
生活学习2024-03-11 14:54:27自考教育网



1. holes的意思是指孔、洞或空洞,通常指物体表面上的小型空间,可以是圆形、方形或不规则形状。

2. holes的读音为[hohlz],发音时注意将“s”发成[z]音。


3. holes的同义词包括:openings、apertures、orifices等。

4. 例句:

- The cheese had holes in it.


- The shirt has a hole in the sleeve.


- The keyhole is too small for the key to fit in.


- The golf course is full of sand traps and water hazards.


5. holes可以用来表示各种不同的意思,下面列举几种常见用法:

- 指物体表面上的小型空间:如衣服上的眼睛钮扣、鞋子上的鞋带孔等。

- 指物体内部的空间:如墙壁上的插座、门锁上的钥匙孔等。

- 指缺少或缺失部分:如一篇文章中缺少关键信息,可以说“there are some holes in the story”(这个故事有些漏洞)。

- 指漏洞或缺陷:如计划中的某些细节不完善,可以说“there are some holes in the plan”(这个计划有些漏洞)


1. holes的发音:[hohlz],与“holds”的发音相似,但发音更短促。

2. holes的读法:holes是一个名词,可以作为单数或复数形式出现。单数形式读作[hohl],复数形式读作[hohlz]。

3. 同义词:在英语中,“holes”还有一些同义词,如“openings”、“apertures”、“cavities”等等。它们都指的是空洞或孔。

4. 例句:

- The wall has several holes in it, which need to be fixed.


- Don't forget to cover the holes on the bottom of the pot before watering your plants.


- The golf course has 18 holes for players to complete.



1. holes是指洞,空洞,孔等意思。

例句:The old house was full of holes in the walls, letting in a cold draft. (这座老房子的墙上满是洞,让冷风进来。)

2. holes的同义词包括: openings, gaps, apertures等。

例句:The scientist used a microscope to examine the tiny openings on the leaf. (科学家用显微镜检查叶子上的微小开口。)

3. holes也可以用来形容缺陷或不完美的地方。

例句:There are still a few holes in my knowledge of this subject. (我对这个主题还有一些知识盲区。)

4. 在口语中,holes也可以指困难或麻烦的情况。

例句:I'm in a bit of a hole with my finances right now. (我现在在财务上有些困难。)

5. 另外,holes也可以用来指某物缺失的部分。

例句:There are some holes in the story that need to be filled. (这个故事有一些需要填补的空白部分。)


1. black hole - 黑洞

2. bullet hole - 枪眼

3. keyhole - 锁眼,钥匙孔

4. wormhole - 虫洞

5. pot hole - 坑洞,路面凹陷处

6. rabbit hole - 兔子洞,比喻进入一个无穷无尽的深渊或困境中

7. sinkhole - 漏斗状塌陷地,汇水坑

8. loophole - 漏洞,空子,法律条文中的漏洞

9. mouse hole - 老鼠洞,小孔

10. peephole - 窥视孔,观察孔


1. cavity - 空穴,凹处

2. opening - 开口,孔隙

3. perforation - 孔眼

4. aperture - 孔径,开口

5. gap - 缺口,裂口

6. void - 空白处,缺失处

7. hollow - 空心的

8. pit - 坑洞

9. crevice- 裂缝

10.crater- 隆起的圆形坑


1.“The scientists are studying the phenomenon of black holes.”(科学家们正在研究黑洞现象。)

2.“There was a bullet hole in the window.”(窗户上有一个枪眼。)

3.“He peeped through the keyhole to see if anyone was in the room.”(他从锁眼里偷看,看是否有人在房间里。)

4.“The movie depicted a journey through a wormhole in space.”(这部电影描述了一次穿越太空虫洞的旅程。)

5.“Be careful when driving, there are many pot holes on this road.”(开车要小心,这条路上有很多坑洞。)

6.“She fell into a rabbit hole of depression after losing her job.”(失去工作后,她陷入了一种无穷无尽的抑郁状态。)

7.“The sinkhole caused by heavy rain has blocked the road.”(暴雨造成的汇水坑堵塞了道路。)

8.“The company found a loophole in the tax law and avoided paying taxes.”(公司发现了税法中的一个漏洞,避免了缴纳税款。)

9.“The mouse hole was too small for the cat to fit through.”(老鼠洞对猫来说太小了,无法通过。)

10.“She looked through the peephole and saw her neighbor standing outside.”(她从窥视孔里看到她的邻居站在外面。)


1. Cavities

例句:The dentist found a few small cavities in my teeth during my check-up.

2. Pits

例句:The surface of the moon is covered with many pits from meteorite impacts.

3. Openings

例句:The holes in the fence allowed the dog to escape from the yard.

4. Hollows

例句:The tree trunk was filled with hollows where birds had made their nests.

5. Clefts

例句:The hiker fell into a deep cleft in the ground and had to be rescued by a search team.

6. Craters

例句:The meteor left a large crater in the ground where it landed.

7. Gaps

例句:The gaps between the floorboards allowed cold air to seep into the room.

8. Caves

例句:Explorers discovered an underground cave system filled with stalactites and stalagmites.

9. Punctures

例句:I had to patch up my bike tire after it got several punctures from riding over thorns.

10. Apertures

例句:Photographers use different apertures to control the amount of light that enters their camera lens

