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The pronunciation of hinder

1. Introduction to the word "hinder"

- "Hinder" is a verb that means to make something difficult or impossible to do, or to prevent something from happening.

- It comes from the Old English word "hindrian" which means "to injure, damage, or harm."

- Some common synonyms for "hinder" include impede, obstruct, hamper, and hinder.

2. Pronunciation of "hinder"

- The word "hinder" is pronounced as /ˈhɪndər/ in American English and /ˈhaɪndə/ in British English.

- The stress is on the first syllable, and the second syllable is pronounced with a schwa sound (ə).

- The pronunciation can also be broken down into two parts: HIN-dər.

3. Tips for correct pronunciation

- Pay attention to the stress on the first syllable. This is important for conveying the meaning of the word correctly.

- Practice saying the schwa sound (ə) in the second syllable. This sound is very common in English and can be difficult for non-native speakers to pronounce.

- Listen to native speakers say the word and try to imitate their pronunciation.

4. Example sentences

1) The heavy rain hindered our progress on the hike.

2) The lack of funding has hindered our ability to complete this project.

3) Don't let fear hinder you from pursuing your dreams.

4) The language barrier hindered communication between us.

5) His injury has hindered his performance in the game.

5. Synonyms for "hinder"

1) Impede - means to slow down or block progress

2) Obstruct - means to get in the way of something or someone

3) Hamper - means to make it difficult for someone or something to function properly

4) Hinder - means to make something difficult or impossible to do

5) Inhibit - means to prevent or hold back something from happening

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, "hinder" is a verb that means to make something difficult or impossible, and it is pronounced as /ˈhɪndər/ in American English and /ˈhaɪndə/ in British English. Remember to pay attention to the stress on the first syllable and practice saying the schwa sound in the second syllable. Some common synonyms for "hinder" include impede, obstruct, hamper, and inhibit. Keep practicing your pronunciation and you will soon master this word!

Is hinder an idiom?

1. Introduction to Hinder

Hinder is a common English word that can be used as a verb or an adjective. As a verb, it means to make something difficult or to obstruct progress. As an adjective, it means causing delay or preventing something from happening.

2. Origin of the Word "Hinder"

The word "hinder" comes from the Old English word "hindrian," which means to harm or injure. It is also related to the Old High German word "hintar," meaning behind.

3. Is Hinder an Idiom?

No, hinder is not considered an idiom. An idiom is a phrase or expression that has a different meaning than its literal interpretation. Hinder, on the other hand, has a clear and direct meaning that does not deviate from its literal definition.

4. How to Pronounce Hinder

Hinder is pronounced as /ˈhɪndər/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "i" in hinder is pronounced as in the word "hit" and not like in the word "hide."

5. Synonyms for Hinder

Some common synonyms for hinder are impede, obstruct, hamper, block, and delay.

6. Example Sentences with Hinder

- The heavy traffic hindered our progress towards the airport.

- His lack of experience hindered him from getting the job.

- Don't let your fears hinder you from pursuing your dreams.

- The storm hindered us from going outside.

- Her injury hindered her ability to play tennis.

7. Common Phrases with Hinder

There are some common phrases that use the word "hinder." These include:

- Hinder someone's progress: To make it difficult for someone to achieve their goals.

- Be hindered by something: To be prevented from doing something because of an obstacle.

- Without hindrance: Without any difficulty or obstruction.

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, hinder is a word that is commonly used in English to describe something that makes it difficult or delays progress. It is not an idiom but can be used in various phrases and expressions. Remember to pronounce it as /ˈhɪndər/ and not as /ˈhaɪndər/

Usage and examples of hinder

1. Definition of hinder

Hinder is a verb that means to make it difficult for someone or something to do something or for something to happen. It can also mean to delay or prevent the progress or development of something.

2. Pronunciation of hinder

Hinder is pronounced as /ˈhɪndər/ with the stress on the first syllable. The "i" in the first syllable is pronounced as a short "i" sound, while the "e" in the second syllable is silent.

3. Synonyms of hinder

Some synonyms of hinder include impede, obstruct, hamper, block, thwart, and delay. These words have similar meanings and can be used interchangeably with hinder in certain contexts.

4. Examples of usage

- The heavy rain hindered our progress on the hike.

- The construction work has been hindering traffic in the city.

- Her lack of experience hindered her from getting the job.

- The new regulations are hindering small businesses from thriving.

- His fear of failure hinders him from taking risks.

5. Collocations with hinder

There are several common collocations (words that are often used together) with hinder:

- Hinder someone/something from doing something: The noise from construction work hindered me from concentrating on my studies.

- Hinder progress/development: The economic crisis has hindered progress towards poverty reduction.

- Hinder movement/mobility: Her broken leg has hindered her mobility.

- Hinder growth/growth potential: High taxes can hinder business growth potential.

6. Idiomatic expressions with hinder

There are also some idiomatic expressions that use the word hinder:

- A hindrance to something: Lack of funding has been a major hindrance to our research project.

- Put/throw up a hindrance: The language barrier put up a hindrance to their communication.

- Hinder or help: The new technology can either hinder or help our productivity.

7. Other forms of hinder

Hinder can also be used as a noun and an adjective:

- Noun: Hindrance - an obstacle or something that makes it difficult for someone to do something.

- Adjective: Hindering - causing difficulty or delay.

8. Conclusion

In summary, hinder is a versatile verb that means to make it difficult for someone or something to do something. It can be used in various contexts and has several synonyms and idiomatic expressions. Remember to use it correctly in your sentences and avoid using too many synonyms in one piece of writing

Antonyms and synonyms of hinder

1. Antonyms of hinder:

- facilitate: to make easier or less difficult; to assist the progress of.

Example sentence: The new technology will facilitate the process and reduce the time it takes to complete the task.

- aid: to provide support or assistance; to help.

Example sentence: The government provided financial aid to the small businesses affected by the pandemic.

- promote: to further the progress of something; to encourage or support.

Example sentence: The company's new marketing campaign aims to promote their products and increase sales.

2. Synonyms of hinder:

- impede: to delay or prevent someone or something from making progress.

Example sentence: The heavy rain impeded our journey and we had to take a different route.

- obstruct: to block or get in the way of something; to hinder progress.

Example sentence: The fallen tree obstructed the road, causing a traffic jam.

- hamper: to hinder or impede someone's actions or progress.

Example sentence: The lack of resources hampered our ability to complete the project on time.

3. Example sentences with "hinder":

- His fear of failure hindered him from taking risks and pursuing his dreams.

- The language barrier can be a major hindrance for international communication.

- The outdated equipment is hindering our productivity and needs to be replaced.

4. Example sentences with "facilitate":

- The new software will facilitate communication between team members who work remotely.

- A good teacher should facilitate learning rather than just teach information.

- Our company offers training programs that aim to facilitate personal growth and development.

5. Example sentences with "aid":

- Non-profit organizations provide aid for those in need, such as food, shelter, and medical care.

- Can you please aid me in carrying these boxes upstairs?

- Taking breaks during studying can actually aid in memory retention.

6. Example sentences with "promote":

- Companies often use social media to promote their products and engage with customers.

- The school promotes a culture of inclusivity and diversity among its students.

- Hard work and dedication can help promote an individual's career growth

Explanation of hinder




1. The heavy rain hindered our progress and we had to stop for the night. (暴雨阻碍了我们的前进,我们不得不在路上过夜。)

2. Don't let your fear hinder you from pursuing your dreams. (不要让恐惧阻碍你追求梦想。)

3. The lack of funding is a major hinder to the development of this project. (缺乏资金是这个项目发展的主要障碍。)


In conclusion, we hope that this article has helped you to better understand the meaning and usage of the word "hinder". Remember, the correct pronunciation is "hin-der", and it is not an idiom but a verb that means to obstruct or impede. Some synonyms for hinder include hamper, impede, and obstruct, while antonyms include aid, assist, and facilitate. We hope that you will continue to expand your vocabulary and improve your language skills with our help. As the editor of this website, I am dedicated to providing informative and interesting content for our readers. If you enjoyed this article, please consider following us for more language-related articles in the future. Thank you for reading!
