
生活学习2024-03-11 12:58:07自考教育网





1. “h”发音为/h/,和中文拼音中的“h”相同。

2. “i”发音为/ɪ/,和中文拼音中的“yi”的发音相似。

3. “n”发音为/n/,和中文拼音中的“n”相同。

4. “t”发音为/t/,和中文拼音中的“t”相同。

5. “s”发音为/s/,和中文拼音中的“si”的发音类似。




1. 发音提示:hints的发音与“hints”一样,读作[hɪnts],重音在第一个音节上。

2. 含义解释:hints是“提示”的意思,通常用作名词,表示一些暗示或建议。

3. 用法示例:a. Can you give me some hints on how to solve this problem?(你能给我一些解决这个问题的提示吗?)

b. Her hints were subtle, but I could tell she wanted me to leave the room.(她的暗示很微妙,但我能感觉到她想让我离开房间。)

4. 同义词替换:hints可以替换为suggestions、clues、tips等词语。

5. 搭配短语:a. drop hints(暗示) b. take a hint(领会暗示) c. hint at(暗指) d. give hints(给出提示)

6. 常见表达:a. I'll give you a hint: the answer is in the second paragraph of the article.


b. She dropped subtle hints about her upcoming promotion.


c. He didn't take the hint and continued talking about his ex-girlfriend.


7. 幽默应用:a. My mom always gives me not-so-subtle hints about getting married and having kids.(我妈妈总是给我一些不那么微妙的暗示,让我结婚生子。)

b. I wish my boss would give me hints about what he really wants instead of just saying “good job” all the time.(我希望我的老板能给我一些关于他真正想要的东西的提示,而不仅仅是一直说“干得好”。)


1. hints的含义及用法

- hints是指提示、暗示的意思,常用作动词或名词。

- 作为动词,hints可以表示给出提示、暗示的意思,常用于句子中的疑问句或条件句中。


- Can you give me some hints on how to solve this problem? (你能给我一些解决这个问题的提示吗?)

- If you pay attention to the hints, you will find the answer easily. (如果你注意这些提示,你会很容易找到答案。)

2. hints的双语例句

- The teacher gave us some helpful hints for the exam. (老师给了我们一些有用的考试提示。)

- I can't give you any more hints, you have to figure it out yourself. (我不能再给你更多提示了,你必须自己解决。)

- She dropped subtle hints about wanting a new phone for her birthday. (她在生日时给出了想要一部新手机的微妙暗示。)

- The detective followed the hints and finally solved the mystery. (侦探遵循线索最终解开了谜团。)

- The website provides helpful hints for travelers visiting this city for the first time. (这个网站为首次来访这座城市的旅行者提供了有用的提示。)



1. Give someone hints - 给某人提示

例如:She gave him hints about the surprise party.

2. Drop hints - 暗示

例如:He kept dropping hints about wanting a new phone.

3. Take hints - 接受暗示

例如:She took the hint and stopped talking about the topic.

4. Hint at something - 暗指某事

例如:His words hinted at a possible promotion.

5. Hint of something - 一点点的迹象

例如:There was a hint of sadness in her voice.

6. Hint towards something - 指向某事

例如:The data hinted towards a potential problem with the project.

7. Hint book - 提示书籍,指导书

例如:The teacher gave us a hint book to help us prepare for the exam.

8. Hint sheet - 提示单,备忘录

例如:I always make a hint sheet before giving a presentation to remind me of important points.

9. Hint button - 提示按钮,帮助按钮(电脑游戏中)

例如:If you get stuck, you can click on the hint button for some help.

10. Pick up on hints - 理解暗示,领会意思

例如:He's not very good at picking up on hints, so I had to be direct with him


1. Clues: hints are like clues, they give you a direction or idea of what to do or think about.

2. Tips: hints can be seen as tips, little pieces of advice that can help you achieve your goal.

3. Pointers: just like a pointer directs you to something, hints can point you in the right direction.

4. Suggestions: hints can also be seen as suggestions, gentle nudges towards a solution or idea.

5. Indications: they indicate something, giving you a sign or signal to follow.

6. Cues: similar to clues, cues are subtle signals that can lead you to the right answer.

7. Prompts: hints can prompt you to think in a certain way or consider a different approach.

8. Keys: just like a key unlocks a door, hints can unlock your mind and help you find the answer.

9. Leads: hints can act as leads, guiding you towards the solution step by step.

10. Insights: they offer insights into the problem at hand and help you understand it better

