
生活学习2024-03-11 13:09:19自考教育网




1. hip的拼音为[hɪp],读音为“希普”。

2. hip是一个英文单词,意为“臀部”,也可以指人体的髋部或髋关节。它是一个名词,在口语中也可用作形容词,表示时髦、潮流或受欢迎。

3. 同义词:butt, rear, bottom, buttocks

4. 例句:

- She injured her hip while playing soccer.


- The new dance move requires a lot of movement in the hips.


- This restaurant is really hip, everyone wants to go there.






4.例如,“She always wears the latest fashion, she's so hip.”(她总是穿最新款式,她太时髦了。)


6.例如,“That song is really hip, I can't stop listening to it.”(那首歌真的很赞,我一直听不停。)


8.例如,“I need to start reading fashion magazines to hip myself up.”(我需要开始读时尚杂志来跟上潮流。)



1. hip是什么意思?


2. hip怎么读?


3. hip同义词

Hip的同义词有cool, trendy, stylish, fashionable等。它们都表示时髦、潮流和与众不同的意思。

4. 例句1:She always wears the latest fashion, she's so hip.


5. 例句2:His music is so hip, everyone loves it.


6. 例句3:I love her style, it's so hip and unique.


7. 例句4:They're always ahead of the trend, they're really hip.


8. 例句5:The party was full of hip people with cool outfits.



1. Hip and trendy - 时尚和潮流的

例句:The new clothing line is very hip and trendy, perfect for young adults.

2. Hip hop - 嘻哈音乐

例句:She loves to dance to hip hop music at parties.

3. Hipster - 嬉皮士

例句:The coffee shop is always filled with hipsters working on their laptops.

4. Hip replacement - 髋关节置换术

例句:After his hip replacement surgery, he was able to walk without any pain.

5. Hipster glasses - 嬉皮士眼镜

例句:He always wears his hipster glasses, even when he doesn't need them for vision.

6. Hip bone - 髋骨

例句:She broke her hip bone in a skiing accident and had to be hospitalized.

7. Hip flask - 酒瓶子

例句:He always carries a small hip flask with him for a quick drink on the go.

8. Hippie culture - 嬉皮文化

例句:In the 1960s, the hippie culture was all about peace, love, and freedom of expression.

9. Hip joint - 髋关节

例句:The doctor said she has arthritis in her left hip joint and may need surgery in the future.

10. Hips don't lie - 臀部不会说谎(来自歌曲《Hips Don't Lie》)

例句:She knows how to move her hips on the dance floor, just like Shakira sings in her famous song "Hips Don't Lie"


1. Cool - 这个词通常用来形容时尚、前卫或者潮流的事物,与hip有相似的意思。例如:"That new club is so cool, it's really hip."(那个新俱乐部太酷了,真的很hip。)

2. Trendy - 与hip相同,这个词也用来描述时尚和潮流。例如:"Her outfit is so trendy, she always knows what's hip."(她的服装很时尚,她总是知道什么是hip的。)

3. Fashionable - 同样也是形容时尚和潮流的词语,可以替换为hip使用。例如:"The new boutique has all the latest fashionable clothes, it's definitely a hip place to shop."(这家新开的精品店有最新款式的时尚服装,绝对是一个购物时髦的地方。)

4. Stylish - 这个词也可以用来形容时尚和潮流,类似于cool和trendy。例如:"He always wears such stylish clothes, he's definitely hip."(他总是穿着如此时髦的衣服,他绝对很hip。)

5. In vogue - 这个短语可以表示某样东西正在流行或者受欢迎,与hip有相似的意思。例如:"Those sneakers are really in vogue right now, they're super hip."(那些运动鞋现在很流行,它们非常hip。)

6. Popular - 同样也可以表示某样东西受欢迎或者流行,与hip有相似的含义。例如:"That new band is really popular, their music is so hip."(那个新乐队很受欢迎,他们的音乐很hip。)

7. Cutting-edge - 这个词可以用来描述前沿和潮流的事物,与hip有相似的意思。例如:"The fashion show featured cutting-edge designs, it was a very hip event."(时装秀展示了前沿设计,这是一个非常hip的活动。)

8. Edgy - 与cutting-edge类似,这个词也可以形容前卫和潮流的事物。例如:"His style is always so edgy, he's definitely hip."(他的风格总是那么前卫,他绝对很hip。)

9. Avant-garde - 这个词通常用来形容前卫和先锋的事物,与hip有相似的意思。例如:"The art exhibit showcased avant-garde pieces, it was a very hip event."(艺术展览展示了前卫作品,这是一个非常hip的活动。)

10. Chic - 这个词可以用来形容时尚、优雅和精致的事物,与hip有相似的意思。例如:"The new restaurant has such a chic atmosphere, it's definitely a hip place to dine."(这家新餐厅有着如此时尚的氛围,绝对是一个hip的用餐地点。)

