
生活学习2024-03-11 14:15:59自考教育网





1. hobby的定义


2. hobby怎么读


3. hobby同义词及例句


- My hobby is reading books.(我的爱好是阅读书籍。)

- Swimming is one of my favorite hobbies.(游泳是我最喜欢的爱好之一。)

- She has a lot of hobbies, such as painting, cooking and traveling.(她有很多爱好,比如绘画、烹饪和旅行。)



1. hobby的发音


2. hobby的含义


3. hobby的同义词


4. hobby的例句

(1) My hobby is reading books about history.


(2) She has many hobbies, such as painting, playing the piano and gardening.


(3) Fishing is a popular hobby among men in this area.


(4) Her new hobby is collecting stamps from different countries.



1. 什么是hobby?


2. hobby怎么读?

Hobby的发音为 [ˈhɑbi],读作“哈比”。

3. hobby的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- Playing guitar is my favorite hobby. (弹吉他是我最喜欢的爱好。)

- My hobby is collecting stamps from different countries. (我的爱好是收集来自不同国家的邮票。)

- He spends most of his free time on his hobbies, such as painting and photography. (他把大部分空闲时间都花在了他的爱好上,比如绘画和摄影。)

5. How do you spend your free time?



1. Leisure activity - 休闲活动

2. Pastime - 消遣

3. Interest - 兴趣

4. Pursuit - 追求

5. Recreation - 娱乐活动

6. Amusement - 娱乐

7. Hobbyhorse - 业余爱好

8. Obsession - 痴迷的爱好

9. Avocation - 业余爱好,副业

10. Diversification - 多样化的爱好

1. Leisure activity refers to any activity that a person chooses to do in their free time for enjoyment and relaxation.

2. Pastime is an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.

3. Interest is something that attracts your attention and makes you want to learn more about it or become involved in it.

4. Pursuit is an activity, interest, or hobby that you spend a lot of time doing or thinking about, especially one that you enjoy.

5. Recreation is any activity done for enjoyment when one is not working; a form of leisure.

6. Amusement refers to the state of experiencing pleasure or enjoyment through activities such as games, sports, or other forms of entertainment.

7. Hobbyhorse is another word for hobby and refers to an activity that someone enjoys doing in their free time.

8. Obsession describes an extreme interest or preoccupation with something, often to the point of being unhealthy.

9. Avocation refers to a hobby or secondary pursuit that someone does alongside their main job or occupation.

10.Diversification means having a variety of different hobbies and interests


1. Interest

- Definition: a feeling of wanting to learn or do something

- Example sentence: My hobby is reading, it's my biggest interest.

2. Pastime

- Definition: an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby

- Example sentence: Painting is my favorite pastime, it helps me relax and express my creativity.

3. Leisure pursuit

- Definition: an activity that someone does for pleasure in their free time

- Example sentence: My leisure pursuit is hiking, I love being outdoors and exploring new trails.

4. Recreation

- Definition: an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working; a form of play or amusement

- Example sentence: Playing board games is a fun recreation for me and my friends on weekends.

5. Avocation

- Definition: a hobby or minor occupation pursued for pleasure or as a means of relaxation rather than as a main job

- Example sentence: Photography started as an avocation for me but now it has become my passion.

6. Pursuit

- Definition: an activity that someone engages in with the intention of achieving something; a hobby or interest that one actively follows or pursues

- Example sentence: My pursuit of learning new languages has become my favorite hobby.

7. Diversion

- Definition: an activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns; a way to take one's mind off things and relax

- Example sentence: Gardening has become my favorite diversion from the stresses of daily life.

8. Amusement

- Definition: something that provides entertainment; an enjoyable pastime

- Example sentence: Watching movies is my go-to amusement when I have some free time to spare.

9. Obsession

- Definition: an idea, interest, or activity that one thinks about constantly and devotes much time to

- Example sentence: Collecting stamps has turned into an obsession for me, I can spend hours organizing and adding new ones to my collection.

10. Recreation

- Definition: an activity done for enjoyment when one is not working; a form of play or amusement

- Example sentence: Playing sports is a great recreational activity for me, it helps me stay active and healthy

