hen 是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-11 08:55:53自考教育网


hen 是什么意思


1. hen的拼音是"hěn"。

2. "hen"是一个汉语词语,在汉语中有多种含义,主要有以下几种解释:

a. 作为量词,表示很多、许多。例如:“这里有很多人(hěn duō rén)。”

b. 作为形容词,表示坏、不好。例如:“这个饭菜很坏(hěn huài)。”

c. 作为副词,表示非常、极其。例如:“这个电影很好看(hěn hǎo kàn)。”

d. 作为名词,指一种动物,即母鸡。例如:“农村养了很多鸡(hěn duō jī)。”

3. 在英语中,"hen"也可以指母鸡的意思。

4. 此外,在瑞典语中,“hen”是一个性别中立的代词,用来代替男性和女性的称呼。它的出现旨在消除性别歧视。

5. 在网络用语中,“hen”也有一种特殊含义,指代那些不愿意透露自己性别的人。这种用法起源于瑞典,并在国际上得到了广泛传播。

6. 总的来说,“hen”是一个非常常见且多义的汉语词语,在不同的语境中可以有不同的含义。因此,在使用时需要根据具体情况来理解其意思。

7. “hen”也可以作为一个单独的词,用来表示惊讶、赞叹、或者是对某件事情的肯定。例如:“哇,这个项目做得真好(hen棒)!”“我听说他考了满分,太厉害了(hen厉害)!”

8. 总的来说,无论是在汉语中还是在其他语言中,“hen”都是一个非常常见且多义的词语,我们需要根据具体语境来理解其含义。希望本小节能够帮助您更好地理解“hen”的拼音和含义


1. hen的发音


2. hen的词性


3. hen的意思


4. hen在英语中的常见用法

a. Hen party:指女子聚会或婚前派对,在美国也被称为bachelorette party。

b. Mother hen:指照顾他人、保护他人或关心他人的女性。这个短语通常用来形容某人对朋友或家人特别关心和照顾。

c. Hen house:指养鸡场或养鸡棚。

d. Henpecked:指受到妻子严厉控制、管束、欺负的男人。这个短语通常带有贬义含义。

5. hen与其他相关词汇

a. Chicken:泛指所有种类的鸡,包括公鸡和母鸡。它也可以用来形容某人胆小、懦弱。

b. Poultry:指家禽,包括鸡、鸭、火鸡等。它也可以用来指家禽肉类。

c. Rooster:指公鸡,与hen相对应。

d. Chick:指小鸡,也可以用来泛指年轻女性或女孩。

6. hen的常见短语

a. Like a hen with her head cut off:形容某人手忙脚乱、慌乱或不知所措的样子。这个短语源自杀死母鸡时它们的反应。

b. Don't count your chickens before they hatch:意思是在事情发生前不要过早乐观,类似于中文的“不要过早下结论”。

c. A mother hen:形容某人特别关心和照顾他人的样子,与Mother hen短语类似


1. Hen的含义


2. Hen在双语例句中的用法

a. As a noun, hen refers to a female chicken or any other female animal.


b. As an adjective, hen describes certain feminine traits such as gentleness and kindness.


c. As a verb, hen means the action of laying eggs by a female chicken.


d. She is such a hen, always taking care of everyone around her.


e. The farmer's hens lay fresh eggs every day.


f. He is henpecked by his wife and always does what she says.


g. The hen was clucking happily after laying her eggs.


3. Hen的幽默用法



- John is henpecked by his wife, he has to do whatever she says.


- He's such a hen, always doing everything his girlfriend asks him to do.




1. hen party - 一场女性朋友们的聚会,通常在新娘结婚前举办,也被称为bachelorette party。

2. mother hen - 女性朋友中的领袖,通常是组织者或最亲密的朋友。

3. henpecked - 被妻子控制的男性,常被用来形容某些男性在婚姻中缺乏主导权。

4. free-range hens - 放养的母鸡,指那些可以自由走动和吃草的鸡。

5. henhouse - 母鸡舍,指供母鸡生活和产蛋的房屋。

6. mother hen instinct - 母鸡本能,指母鸡对自己孩子的保护和照顾。

7. broody hen - 产蛋欲强的母鸡,指那些一直想孵化蛋而不愿意离开它们的母鸡。

8. henpecked husband - 被老婆管得服服帖帖的丈夫。

9. henna tattoo - 种有浓缩叶汁染色剂花纹的纹身,在印度文化中常用来装点新娘手臂和脚背。

10. mother hen syndrome - 母鸡综合症,指那些过度保护和干涉孩子生活的母亲


1. Fowl - This is a common synonym for hen, especially when referring to a female chicken. It can also be used to describe other types of female birds, such as ducks or geese.

2. Pullet - This term is used to describe a young hen that has not yet reached maturity. It can also refer to a small or undersized hen.

3. Biddy - This is a slang term for a hen, often used in a humorous or affectionate way. It can also refer to an old or bossy hen.

4. Broody - This word describes a hen that is sitting on her eggs in order to hatch them. It can also be used to describe someone who is excessively worried or anxious.

5. Hen bird - This term is commonly used in the UK and Ireland to refer to a female bird, particularly chickens and game birds.

6. Layer - A layer is a hen that has been specifically bred for egg production. This term can also be used more generally to describe any hen that lays eggs regularly.

7. Mother hen - This phrase describes someone who takes care of others in a protective and nurturing manner, similar to how a mother hen cares for her chicks.

8. Poultry - While this term refers to all domesticated birds raised for their meat, eggs, or feathers, it can also specifically refer to hens as they are one of the most common types of poultry.

9. Rooster's mate - This phrase is often used when talking about hens in relation to roosters, their male counterparts.

10. She-bird - Similar to "hen bird," this term specifically refers to female birds and can be used interchangeably with "hen."

11. Chook - A slang term commonly used in Australia and New Zealand for chicken, including hens.

12. Cluckers - Another slang term for hens that refers to the sound they make when laying eggs or calling their chicks.

13. Flock mistress - This term is used to describe a female chicken that leads a group of hens, similar to how a rooster leads a flock of chickens.

14. Ladybird - This term is used in the UK and Ireland to refer to a female bird, including hens.

15. Henwife - Historically, this term was used to describe a woman who raised and cared for hens, but it can also be used more generally to refer to any woman who keeps poultry.

16. Bantam hen - Bantams are small breeds of chickens, and the term "bantam hen" specifically refers to female bantam chickens.

17. Hen mother - Similar to "mother hen," this phrase describes someone who takes care of others in a nurturing manner, like how a hen cares for her chicks.

18. Pullet breeder - This term refers to someone who breeds and raises young hens for egg production.

19. Broiler hen - This term refers to hens that have been specifically bred for meat production rather than egg production.

20. Lady chicken - Similar to "ladybird," this term is used in the UK and Ireland to refer to female chickens, including hens

