
生活学习2024-03-11 09:12:05自考教育网



Introduction to the meaning of hens

1. What are hens?

Hens are female chickens that are typically raised for their eggs or meat. They are a domesticated species and have been bred and raised by humans for thousands of years.

2. How do you pronounce "hens"?

The word "hens" is pronounced as [henz], with a short "e" sound and a soft "s" sound at the end.

3. Synonyms for hens

Some common synonyms for hens include chickens, fowl, pullets, and broilers. These terms can be used interchangeably to refer to female chickens.

4. Example sentences using "hens"

- The farmer had a flock of hens that produced fresh eggs every morning.

- We saw a group of hens wandering around the farmyard.

- The restaurant served a delicious dish made with free-range hens.

- The children were excited to collect eggs from the henhouse.

- The farmer separated the roosters from the hens to avoid fighting.

5. The role of hens in agriculture

Hens play an important role in agriculture as they provide a steady supply of eggs and meat for consumption. They are also used in pest control, as they eat insects and weeds that can damage crops.

6. Hens in different cultures

In many cultures, hens hold symbolic significance and are often associated with fertility, motherhood, and nurturing. In Chinese culture, the rooster and hen represent yin and yang respectively, symbolizing balance and harmony.

7. Fun facts about hens

- Hens have excellent eyesight and can see colors better than humans.

- They communicate with each other through more than 30 different vocalizations.

- A group of hens is called a brood or flock.

- Hens can lay up to 300 eggs per year.

- In some countries, such as India, cows are considered sacred but hens are not, leading to a higher consumption of chicken and eggs.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, hens are female chickens that are an important part of agriculture and have cultural significance in many societies. They provide us with eggs and meat, and also play a role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Their gentle nature and unique characteristics make them fascinating creatures to learn about

Pronunciation of hens

1. Introduction to hens

Hens are domesticated birds that are commonly raised for their eggs and meat. They belong to the subspecies of the red junglefowl and are closely related to other domesticated fowl such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks. Hens have been domesticated for thousands of years and can now be found all over the world.

2. Pronunciation of hens

The word "hens" is pronounced as /hɛnz/ with a short "e" sound in the first syllable and a silent "s" at the end. The phonetic transcription for hens is /hɛnz/.

3. Meaning of hens

Hens refer to female chickens that are over one year old, while younger female chickens are called pullets. The term can also be used more broadly to refer to any female bird, especially those that lay eggs.

4. Synonyms for hens

Some common synonyms for hens include:

- Chickens: This term is often used interchangeably with hens, but it can also refer to male chickens or roosters.

- Fowl: This refers to any type of domesticated bird, including chickens, ducks, turkeys, etc.

- Poultry: This term refers to domesticated birds that are raised for their meat or eggs.

- Layers: This term specifically refers to hens that are kept for their egg-laying abilities.

5. Example sentences using hens

- The farmer has a large flock of hens that produce fresh eggs every day.

- Hatching chicks from eggs laid by our own hens has been a rewarding experience.

- I prefer the taste of free-range hen's eggs over store-bought ones.

- My grandmother used to keep a few pet hens in her backyard for their cheerful clucking sounds.

- The farmer separates the roosters from the hens to prevent any fighting.


In conclusion, hens are domesticated birds that are commonly raised for their eggs and meat. Their pronunciation is /hɛnz/ and they can also be referred to as chickens, fowl, poultry, or layers. Hens have been an important part of human agriculture for thousands of years and continue to be a valuable source of food for many people around the world

Usage and examples of hens in sentences


1. Hens lay eggs every day, which is why they are often referred to as the "egg-laying machines" on the farm.

2. The farmer had a flock of hens that provided him with fresh eggs every morning.

3. The children were excited to visit the henhouse and collect the eggs laid by the hens.

4. Some people believe that hens are smarter than we give them credit for, as they have been known to solve puzzles and even play games.

5. Hens are also used in traditional Chinese medicine for their perceived health benefits.

6. In some cultures, hens are seen as symbols of fertility and motherhood.

7. The hen fiercely protected her chicks from any potential danger, showing her strong maternal instincts.

8. Hens are social animals and enjoy being in groups, often forming close bonds with other hens in their flock.

9. The farmer feeds his hens a healthy diet of grains and vegetables to ensure they produce high-quality eggs.

10. Hens come in a variety of breeds, each with their own unique characteristics and egg-laying abilities.

11. In many rural areas, it is common for families to keep a few hens in their backyard for a steady supply of fresh eggs.

12. The sound of a rooster crowing can often be heard on farms where there are also hens present.

13. Hens have been domesticated for thousands of years and have played an important role in human agriculture and food production.

14. When raising chickens for meat, only male chickens (known as roosters) are typically used, as they grow larger and faster than hens.

15. The hens were happily pecking at the ground, searching for insects and seeds to eat

Phrases with hens

1. "Counting your chickens before they hatch" - 预测结果之前过早乐观。

例句:Don't start spending your bonus yet, you're counting your chickens before they hatch.

2. "Nest egg" - 储蓄或投资的积蓄。

例句:She's been saving up for years and now she has a nice nest egg for retirement.

3. "Like a hen with her head cut off" - 慌乱或不知所措。

例句:After the fire alarm went off, everyone was running around like hens with their heads cut off.

4. "Nesting instinct" - 孕妇为准备宝宝而产生的欲望。

例句:She's been cleaning and organizing the nursery all week, it must be her nesting instinct kicking in.

5. "Henpecked" - 被妻子管制的丈夫。

例句:He used to be such a confident man, but now he's just a henpecked husband.

6. "Fighting like cats and dogs" - 彼此争吵不休。

例句:Those two are always fighting like cats and dogs, I don't know how they're still together.

7. "A mother hen" - 对他人关心备至的人。

例句:She's always checking up on us and making sure we're okay, she's like a mother hen.

8. "A chicken or egg situation" - 无法确定哪个是原因,哪个是结果。

例句:We can't decide if we need more customers to make more money or if we need more money to attract more customers, it's a chicken or egg situation.

9. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" - 不要过早乐观。

例句:I know you're excited about the job offer, but don't count your chickens before they hatch.

10. "Free-range" - 自由放养的。

例句:These eggs are from free-range hens, they're much healthier than regular eggs

Synonyms for hens with examples

1. Synonyms for hens

- Chickens

- Fowls

- Poultry birds

2. Examples:

- The farm had a variety of hens, including Rhode Island Reds and Leghorns.

- She keeps a flock of hens for their eggs.

- The farmer raised both hens and roosters on his farm.

3. Definition of hens

Hens are female chickens that are kept for their eggs or meat. They typically have shorter combs and smaller wattles compared to roosters, and their feathers tend to be less colorful.

4. How to pronounce "hens"


5. Synonyms explained:

a) Chickens - This is the most commonly used synonym for hens as chickens are the most popular poultry birds raised for their meat and eggs.

b) Fowls - This term refers to any domesticated bird, but it is often used interchangeably with chickens.

c) Poultry birds - This is a broader term that includes all domesticated birds raised for their meat, eggs, or feathers.

6. Examples explained:

a) Rhode Island Reds - This is a specific breed of chicken known for its large brown eggs and excellent meat quality.

b) Leghorns - Another breed of chicken known for its white eggs and high egg production rate.

c) Flock - A group of hens is referred to as a flock, similar to how a group of sheep is called a herd.

7. Why use synonyms?

Using synonyms can help add variety to your writing and make it more interesting to read. It also shows your command over the language by using different words with similar meanings.

8. Conclusion:

In conclusion, hens are female chickens that are kept for their eggs or meat. Some common synonyms include chickens, fowls, and poultry birds. By using synonyms in your writing, you can make it more engaging and demonstrate your language skills

