
生活学习2024-03-11 15:26:15自考教育网



The pronunciation of Holocene



Holocene同义词及例句:除了Holocene外,还有其他几个同义词可以用来描述这一地质时期,例如Anthropocene(人类世)、Recent(近代)、Postglacial(冰后)等。比如,“The Holocene is characterized by significant climate change”(全新世以显著的气候变化为特征)

Is Holocene an idiom?





Usage and examples of Holocene

1. What does Holocene mean?

Holocene refers to the current geological epoch, which began approximately 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age. It is derived from the Greek words "holos" meaning whole and "kainos" meaning new.

2. How do you pronounce Holocene?

Holocene is pronounced as "huh-luh-seen" with the emphasis on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for Holocene

Other terms that can be used to refer to the Holocene epoch include Recent epoch, Anthropogene period, and Postglacial period.

4. Examples of Holocene in use

- The study of pollen records provides valuable information about vegetation changes during the Holocene.

- The rise of agriculture and human civilization has been a defining feature of the Holocene epoch.

- The melting of glaciers and ice caps during the Holocene has led to a rise in sea levels.

- Scientists use various methods such as carbon dating to determine the age of artifacts from the Holocene period.

- The effects of human activities on climate change are evident in geological records from the Holocene era

Antonyms and synonyms for Holocene

Holocene is a geological epoch that began approximately 11,700 years ago and continues to the present day. It is also known as the "Recent" epoch or the "Present" epoch. The word Holocene comes from the Greek words "holos," meaning whole or entire, and "kainos," meaning recent or new.


1. Pleistocene - The geological epoch that preceded the Holocene, beginning about 2.6 million years ago and ending around 11,700 years ago.

2. Prehistoric - Refers to a time period before written records were kept, which includes the Holocene epoch.


1. Anthropocene - A proposed term for the current geological epoch, characterized by significant human impact on the Earth's ecosystems.

2. Meghalayan - A recently proposed subdivision of the Holocene, representing a distinct climatic event that occurred around 4,200 years ago.

Example sentences:

1. The Holocene has been marked by significant changes in global climate and sea levels.

2. Many scientists believe that we are currently living in the Anthropocene rather than the Holocene.

3. The Meghalayan age of the Holocene is named after a region in India where evidence of a major drought was found in sediment cores.

4. During the Pleistocene, large mammals such as mammoths and sabre-toothed tigers roamed the Earth, but they became extinct during the Holocene due to climate change and human hunting.

5. The study of prehistoric cultures relies heavily on evidence from artifacts and fossils found in Holocene deposits.

In conclusion, understanding antonyms and synonyms for Holocene can help us better understand this important geological epoch and its impact on our planet's history

Explanation of Holocene

1. What does Holocene mean?

The word "Holocene" comes from the Greek words "holos" meaning whole and "kainos" meaning new. It is a geological epoch that began approximately 11,700 years ago and continues until the present day. It is also known as the "Recent epoch" or the "Current epoch."

2. How do you pronounce Holocene?

Holocene is pronounced as /ˈhɒləsiːn/ (HOL-uh-seen).

3. Synonyms for Holocene

Some synonyms for Holocene include recent epoch, current epoch, and post-glacial period.

4. Examples of usage

- The Holocene has been marked by significant changes in Earth's climate, including rising temperatures and sea levels.

- The study of sediment cores from lakes and oceans has provided valuable insights into the environmental changes that have occurred during the Holocene.

- The Holocene is characterized by the development of human civilization and the rise of agriculture.

5. Significance of the Holocene

The Holocene is significant because it marks a period of relative stability in Earth's climate, allowing for human development and expansion. It also marks the end of the last glacial period, which had a major impact on Earth's landscape and biodiversity.

6. Relationship to other geological epochs

The Holocene follows the Pleistocene epoch and is part of the Quaternary period in Earth's history. It is preceded by several ice ages that occurred during the Pleistocene.

7. Differences between Holocene and Anthropocene

There has been much debate about whether we have entered a new geological epoch called the Anthropocene, which would replace or overlap with the Holocene. The Anthropocene refers to a time when human activities have had a significant impact on Earth's geology and ecosystems.

8. Conclusion

In summary, Holocene refers to a geological epoch that began approximately 11,700 years ago and continues until the present day. It is characterized by relatively stable climate conditions and the development of human civilization. The word Holocene is pronounced as /ˈhɒləsiːn/ (HOL-uh-seen) and has synonyms such as recent epoch, current epoch, and post-glacial period. It is an important period in Earth's history and has been subject to ongoing research and debate in the scientific community

