
生活学习2024-03-11 10:14:43自考教育网


The pronunciation of hers

1. Introduction to "hers"


"Hers" is a possessive pronoun in English, used to indicate that something belongs to a female or female group. It is the possessive form of the pronoun "she". In this article, we will discuss the pronunciation of "hers" and provide some examples of its usage.

2. Pronunciation of "hers"

The word "hers" is pronounced as /hərz/ or /hɜːrz/. The first syllable is pronounced with a short vowel sound, while the second syllable has a long vowel sound. The final "s" is pronounced as /z/ when it comes before a vowel sound, and as /s/ when it comes before a consonant sound.

3. Similar words to "hers"

There are several words in English that have similar meanings to "hers", such as:

- Herself: This is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject and object of a sentence refer to the same person.

Example: She bought herself a new dress.

- Her own: This phrase can be used instead of "hers" to emphasize possession.

Example: She has her own car now.

- Her: This is the possessive form of the pronoun "she", and can be used as an alternative to "hers".

Example: That book is hers.

4. Examples of using "hers"

Here are some examples of how to use "hers" in sentences:

- The blue car is hers.

- Is this book hers or mine?

- I love her dress, but I like hers more.

- They asked for our opinions, but she didn't share hers.

- Whose keys are these? They're hers.

5. Common mistakes with "hers"

One common mistake made when using possessive pronouns like "hers" is forgetting to add the apostrophe. Remember that "hers" is the possessive form of "she", so it should be written as "her's". Another mistake is using "her" instead of "hers". "Her" is a pronoun, while "hers" is a possessive pronoun.

6. Conclusion

In summary, "hers" is a possessive pronoun used to indicate possession by a female or female group. It is pronounced as /hərz/ or /hɜːrz/. Remember to use the correct form and pronunciation when using this word in your sentences

How to pronounce hers

1. Hers的意思是什么?

Hers是一个英文单词,通常作为代词使用,表示“她的”或“属于她的”。它可以用来指代女性所有物品、人物或概念。例如,“这本书是她的”可以用英文表达为“This book is hers”。

2. Hers怎么读?


3. Hers的同义词有哪些?

Hers的同义词包括:her own、belonging to her、possessed by her等。它们都可以用来表示某物属于女性。

4. Hers在句子中如何使用?


5. Hers在句子中有什么特殊用法吗?


6. Hers的常见搭配有哪些?

Hers通常与名词连用,构成短语或句子。例如,“herself”表示“她自己”,“her belongings”表示“她的物品”,“this is hers”表示“这是属于她的”。

7. Hers的例句有哪些?

- This is her book, not mine.


- The house belongs to her, not to me.


- These are her keys, not yours.


- I like her dress, but mine is nicer.



Usage and examples of hers

1. Hers的含义:Hers是英语中的第三人称代词,指女性所有格,表示某物属于某个女性。

2. Hers的发音:Hers的发音为/hərz/,读作“哈兹”,重音在第一个音节。

3. Hers的同义词:其他表示女性所有格的词语包括her, hers, herself等。

4. Hers的使用场景:Hers通常用来指代某个女性拥有的东西,比如她的衣服、书籍、钱包等。也可以用来强调某物属于特定的女性。

5. Hers的例句:

- This is hers, not mine. (这是她的,不是我的。)

- The book on the table is hers. (桌子上那本书是她的。)

- She can do whatever she wants with hers. (她可以随心所欲地处理自己的东西。)

- Hers is the red car parked outside. (外面停着那辆红色车子是她的。)


Phrases with hers

1. Hers is a possessive pronoun meaning "belonging to her."

- Example: "The book on the table is hers."

2. Hers can also be used as a polite way to refer to a woman or girl, similar to "madam" or "miss."

- Example: "Excuse me, is this seat taken? It's hers? Thank you."

3. Hers can be used in idiomatic phrases such as "for hers," meaning something that belongs to her.

- Example: "I bought this necklace for hers, but she never wears it."

4. The phrase "all hers" means completely belonging to her or under her control.

- Example: "The success of the project was all hers. She did an amazing job."

5. Another idiomatic phrase using hers is "hers truly," which can be used as a playful and informal way of signing off on a letter or email.

- Example: "Thanks for your help with the project. Yours truly, Hers."

Examples of synonyms for hers

1. Hers - meaning "belonging to her" or "associated with her"

- Example: The book is hers. (meaning: The book belongs to her.)

2. Herself - meaning "her own self"

- Example: She did it all by herself. (meaning: She did it on her own.)

3. Her own - meaning "belonging to her exclusively"

- Example: She has her own car. (meaning: She has a car that belongs to her only.)

4. Her personal - meaning "related to or belonging to her as an individual"

- Example: Her personal belongings were scattered all over the room.

5. Her very own - emphasizing that something belongs to her alone

- Example: This is her very own recipe for chocolate cake.

6. Her property - meaning "belonging to her and under her control"

- Example: The house is now officially hers as it was left to her in the will.

7. Herself alone - emphasizing that she is the only one involved

- Example: She made the decision herself alone, without any outside influence.

8. Her possession - something owned or controlled by her

- Example: The bracelet was a precious possession of hers, given to her by her grandmother.

9. Her exclusive - limited or belonging solely to her

- Example: She has an exclusive right to use the swimming pool during certain hours.

10. Hers alone - emphasizing that something belongs only to her

- Example: The success was hers alone, she had worked hard for it and deserved it.

11. Inherited by her - passed down from a previous generation and now belonging to her

- Example: The estate was inherited by hers after the death of their parents.

12. Owned by/by way of inheritance by someone else before becoming hers

- Example: This antique ring was once owned by Queen Victoria before becoming hers.

13. Her own personal - emphasizing that something belongs to her as an individual

- Example: She has her own personal style of dressing that sets her apart from others.

14. Her very possession - something that she owns and holds dear

- Example: The painting was her very possession, she had saved up for years to buy it.

15. Hers exclusively - belonging only to her and not shared with anyone else

- Example: The room was hers exclusively, no one else was allowed to enter without her permission

