroad

help是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是帮助、协助。读音为[hɛlp]。在双语例句中,我们可以看到help的灵活运用,它可以作为动词、名词和感叹词。除了常见的用法外,还有一些常用的help词组,比如“ask for help”、“offer help”等等。如果你想要表达同样的意思,还可以使用synonym替换,比如assist、aid、support等。希望本文能够帮助到你学习和使用这个实用的单词。我是网站编辑小张,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!祝愿大家在学习英语的路上都能得到有效的帮助!
