
生活学习2024-03-11 15:13:34自考教育网


The pronunciation of holler

1. What does "holler" mean?


Holler is a slang term that originated in the United States and is commonly used in informal speech. It can have different meanings depending on the context, but it is often used as a verb meaning "to shout or yell loudly." It can also be used as a noun to refer to a loud cry or shout.

2. How do you pronounce "holler"?

The word "holler" is pronounced as [ˈhɑlər], with the stress on the first syllable. The "o" sound is similar to the one in the word "hot," and the "er" at the end is pronounced as a schwa sound.

3. Synonyms for "holler"

- Shout: This is another verb that means to cry out loudly.

- Yell: Similar to "shout," this word also means to raise one's voice in a loud manner.

- Scream: This verb refers to a loud, high-pitched cry or shout.

- Holla: This is a variation of the word "holler" and has the same meaning.

- Roar: This verb refers to a deep, powerful shout.

4. Example sentences

- My mom always hollers at me when I forget to take out the trash.

- The children were playing outside and I could hear their hollers from inside the house.

- He hollered for help when he saw the fire spreading.

- We could hear him yelling and hollering from down the street.

- She let out a loud holla when she won first place in the race.

- The lion roared with all its might, causing everyone to holler in fear.

In conclusion, "holler" is an informal term that can mean to shout loudly or refer to a loud cry or shout. Its pronunciation is [ˈhɑlər] and it can be used interchangeably with words like "shout," "yell," and "scream."

Is holler an idiom?

1. What does "holler" mean?

"Holler" is a colloquial term that means to shout or call out loudly. It can also refer to a small valley or a remote, rural area.

2. How do you pronounce "holler"?

"Holler" is pronounced as "HAH-luhr," with the stress on the first syllable.

3. Is "holler" an idiom?

Yes, "holler" can be considered an idiom as it has a figurative meaning that is not immediately obvious from its literal definition.

4. What are some synonyms for "holler"?

Some synonyms for "holler" include yell, shout, call out, cry out, and bellow.

5. Can you give me some examples of how to use "holler" in a sentence?

- I could hear my neighbor hollering at his dog from across the street.

- The children were hollering with excitement as they rode the rollercoaster.

- She hollered for help when she saw the snake in her garden.

- The old man lived in a small holler deep in the mountains.

- The teacher told the students to stop hollering and pay attention.

6. Are there any other meanings of "holler"?

Yes, there are a few other meanings of "holler." It can also refer to a loud cry of pain or distress, or to make a loud noise while laughing or talking excitedly.

7. Is there an origin for the word "holler"?

The word "holler" comes from Old English roots and was originally used to describe a loud cry or shout. Over time, it evolved to have more figurative meanings such as calling out or shouting loudly.

8. Can you use "holler" in formal writing?

No, it is generally not appropriate to use colloquial terms like "holler" in formal writing. It is better to use more formal synonyms such as "shout" or "call out."

9. Is "holler" used in other languages?

The word "holler" is mostly used in American English, but it does have equivalents in other languages. For example, in British English, it can be replaced with "shout," and in Australian English, it can be replaced with "yell."

10. In conclusion, what does "holler" mean?

In summary, "holler" means to shout or call out loudly and can also refer to a small valley or remote area. It is an idiom that has a figurative meaning and should not be used in formal writing. Other synonyms for "holler" include yell, shout, and call out

Usage and examples of holler

1. What does holler mean?

Holler is a slang term that means to shout or call out loudly.

2. How do you pronounce holler?

Holler is pronounced as "hah-ler."

3. Synonyms for holler

Other words that have similar meanings to holler include yell, scream, shout, and bellow.

4. Examples of using holler in a sentence

- I heard someone hollering for help in the distance.

- The kids were running around the playground, hollering with joy.

- Don't holler at me like that, I'm just trying to help.

- When I saw my favorite celebrity on the street, I couldn't help but holler their name.

- My dog always starts barking and hollering when someone knocks on the door

Antonyms and synonyms of holler

Are you tired of using the same old words to describe "holler"? Want to spice up your vocabulary and impress your friends? Look no further, because we've got you covered with some antonyms and synonyms for "holler"!


1. Whisper - the opposite of holler, to speak very softly or quietly.

Example: She whispered in his ear instead of hollering across the room.

2. Mumble - to speak in a low or unclear manner, often with a muffled voice.

Example: He mumbled his response instead of hollering it out loud.

3. Murmur - a soft, indistinct sound made by speaking quietly.

Example: The couple murmured sweet nothings to each other instead of hollering their love from the rooftops.


1. Shout - a loud cry or call, similar to hollering.

Example: He shouted for help when he got lost in the woods.

2. Yell - to shout loudly and forcefully.

Example: The coach yelled at the players for not giving their best effort.

3. Scream - a high-pitched cry or shout, often expressing fear or excitement.

Example: The kids screamed with delight as they rode the rollercoaster.

So next time you want to express yourself in a different way than just hollering, try using one of these antonyms and synonyms instead! Your language skills will be on point and your friends will be impressed by your diverse vocabulary

Explanation of holler


1. 名词:holler作为名词时,意思是“大声喊叫”或者“呼喊”。比如,“He gave a loud holler for help.”(他大声呼喊求救。)此外,holler还可以表示“山谷”或者“小沟”。例如,“We took a hike through the hollers and hills of Kentucky.”(我们穿过肯塔基州的山谷和小沟远足。)

2. 动词:作为动词时,holler意思是“大声叫喊”或者“呼唤”。例如,“I could hear my mom hollering at me from across the street.”(我能听到妈妈在街对面大声呼唤我。)此外,holler还可以表示“抱怨”或者“抱怨说”。比如,“Don't holler at me for something that's not my fault.”(不要因为不是我的错就抱怨我。)

3. 形容词:最后,holler还可以作为形容词使用,意思是“偏远的”或者“难以到达的”。例如,“We live in a holler, so it's hard to get good cell phone reception.”(我们住在一个偏远的地方,所以很难获得良好的手机信号。)

除了以上几种用法外,holler还有一些同义词可以替换,比如shout、yell、scream等。例如,“I heard a loud holler/shout/yell/scream from the other room.”(我听到另一个房间传来的大声呼喊/喊叫/尖叫声。)

