
生活学习2024-03-11 09:39:12自考教育网



1. hereafter的定义



2. hereafter的读音


3. hereafter的同义词

- In the future:在将来

- From now on:从现在开始

- Henceforth:今后

- In the coming days/years:未来几天/年

4. hereafter的例句

- Hereafter, I will make sure to check my work before submitting it.


- The company has decided to change its business strategy hereafter.


- Hereafter, all employees must attend the monthly meetings.


5. 衍生词汇


- He believed in a peaceful hereafter.


6. 经典引用


7. 用法小贴士

Hereafter通常用于正式场合,表示将来发生的事情。在口语中,我们通常使用“from now on”或“in the future”来表达类似的意思


1. hereafter的意思


2. hereafter的读音


3. hereafter的同义词

- in the future:表示将来某个时间或事件。

- from now on:表示从现在开始。

- henceforth:表示从此时起。

- thereafter:表示在那之后。

- subsequently:表示随后。

4. hereafter的例句

1) I will study hard and get good grades hereafter.


2) Hereafter, I will never trust him again.


3) From now on, we will have to work harder to achieve our goals.


4) Henceforth, we will implement a new policy to improve our company's performance.


5) Thereafter, the company experienced a significant increase in sales.


6) Subsequently, they decided to expand their business overseas.


hereafter是一个表示将来时间或事件的英语单词,读音为/ˌhɪərˈæftər/,可以用作副词或名词。它的同义词有in the future、from now on、henceforth、thereafter和subsequently。以上是关于hereafter怎么读的详细解释及相关例句,希望能够帮助您更好地理解和使用这个词汇


1. hereafter的意思是“今后,此后”,是由here和after两个词组合而成,表示将来的时间。

2. 在口语中,hereafter通常被缩写为hereaft,读作/ˌhɪərˈæft/。

3. 同义词包括:in the future, from now on, henceforth等。

4. 例句1:We will discuss the details of the project hereafter.


例句2:From hereafter, you are responsible for your own actions.


例句3:Hereaft, we will focus on improving our product quality.



1. In the future

- 同义词:henceforth, from now on, subsequently

- 例句:Hereafter, I will make sure to double check all the details before submitting the report.

2. From this point forward

- 同义词:hereon, henceforward, hereinafter

- 例句:Hereafter, we will be implementing a new policy to improve our customer service.

3. In the coming days/years

- 同义词:in the future, in time to come, in the long run

- 例句:Hereafter, we can expect to see significant changes in the economy.

4. In the afterlife

- 同义词:in the hereafter, in the next world, in the hereinafter

- 例句:Many religions believe that our actions here on earth will determine our fate in the hereafter.

5. In future generations

- 同义词:for posterity, for generations to come, for future reference

- 例句:We must preserve these historical artifacts for future generations to appreciate and learn from hereafter.

6. From now on and forevermore

- 同义词: henceforward and forevermore, henceforth and for all time

- 例句: The new law will be enforced hereafter and forevermore to ensure safety for all citizens.

7. Beyond this life

- 同义词: in eternity, in the afterlife

- 例句: Many people find comfort in believing that their loved ones are at peace in the hereafter.

8. For all subsequent events

- 同义词: from this point on

- 例句: Hereafter, all meetings will be held virtually due to current circumstances


1. In the future: 从今以后,hereafter

- Example: Hereafter, I will make sure to double check my work before submitting it.

2. Afterwards: 之后,hereafter

- Example: We can discuss the details hereafter.

3. Subsequently: 随后,hereafter

- Example: The company experienced a decline in profits and subsequently had to lay off employees.

4. Later on: 后来,hereafter

- Example: Later on, we realized that we had made a mistake in our calculations.

5. From now on: 从现在开始,hereafter

- Example: From now on, I will prioritize my health and well-being over work.

6. In the coming days/weeks/months/years: 在未来的几天/几周/几个月/几年里,hereafter

- Example: In the coming months, we hope to expand our business internationally.

7. In the aftermath: 在事后,hereafter

- Example: In the aftermath of the hurricane, many people were left without homes or basic necessities.

8. In the long run: 长期来看,hereafter

- Example: It may seem like a small decision now, but it could have a big impact in the long run.

9. Eventually: 最终,hereafter

- Example: Eventually, we were able to resolve our differences and become good friends again.

10. Hereinafter (formal): 以下(正式用语),hereafter

- Example:Hereinafter referred to as "the company", XYZ Corporation will be known as "the company" for the rest of this document

