
生活学习2024-03-11 14:08:00自考教育网



1. 概念解释



2. 同义词

在英语中,除了使用"hobbies"来表示个人爱好外,还有一些同义词可以替代使用,比如interests, pastimes, leisure activities等。这些词都可以用来描述人们平时喜欢做的事情。

3. 例句解析

(1) My hobbies include reading, painting and hiking.


(2) What are your hobbies?


(3) Playing basketball is one of my favorite hobbies.


4. 衍生用法


She loves to hobby in her free time.









1. Hobbies的意思


2. Hobbies的读音


3. Hobbies的同义词

Hobbies的同义词有interests、pastimes、leisure activities等。

4. Hobbies的例句

- My hobbies include reading, hiking, and playing the piano.


- What are your hobbies?


- She enjoys gardening as a hobby.


- His hobbies are quite diverse, ranging from painting to playing sports.


5. Hobbies在双语例句中的用法

- Reading is one of my favorite hobbies because it allows me to escape reality for a while.


- My friend's hobbies include photography and cooking, which she is very passionate about.


- In my free time, I like to try out new hobbies and see what I enjoy the most.


- Hobbies can also be a source of income if you are skilled enough to turn them into a business.



1. Leisure activities: 闲暇活动

2. Interests: 兴趣爱好

3. Pastimes: 消遣娱乐

4. Recreations: 娱乐活动

5. Hobbies and interests: 爱好和兴趣

6. Favorite pastimes: 最喜欢的消遣活动

7. Side hustles: 副业兼职

8. Spare-time pursuits: 空闲时间的追求

9. Pleasures: 乐趣享受

10. Enjoyable activities: 令人愉快的活动


1. Interests: This is another way to refer to hobbies, as they are activities that you enjoy and are interested in.

例句:My interests include reading, hiking, and cooking.

2. Pastimes: This word can be used interchangeably with hobbies, as it refers to activities that you do for enjoyment during your free time.

例句:Her favorite pastimes are painting and playing the guitar.

3. Leisure activities: These are activities that you do during your leisure time, and can also be considered as hobbies.

例句:In her leisure time, she enjoys gardening and photography.

4. Pursuits: This word can be used to describe hobbies as they are activities that you actively pursue and put effort into.

例句:One of his pursuits is playing basketball on the weekends.

5. Recreations: This word refers to activities that you do for relaxation or enjoyment, which can also include hobbies.

例句:She finds hiking in nature to be a great recreation activity.

6. Diversions: Similar to recreations, this word is used to describe activities that provide a break from daily routines and can include hobbies.

例句:Reading has always been a favorite diversion for him.

7. Avocations: This word refers to activities or interests that one does outside of their main job or profession, which can also be considered as hobbies.

例句:Her avocations include writing short stories and traveling.

8. Passions: Hobbies can also be described as passions, as they are things that you feel strongly about and enjoy doing.

例句:His passions include playing video games and collecting comic books.

9. Side interests: These are interests or activities that one does on the side or in addition to their main focus, which can include hobbies.

例句:In addition to his studies, he has many side interests such as playing the piano and coding.

10. Spare-time activities: This phrase is used to describe activities that one does during their free time, which can also be considered as hobbies.

例句:In her spare time, she enjoys painting and going for long walks

