
生活学习2024-03-11 14:45:25自考教育网




hold-back的拼音是"hǒu bāi",它的意思是阻止、抑制或控制某件事情发生。在英语翻译解释行业中,hold-back通常用来指代某个词或短语的含义,也可以用来描述某个人或组织的行为。它可以作为动词,也可以作为名词使用。




1. hold-back的发音


2. hold-back的词性及含义

“hold-back”是一个动词短语,其主要含义是指阻止、抑制或延迟某事物的发生。它可以用来表示抑制情感、阻止行动或推迟决定等。例如,“I couldn't hold back my tears when I heard the sad news.”(当我听到这个悲伤的消息时,我无法控制我的眼泪。)

3. hold-back的同义词


4. hold-back的反义词

与“hold-back”相反的意思是let go,意为放手、放弃或解除限制。例如,“He finally let go of his anger and forgave her.”(他最终释放了自己的愤怒并原谅了她。)

5. hold-back在句子中的使用

a. “Don't let fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.”


b. “The floodwaters were held back by the newly built dam.”


c. “He had to hold back his laughter during the serious meeting.”


6. hold-back的常见搭配

a. hold back tears(抑制眼泪)

b. hold back emotions(控制情绪)

c. hold back information(隐瞒信息)

d. hold back progress(阻碍进步)

e. hold back the truth(隐瞒真相)

7. 派生词

a. holdback (n.) 阻止、抑制

b. held-back (adj.) 被抑制的、被阻止的

c. holding back (v.) 抑制、阻止

8. 拓展用法

除了作为动词短语,hold-back还可以作为名词使用,意为“保留”或“抑制”。例如,“His shyness was a major hold-back in his career.”(他的害羞是他事业上的一个重要障碍。)

9. 用法小贴士

在口语中,人们也常用hold someone/something back来表示“阻止某人/某事物”。例如,“I tried to speak up, but my fear held me back.”(我想说话,但我的恐惧阻止了我。)


1. hold-back的用法


2. 双语例句

- She tried to hold back her tears, but failed.


- He had to hold back his anger and remain calm.


- Don't let your fear hold you back from pursuing your dreams.


- The police are trying to hold back the crowd.


- Sometimes it's better to hold back and observe before making a decision.



1. 拦截 (intercept)

2. 阻止 (prevent)

3. 抑制 (restrain)

4. 隐瞒 (conceal)

5. 抑制自己 (restrain oneself)

6. 控制情绪 (hold back emotions)

7. 勉强同意 (grudgingly agree)

8. 忍住不笑 (hold back laughter)

9. 保留意见 (hold back opinions)

10. 留存余地 (leave room for)


1. Restrain - 用于阻止或控制某物的行动或发展,与hold-back具有相同的含义。例如:The police had to restrain the crowd from entering the building.

2. Inhibit - 指阻碍或抑制某种行为或过程的发生。例如:Her fear of failure inhibited her from taking risks in her career.

3. Hinder - 用于描述某物阻碍了另一件事情的进行。例如:The bad weather hindered our progress on the construction project.

4. Impede - 指阻碍或妨碍某人或某物前进。例如:The heavy traffic impeded our journey to the airport.

5. Obstruct - 指阻挠、堵塞或妨碍某人或某物的道路。例如:The fallen tree obstructed the road and caused a traffic jam.

6. Retard - 用于指减慢、延迟或阻止某种进程的发展。例如:The lack of funding has retarded the progress of our research project.

7. Check - 指限制、控制或抑制某种行为的发生。例如:We need to check our spending in order to save money for our vacation.

8. Suppress - 指压抑、阻止、控制或抑制某种感情、欲望或行为的发生。例如:She tried to suppress her anger and remain calm in front of her boss.

9. Constrain - 用于指限制、约束或控制某人或某物的行动。例如:The tight deadline constrained our ability to produce a high-quality product.

10. Block - 指阻碍、堵塞或阻止某人或某物的道路。例如:The protestors blocked the entrance to the government building in order to make their voices heard

经过以上的介绍,相信大家对hold-back这个词已经有了初步的了解。它可以作为动词或名词使用,意思是“阻止”、“抑制”或“保留”。它的用法非常广泛,在日常生活中也经常会遇到。例如,我们常说的“hold back tears”就是指忍住眼泪。同时,hold-back也可以用来表示“推迟”、“延迟”,比如“hold back the meeting”就是指推迟会议。除此之外,还有许多相关的词组和同义词,如“restrain”、“suppress”等等。最后,我作为网站编辑,希望能够为大家提供更多有用的信息和知识。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多精彩内容吧!谢谢阅读!
