
生活学习2024-03-11 09:43:53自考教育网



1. here的定义



2. here的意思


3. here怎么读


4. here同义词及例句

(1) 同义词:in this place, at this location, at this point, in this spot, in this area

例句:I live here. (我住在这里。)

Please come here. (请到这里来。)

The book is here on the table. (书在桌子上。)

(2) 同义词:now, at present, at the moment, currently

例句:I'm busy right now, can we talk later? (我现在很忙,我们可以晚点再谈吗?)

At present, I am not able to make a decision. (目前我还不能做出决定。)

(3) 同义词:in this regard, with respect to this

例句:In this regard, we need to consider all the options. (在这方面,我们需要考虑所有的选择。)

With respect to this matter, I think we should consult our supervisor first. (关于这件事,我认为我们应该先咨询一下主管。)

Here是一个常用的英语单词,在不同的语境中可以作为名词、副词和介词使用。它的意思主要是指“此处”、“在这里”或“到这里”,可以用来表示位置或方向。除此之外,它还可以作为连接词使用。在发音上,需要注意/i:/发长音,/ə/发短音。与here意思相近的同义词有"in this place"、"now"和"in this regard"等


1. 发音:here的发音为/hɪər/,其中/hɪə/为元音音素,/r/为辅音音素。在英语中,h字母通常不发音,因此读作/iər/。

2. 读法:here是一个单词,可以独立地读作“here”,也可以作为句子中的副词使用。在句子中,它通常放在动词之后,用来表示地点或位置。

3. 同义词:here的同义词包括:in this place, at this location, at this point等。这些同义词都可以用来表示“在这个地方”、“在这个位置”、“在这一点上”的意思。

4. 例句:

a. Here is your coffee.


b. I left my keys here yesterday.


c. Come here and sit next to me.


d. The book you are looking for is here.


e. I can't find my phone, maybe it's here somewhere.



1. here的意思是“在这里”,指的是当前所处的位置或地点。例如:I am here now.(我现在在这里。)

2. here的同义词有“in this place”、“at this location”等,可以根据语境选择使用。例如:I am waiting for you here/in this place/at this location.

3. 在口语中,常常会把here缩写为“'ere”,表示更加随意和非正式的语气。例如:Come 'ere, let me show you something.(过来,让我给你看点什么。)

4. 在英语中,here还有其他一些常见的用法,如:

- 表示时间上的“此时此刻”,例如:Here and now, I want to tell you how much I love you.

- 引出一个话题或主题,相当于汉语中的“关于……”,例如:Here's the thing, I don't think we should go out tonight.

- 表示某种状态或情况,“如此如此”,例如:It's not supposed to be like this here.

- 用于提醒某人注意,“喂!”、“嘿!”等,例如:Hey, over here!(嘿,在这边!)

5. 同时,here也可以作为介词使用,表示方向或目标。比如:

- 表示向某个地方移动,“往……这边”,例如:Come here and look at this.

- 表示朝着某个方向,“往……这里”,例如:The wind is blowing from over there to here.

- 表示目标或目的地,“到这里来”,例如:I came here to study English.

6. 下面是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解here的用法:

- Here is your coffee, sir.(先生,这是您的咖啡。)

- She's not here right now, can I take a message?(她现在不在这里,我可以帮您留言吗?)

- I don't like it here, let's go somewhere else.(我不喜欢这里,我们换个地方吧。)

- Here and now, I declare my love for you.(此时此刻,我向你表白我的爱。)

- Here's the thing, we need to talk about our relationship.(关于这件事,我们需要谈谈我们的关系。)

- It's not supposed to be like this here, something must have gone wrong.(这里本应该不是这样的,肯定出了什么问题。)

- Hey you! Come over here and help me with this.(嘿你!过来帮我个忙。)

- The train is coming from over there to here.(火车从那边开过来到这边。)

- I came all the way here just to see you.(我特意来到这里就是为了见你。)


1. There: 这里,指示位置。

例句:I left my keys there on the table.

2. In this place: 在这里,强调位置。

例句:We can't stay here any longer.

3. At this point: 在这一点上,指特定的时间或地点。

例句:At this point, we need to make a decision.

4. In this spot: 在这个地方,指具体的位置。

例句:I found a great spot to have a picnic in this park.

5. At this location: 在这个位置,强调具体的地点。

例句:The party will be held at this location, the community center.

6. Right here: 就在这里,强调当前的位置。

例句:The accident happened right here on this road.

7. In this area: 在这个区域内,指周围范围。

例句:There are many shops and restaurants in this area.

8. On this spot: 就在此处,强调具体的地点。

例句:The crime was committed on this spot, according to the witness.

9. Within these bounds: 在这些界限内,指特定范围内。

例句:You are not allowed to go beyond these bounds.

10. At present: 目前,在当前时刻。

例句:At present, I am not able to make any decisions regarding the project.

11. Hereabouts: 大约在这附近,在某个地方附近。

例句:I remember seeing a gas station hereabouts when we drove by last time.

12. In situ: 就地,原地,指事物所在的位置。

例句:The ancient ruins were left in situ for visitors to see.

13. In this vicinity: 在这附近,指某一地点附近。

例句:There is a good restaurant in this vicinity, let's go there for dinner.

14. On the premises: 在这个场所内,在某个建筑物或场所内。

例句:Smoking is not allowed on the premises of this hotel.

15. In this neighbourhood: 在这附近,指周围的地区。

例句:I grew up in this neighbourhood and have many fond memories of it

