
生活学习2024-03-11 14:35:13自考教育网

你是否曾经听说过 Hoist 这个词?它是一个行业标题,可能并不为人所熟知。但是,它却有着重要的意义。那么,Hoist 是什么意思呢?如何正确地读写它?如果你想要了解 Hoist 的用法和双语例句,或者掌握 Hoist 的词组和同义词示例,那就请跟随我一起来探索吧!在这篇文章中,我将为你揭开 Hoist 的神秘面纱,让你对这个行业标题有更深入的了解。

Hoist 的拼音

1. Hoist的拼音是huò yì sī tè,其中“huò”读作[hwo],“yì”读作[yee],“sī”读作[ss],“tè”读作[tuh]。


2. Hoist一词源于英语,是一个名词,意为“起重机”,也可以指用于提升重物的装置或机械。在英语中,Hoist有时也可以用作动词,意为“提升、抬起”。

3. 在美国英语中,Hoist的发音与拼写较为接近,读作[hoist]。但在英式英语中,有些地区会将最后一个字母[t]省略掉,所以发音可能会变成[hois]。

4. Hoist这个词最早出现在16世纪的英国文学作品中,并且一直延续至今。它的拉丁词根是hostiare,意为“提升、抬起”。因此,在很多欧洲语言中都有类似的单词。

5. 在汉语中,“Hoist”的翻译可以是“吊车、起重机”,也可以是“升降机、电梯”。因此,在不同行业和场景下,“Hoist”的含义可能会有所不同。

6. 除了常见的物理装置外,“Hoist”的含义也可以延伸到其他领域。例如,在军事上,“Hoist the flag”可以指“升起国旗”,在航海中,“Hoist the sails”可以指“扬帆启航”。

7. 在现代汉语中,有时也会将Hoist的发音直接转写为“吼一死特”。这种转写方式更加接近英式英语的发音,但仍然保留了原词的意思。

8. 总的来说,无论是在汉语还是英语中,Hoist都是一个常用且重要的词汇。它不仅仅是一个物理装置,更是一种象征和比喻,体现着人类对于力量、进步和胜利的追求

Hoist 是什么意思


1. 指机械装置


2. 动词形式

此外,Hoist也可以作为动词使用,意为“举起”、“提升”。例如,“The workers hoisted the heavy boxes onto the truck.”(工人们将沉重的箱子提升到卡车上。)

3. 航海术语

在航海领域,Hoist也有特定的含义,指“拉起”、“升起”旗帜、帆等。比如,“The sailors hoisted the flag to signal for help.”(水手们拉起旗帜发出求救信号。)

4. 衍生意义

除了以上几种基本含义外,Hoist还可以引申出一些其他意思。比如,在俚语中,“hoist with one's own petard”指“被自己的计谋所坑”,而“hoisted by one's own petard”则表示“被自己的计谋所害”

Hoist 怎么读

1. 什么是Hoist?


2. 如何正确发音Hoist?

Hoist的发音为 [hɔɪst],其中[h]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“h”,[ɔɪ]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“oi”,[s]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“s”,[t]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“t”。

3. Hoist在不同语境下的含义


作为动词时,hoist表示将物体举起或升起。比如,“The workers hoisted the heavy machinery onto the truck.”(工人们将重型机械吊装到卡车上。)此外,hoist也可以引申为提升、提高等含义。

4. Hoist与lift和elevate有什么区别?


5. Hoist的衍生词汇


6. 常见的短语搭配

在日常英语中,我们也经常会遇到一些与hoist相关的短语搭配,比如:hoist the flag(升起旗帜)、hoist the sails(升帆)、hoist a glass(举杯祝酒)等。这些短语都是固定搭配,在使用时需要注意其含义和上下文。


Hoist 的用法和双语例句


1. 什么是Hoist?


2. Hoist 的用法


- He hoisted the flag on top of the pole.(他将旗帜升上了杆顶。)

- The workers hoisted the heavy box onto the truck.(工人们将沉重的箱子装上了卡车。)


- The company decided to hoist their prices due to the increase in production costs.(公司决定因为生产成本上涨而提高价格。)

- The stock market has been hoisted to a new high.(股市已经被推向了新高点。)

3. Hoist 的双语例句


- The sailors hoisted the sails and set off on their journey.(水手们升起帆,开始了他们的旅程。)

- The workers used a hoist to lift the heavy machinery onto the roof.(工人们使用起重机将沉重的机器吊到屋顶。)

- The government decided to hoist the minimum wage in order to improve living standards.(政府决定提高最低工资以改善生活水平。)

- The team was able to hoist the championship trophy at the end of the season.(球队在赛季结束时成功举起了冠军奖杯。)


Hoist 的词组

1. Hoist up:举起,提升,抬高。例如:The crane can easily hoist up heavy objects.

2. Hoist and lower:升降。例如:The elevator can hoist and lower people to different floors.

3. Hoist rope:起重绳,用于吊运物品的绳索。例如:The hoist rope snapped, causing the load to fall.

4. Chain hoist:链式起重机,使用链条来提升重物的机械装置。例如:We used a chain hoist to lift the engine out of the car.

5. Electric hoist:电动起重机,使用电力来提升重物的机械装置。例如:The electric hoist made it easy for us to move heavy furniture.

6. Manual hoist:手动起重机,需要人力来操作的起重装置。例如:We used a manual hoist to lift the boxes onto the truck.

7. Hoisting equipment:起重设备,包括各种用于提升和移动物品的工具和设备。例如:The construction site had a variety of hoisting equipment for moving materials.

8. Hoisting mechanism:起重机构,指用于提升和移动物品的机械装置。例如:The new crane has a more advanced hoisting mechanism than the old one.

9. Hoisting capacity:起重能力,指一台设备或机械能够承载的最大重量。例如:This crane has a hoisting capacity of 10 tons.

10. Hoisting speed: 提升速度,指一个设备或机械移动物品的速度。例如:The hoisting speed of the elevator is too slow, we should take the stairs instead.

11. Hoisting operation:起重作业,指使用起重设备来提升和移动物品的过程。例如:The hoisting operation was delayed due to bad weather.

12. Hoist and derrick:起重机和起重架,指用于提升和移动物品的设备和结构。例如:The construction company has invested in new hoists and derricks for their projects.

13. Hoist safety:起重安全,指在进行起重作业时需要注意的安全事项。例如:All workers must be trained in hoist safety before operating any lifting equipment.

14. Hoist inspection:起重检查,指定期对起重设备进行检查和维护以确保其正常运行。例如:The hoist inspection revealed a problem with the motor and it was immediately fixed.

15. Hoist operator:起重操作员,负责操作和控制起重设备的人员。例如:Only trained and certified hoist operators are allowed to use the crane on this construction site

Hoist 同义词示例

1. Lift: Hoist is another word for lift, which means to raise or elevate something.

2. Raise: Similar to hoist, raise also means to lift or move something upwards.

3. Elevate: Hoist and elevate are interchangeable words that refer to the action of lifting or raising something.

4. Heave: This word can be used as a synonym for hoist when referring to lifting heavy objects.

5. Haul: Haul can be used as a synonym for hoist when talking about pulling or lifting something with effort.

6. Upend: To upend something means to turn it upside down, which can also be considered a form of hoisting.

7. Boost: When you boost something, you are helping it rise or increase, just like a hoist does.

8. Pull up: This phrase can be used interchangeably with hoist when referring to lifting an object upwards.

9. Jack up: Similar to hoisting, jacking up something means raising it off the ground or surface it is on.

10. Lever up: This phrase refers to using a lever to lift or move an object, similar to how a hoist works

