
生活学习2024-03-11 08:59:10自考教育网





所以,当你在阅读英语文章时遇到"hence"这个词,它通常用来表示某件事情的原因或结果。比如,"The weather is nice, hence we decided to go for a picnic."(天气很好,因此我们决定去野餐。)

除了表示原因和结果之外,"hence"还可以用来表示时间上的推断。例如:"He left early, hence he must have arrived on time."(他早早就走了,所以他肯定准时到达了。)


1. Therefore:I didn't study hard, therefore I failed the exam.(我没有认真学习,所以考试没通过。)

2. Thus:The restaurant is closed, thus we have to find another place to eat.(餐厅关门了,因此我们得找别的地方吃饭。)

3. Consequently:He didn't listen to my advice, consequently he made the same mistake again.(他不听我的建议,结果又犯了同样的错误。)


1. hence的意思


2. 发音及拼写


3. 同义词

除了hence之外,还有一些其他可以替换它的同义词。例如:therefore、thus、consequently、as a result等。这些词都可以表示“因此”、“所以”的意思。

4. 例句解析


例句1:He was sick, hence he couldn't come to the party.


解析:这个句子中,“hence”连接了两个原因和结果之间的关系。“he was sick”是导致“he couldn't come to the party”的原因。

例句2:She is a hardworking student, hence she always gets good grades.


解析:这个句子中,“hence”表示因果关系,表明“she is a hardworking student”的结果是“she always gets good grades”。

例句3:I don't like spicy food, hence I didn't order the curry.


解析:这个句子中,“hence”表达了主观的原因和结果之间的关系。“I don't like spicy food”是导致“i didn't order the curry”的原因。

5. 注意事项


(1) hence通常用来连接两个句子或者短语,如果只有一个句子,则不需要使用它。

(2) hence表示的是结果,所以它通常放在句子的末尾。

(3) 为了避免重复使用同一个词,可以将hence放在句首,后面再接上一个逗号。例如:Hence, she decided to quit her job


1. hence的意思及读音


2. 同义词

hence的同义词包括therefore, thus, consequently等。

3. hence的用法

a. 作为副词,hence可以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。例如:

- He is sick, hence he cannot come to the party.


- The weather is bad, hence we have to cancel the outdoor event.


- She is very intelligent, hence she always gets good grades.


b. 作为连词,hence连接两个句子,表示因果关系。例如:

- She loves animals, hence she volunteers at the local shelter.


- He didn't study for the test, hence he failed it.


c. 作为名词时,hence可用于句子开头,并且通常与from连用。例如:

- Hence from the above analysis, we can conclude that...


- Hence, we need to find a solution to this problem.


4. 双语例句

- The company has been losing money for years, hence the need for drastic changes in management.


- She is very busy with work, hence she doesn't have much free time.


- The restaurant had terrible service, hence we won't be going back there again.


- He didn't listen to my advice, hence the consequences are on him.



1. henceforth

- 同义词:from now on, from this point on, in the future

- 例句:Henceforth, we will be implementing stricter rules in the workplace.

2. henceforward

- 同义词:from now on, from this point on, in the future

- 例句:Henceforward, all employees must attend mandatory training sessions.

3. henceforwardmore

- 同义词:from now on, from this point on, in the future

- 例句:Henceforwardmore, we will be focusing on improving our customer service.

4. for this reason

- 同义词:therefore, as a result, consequently

- 例句:We have received numerous complaints about your behavior and for this reason, we have decided to terminate your employment.

5. thus

- 同义词:hence, therefore, consequently

- 例句:The company has been facing financial difficulties and thus, we have had to cut down on expenses.

6. accordingly

- 同义词:consequently, as a result, therefore

- 例句:The project has been delayed and accordingly, the deadline has been extended.

7. as a consequence of

- 同义词: due to, because of

- 例句: As a consequence of his reckless actions, he was fired from his job.

8. as a result of

- 同义词: due to,because of

- 例句: The road was closed as a result of heavy snowfall.

9. for that reason

- 同义词: therefore,thus,consequently

- 例句: The company's profits have been declining for several years and for that reason, they have decided to restructure.

10. on account of

- 同义词: because of,due to

- 例句: On account of the bad weather, the event had to be cancelled.

11. by reason of

- 同义词: because of,due to

- 例句: The meeting was postponed by reason of the chairman's absence.

12. in consequence

- 同义词: as a result,consequently

- 例句: The company's reputation has been damaged and in consequence, they have lost many clients.

13. ergo

- 同义词:therefore, hence, thus

- 例句:The company's profits have been decreasing and ergo, they have had to lay off some employees.

14. whence

- 同义词:from where, from which

- 例句:I cannot remember whence I put my keys.

15. thence

- 同义词:from there, from that place

- 例句:The road leads thence to the beach


1. Therefore

- 同义词:thus, consequently, accordingly

- 例句:He didn't study for the exam, hence he failed.

2. Thus

- 同义词:therefore, hence, consequently

- 例句:The company has been losing money for years, thus it is now bankrupt.

3. Consequently

- 同义词:therefore, as a result, hence

- 例句:She forgot to set her alarm clock and consequently overslept.

4. Accordingly

- 同义词:therefore, thus, hence

- 例句:The weather forecast predicts heavy rain, accordingly we should bring umbrellas.

5. As a result

- 同义词:consequently, therefore, hence

- 例句:He didn't listen to the instructions and as a result got lost in the forest.

6. So

- 同义词:therefore, thus, hence

- 例句:She missed her flight so she had to book another one for the next day.

7. For this reason

- 同义词: therefore, thus,hence

- 例句: He is allergic to peanuts and for this reason he can't eat peanut butter.

8. That's why

- 同义词: therefore,hence

- 例句: She forgot her homework and that's why she got a low grade on the assignment.

9. Ergo

- 同义词: therefore,hence

- 例句: The company's profits have been decreasing every year and ergo they had to cut costs by laying off employees.

10. In consequence

-同义词: consequently,hence

-例句: He was caught cheating on the test and in consequence he received a failing grade

