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The pronunciation of his

His is a commonly used pronoun in the English language, but do you know the correct way to pronounce it? In this section, we will explore the pronunciation of his and its synonyms.


1. Pronunciation:

The word "his" is pronounced as "hiz". It is a one-syllable word with a short vowel sound. Remember to stress the "h" sound at the beginning.

2. Synonyms:

- His: This is the possessive form of "he". It indicates that something belongs to or is associated with a male person or animal.

- His own: This phrase means something that belongs exclusively to someone.

- His: This can also be used as an adjective to describe something that belongs to or is associated with a male person or animal.

3. Example sentences:

- That is his car parked outside.

- He was proud of his own achievements.

- His parents were very supportive of him.

So next time you come across the word "his", remember to pronounce it as "hiz" and use it correctly in your sentences

How to pronounce his

1. His的含义

His是一个英语单词,通常作为代词使用,表示“他的”。它是形容词his的物主代词形式,用来指代第三人称男性所有格。例如,“His book”意为“他的书”。

2. 发音方式


3. 同义词


- His own:指代某人拥有或属于自己的事物。例如,“He is proud of his own achievements”意为“他对自己取得的成就感到自豪”。

- His very:强调某人拥有或属于自己的事物。例如,“He was wearing his very best suit”意为“他穿着自己最好的西装”。

- His personal:指代某人私人拥有或属于自己的事物。例如,“She showed me her personal diary”意为“她给我看她的私人日记”。

4. 例句解释


- His father is a doctor. (他父亲是一名医生)

- He loves his job. (他热爱自己的工作)

- His car is parked outside. (他的车停在外面)

- His eyes are blue. (他的眼睛是蓝色的)

5. 注意事项


- His只能用来指代第三人称男性所有格,不能用来指代女性或非人物。

- 当his后面跟着名词时,名词一般为单数形式。例如,“His books”意为“他的书”,而不是“他的书籍”。

- 在口语中,his有时会被缩写为/he/。例如,“He is proud of he achievements”可以说成“He is proud of he's achievements”

Usage and examples of his

1. Meaning of "his"

- "His" is a possessive pronoun used to indicate something belonging to or associated with a male person or animal.

- It can also be used as a determiner before a noun, indicating possession or ownership.

- In some contexts, "his" can also refer to a group of people or things that belong to a male person.

2. Pronunciation of "his"

- The word "his" is pronounced as /hɪz/, with the "h" being silent and the emphasis on the first syllable.

- It is important to note that the pronunciation may vary depending on the speaker's accent or dialect.

3. Synonyms for "his"

- Some synonyms for "his" include: his own, his very own, belonging to him, of him, from him.

- Other similar words that can be used in place of "his" include: hiss, histrionic, history, historian.

4. Examples of usage

a) Possessive pronoun:

- His car was parked outside.

- The book on the shelf is his.

b) Determiner:

- I saw his dog running in the park.

- His parents are coming over for dinner tonight.

c) Referring to a group:

- The team celebrated his victory with cheers and high fives.

- His classmates were all impressed by his presentation.

5. More examples

a) Possessive pronoun:

- He took out his wallet and paid for the meal.

b) Determiner:

- I found his keys on the kitchen counter.

c) Referring to a group:

- His employees were all hardworking and dedicated.

d) With expressions of time:

- His birthday is in two weeks.

e) With body parts:

- He hurt his knee while playing football.

6. Common mistakes

Some common mistakes made when using "his" include:

- Using it instead of "he is": His a good student. (Incorrect) He's a good student. (Correct)

- Using it instead of "he has": His finished his homework. (Incorrect) He's finished his homework. (Correct)

- Using it instead of "its": The cat licked his paws. (Incorrect) The cat licked its paws. (Correct)

7. Conclusion

In summary, "his" is a possessive pronoun used to show possession or ownership by a male person or animal. It can also be used as a determiner before a noun or to refer to a group belonging to a male person. Remember to pay attention to its correct pronunciation and usage in order to avoid common mistakes

Phrases with his

1. His own - 某人自己的

例句:He is proud of his own accomplishments.


2. His best - 最好的

例句:He always gives his best in everything he does.


3. In his element - 在他的元素中

例句:He is in his element when he's on stage performing.


4. On his own - 独立地,靠自己

例句:He moved out of his parents' house and now lives on his own.


5. His turn - 轮到他了

例句:It's his turn to speak at the meeting.


6. With all his heart - 全心全意地

例句:He loved her with all his heart and couldn't imagine life without her.


7. For his sake - 为了他的利益/幸福

例句:She sacrificed her career for his sake.


8. His pride and joy - 令他引以为傲的事物/人

例句:His new car is his pride and joy.


9. His Achilles' heel - 他的致命弱点

例句:His temper is his Achilles' heel.


10. His better half - 他的另一半/妻子

例句:He couldn't imagine his life without his better half.


11. To his credit - 值得称赞的是

例句:To his credit, he never gave up on his dreams.


12. His forte - 他擅长的领域/特长

例句:Public speaking is not his forte.


13. In his prime - 在他最好/最有活力时期

例句:He was a great athlete in his prime.


14. With all his might - 全力以赴地

例句:He pulled the rope with all his might, but it wouldn't budge.


15. His two cents - 他的意见/建议

例句:I'd like to hear your two cents on this matter.


Synonym examples for his

1. Definition of his: belonging to or associated with a male person or animal that has already been mentioned or is easily identified.

2. How to pronounce his: [hiz]

3. Synonyms for his:

- His own - belonging to him

- His very own - exclusively belonging to him

- His personal - individual and unique to him

- His particular - specific and distinct to him

4. Examples:

- He left his jacket on the chair.

- John is proud of his car.

- The dog wagged its tail when it saw his owner.

- She brought her son and his friends to the party

In conclusion, "his" is a commonly used pronoun in the English language with a simple and straightforward pronunciation. It can be used in various contexts and has multiple synonyms, such as "his own", "his very own", or "his personal". Remember to use it correctly in your sentences to avoid confusion.

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