
生活学习2024-03-11 09:33:20自考教育网



1. herb是指植物中具有药用或调味作用的部分,通常指叶子、茎、花等。


2. herb的读音为/ərb/,与单词"earth"的发音相似。

3. herb的同义词包括:草药、香草、植物等。

4. 例句:I love cooking with fresh herbs, they add so much flavor to the dish.(我喜欢用新鲜的香草烹饪,它们给菜肴增添了很多味道。)




除了基本发音外,我还想和大家分享一些关于herb同义词及例句。如果你喜欢尝试新鲜食物,你可能会知道herbs指的是那些用于调味料理的植物叶子和茎。那么,在这种情况下,我们可以用其他单词来替代herbs吗?当然可以!一些常见的同义词包括spices、seasonings、flavors等。例如,你可以说"I added some spices to the soup to enhance the flavor."(我在汤里加了一些香料来增添味道。)

除了食物方面,herb还可以指代草药或是中草药。在这种情况下,我们可以用medicine、remedy等单词来替代。比如,你可以说"My grandmother always uses natural remedies like herbs to treat her illnesses."(我的祖母总是使用像草药这样的天然疗法来治疗她的疾病。)


1. herb的意思


2. herb的发音


3. herb的同义词

- plant:植物,通常指非木质植物;

- greenery:绿色植被;

- foliage:叶子,通常指树木的叶子。

4. herb的例句

- I love cooking with fresh herbs from my garden.


- This tea is made from a blend of different herbs.


- The doctor recommended taking this herb to help with my insomnia.


5. 使用herb作为动词


- You should herb the chicken before roasting it.


6. herb的相关短语

- herb garden:草本植物园,指种植草本植物的花园;

- herb tea:草本茶,指由草本植物制作的茶;

- herbal medicine:草药,指用于治疗疾病的草本植物


1. Plant: Herb is a type of plant that is used for medicinal or culinary purposes.

例句:Rosemary is a popular herb used in cooking.

2. Greenery: Herb can also refer to the green, leafy part of a plant.

例句:The herb in my garden is growing well this year.

3. Spice: In cooking, herbs are often referred to as spices and are used to add flavor to dishes.

例句:Cilantro is a common spice used in Mexican cuisine.

4. Seasoning: Similar to spices, herbs can also be called seasonings and are used to enhance the taste of food.

例句:Basil is a great seasoning for pasta dishes.

5. Aroma: Herbs are known for their pleasant smells and can be described as having a strong aroma.

例句:The aroma of fresh mint fills the kitchen when I make tea.

6. Flavoring: Just like seasonings, herbs can also be used as flavorings in cooking and baking.

例句:Thyme is a popular flavoring for roasted meats.

7. Medicinal plant: Some herbs have healing properties and are referred to as medicinal plants.

例句:Chamomile is a well-known medicinal plant that can help with relaxation and sleep.

8. Remedy: Herbs can also be considered remedies for various ailments or health issues.

例句:Ginger is often used as a natural remedy for stomach pain or nausea.

9. Botanical: Herb can be used as an adjective to describe something related to plants or botany.

例句:I am studying the botanical properties of different herbs for my research project.

10. Herbaceous: This word describes plants with soft stems that die down at the end of the growing season, such as most herbs.

例句:The herbaceous plants in my garden are easy to maintain and add a pop of color


1. 草药 (herbal medicine)

2. 香草 (vanilla)

3. 草本植物 (herbaceous plant)

4. 药草 (medicinal herb)

5. 芳香植物 (aromatic plant)

6. 香料 (spice)

7. 植物精油 (plant essential oil)

8. 天然草本产品 (natural herbal product)

9. 植物提取物 (plant extract)

10. 花草茶 (herbal tea)

herb是一种草本植物,常用于调味和药用。它的发音为[hɜːb],读作“herb”。在英语中,有许多同义词可以替代herb,如草药(herbal)、香料(spice)等。除了以上介绍的内容外,还有许多与herb相关的词汇和短语,如herbal tea(草本茶)、herbal medicine(草本药物)等。希望通过本文的介绍,能够帮助大家更好地了解和使用herb。最后,在此我作为网站编辑表示非常感谢您的阅读,并欢迎您关注我们网站的更多精彩内容。我是网站编辑,喜欢就关注我吧!
