
生活学习2024-03-11 08:49:44自考教育网






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3. 内容精准详细

1. 定义及其来源


2. heme怎么读


3. heme同义词及例句





1. heme的发音


2. heme的同义词


3. heme在日常生活中的应用


4. heme的例句

- The heme in our body plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen to our cells.


- The steak was cooked perfectly, with just the right amount of heme to give it a juicy flavor.


- Some people believe that using cosmetics with heme can improve their skin's appearance.



1. heme的含义


2. heme的发音


3. heme的同义词


4. heme在句子中的使用示例

- The function of heme is to transport oxygen in the blood.


- Heme is a crucial component of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells.


5. 同义词hematin和haematin在句子中的使用示例

- Hematin is a form of heme that is found in the liver and bone marrow.


- Haematin is essential for the proper functioning of red blood cells.



1. Heme group: 血红素组

2. Heme protein: 血红素蛋白质

3. Heme synthesis: 血红素合成

4. Heme oxygenase: 血红素氧合酶

5. Heme biosynthesis: 血红素生物合成

6. Heme metabolism: 血红素代谢

7. Heme degradation: 血红素降解

8. Heme iron: 血红素铁

9. Non-heme iron: 非血红素铁

10. Heme-binding domain: 血红素结合结构域


1. Hemoglobin

- Definition: a red protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates

- Example sentence: The heme group in hemoglobin is what gives blood its red color.

2. Iron protoporphyrin IX

- Definition: a compound containing iron and a porphyrin ring, found in heme proteins

- Example sentence: Iron protoporphyrin IX is an important component of heme, which plays a crucial role in oxygen transport.

3. Porphyrin

- Definition: any of various compounds containing four pyrrole rings, found in heme and chlorophyll

- Example sentence: Heme is a type of porphyrin that is essential for the functioning of hemoglobin.

4. Ferroprotoporphyrin IX

- Definition: another name for iron protoporphyrin IX, used to distinguish it from other forms of protoporphyrin with different metal ions

- Example sentence: The ferroprotoporphyrin IX in heme is what binds to oxygen molecules for transport.

5. Blood pigment

- Definition: any substance that gives color to blood, such as hemoglobin or myoglobin (another type of heme protein)

- Example sentence: The presence of heme makes hemoglobin the main blood pigment responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body.

6. Iron-porphyrin complex

- Definition: a compound formed when iron binds to a porphyrin molecule, found in heme proteins such as hemoglobin and myoglobin

- Example sentence: The iron-porphyrin complex in heme allows for efficient oxygen transportation in the body.

7. Hemin

- Definition: an iron-containing compound derived from heme, used as a laboratory reagent and medication for certain types of anemia

- Example sentence: Hemin is often used to treat individuals with iron-deficiency anemia, as it provides the necessary iron for heme production.

8. Protoporphyrin

- Definition: a compound containing a porphyrin ring without any metal ions, found in heme precursors and some enzymes

- Example sentence: Protoporphyrin is converted into heme through a series of chemical reactions in the body.

9. Porphobilinogen

- Definition: an intermediate compound in the synthesis of heme, produced from porphobilinogen deaminase

- Example sentence: A deficiency in porphobilinogen deaminase can lead to an accumulation of porphobilinogen and result in a type of anemia called acute intermittent porphyria.

10. Heme biosynthesis

- Definition: the process by which cells synthesize heme from simpler molecules, involving several enzymatic steps

- Example sentence: Heme biosynthesis is a complex process that requires multiple enzymes and cofactors to produce functional heme proteins

