
生活学习2024-03-11 15:35:46自考教育网


The pronunciation of holy

When it comes to the word "holy", many people may have different pronunciations in mind. Some may say "holy" with a strong emphasis on the "o", while others may pronounce it with a softer tone. But what is the correct way to pronounce this word? Let's explore the pronunciation of holy and its variations.


1. The standard pronunciation of holy is [ˈhoʊli], with the stress on the first syllable. This is the most common and accepted way to say this word, and it is used in formal and informal situations.

2. Another common variation of holy is [ˈhəʊli], where the first syllable is pronounced with a schwa sound instead of a clear "o" sound. This pronunciation is also widely accepted and can be heard in both British and American English.

3. In some regions, particularly in Ireland and Scotland, you may hear people saying [ˈhɔːli] or [ˈhɑːli]. These pronunciations are influenced by local accents and dialects, but they are still considered acceptable.

4. Some speakers may also use a more relaxed pronunciation of holy, saying [ˈhoʊlɪ] or [ˈhəʊlɪ]. This variation often occurs in casual conversations or when someone wants to sound more informal.

5. As for the meaning of holy, it refers to something that is sacred or set apart for religious purposes. It can also mean pure, perfect, or worthy of reverence.

6. Synonyms for holy include sacred, divine, blessed, consecrated, hallowed, and saintly. For example: "The temple was considered a holy place by many believers."

7. Here are some examples of how to use holy in sentences:

- "Holy moly! Did you see that amazing sunset?"

- "The holy book of this religion is considered to be the word of God."

- "She was wearing a holy medal around her neck as a symbol of her faith."

- "The holy man blessed the sick with his prayers."

In conclusion, the pronunciation of holy can vary depending on regional accents and contexts, but the most common way to say it is [ˈhoʊli]. Remember, no matter how you say it, the meaning remains the same – something that is sacred and deserving of respect

Is holy an idiom?

1. What does "holy" mean?

"Holy" is an adjective that means sacred, consecrated, or deserving of reverence or respect. It is often associated with religious or spiritual significance.

2. How do you pronounce "holy"?

"Holy" is pronounced as /ˈhoʊli/ in American English and /ˈhəʊli/ in British English.

3. Is "holy" an idiom?

No, "holy" is not considered an idiom. It is a common word used to describe something that is considered sacred or divine.

4. Are there any synonyms for "holy"?

Yes, there are several synonyms for "holy," including sacred, divine, blessed, consecrated, and sanctified.

5. Can you give some examples of how to use "holy" in a sentence?

- The holy book of Christianity is the Bible.

- The holy city of Mecca holds great significance for Muslims.

- The monks live a life devoted to prayer and meditation in the holy monastery.

- She felt a sense of awe and reverence as she entered the holy temple.

- The holy water is believed to have healing powers.

6. Is there a difference between "sacred" and "holy"?

While both words can be used interchangeably in some contexts, there are subtle differences between them. "Sacred" generally refers to something that is dedicated or set apart for religious purposes, while "holy" has a stronger association with divinity or spiritual significance.

7. Can you use "holy" in a non-religious context?

Yes, "holy" can also be used to describe something that is highly respected or revered by people in general. For example:

- His performance was so powerful that it left the audience in awe; it was almost like a holy experience.

- The discovery of a cure for cancer would be considered a holy grail in the medical field.

8. Is "holy" used in any idiomatic expressions?

Yes, there are some idiomatic expressions that use "holy," such as:

- Holy cow! (an expression of surprise or amazement)

- Holy moly! (an expression of surprise or shock)

- Holy smokes! (an expression of surprise or excitement)

In conclusion, "holy" is not an idiom, but rather a common word used to describe something that is considered sacred or deserving of reverence. It can also be used in non-religious contexts to convey a sense of respect and awe. There are several synonyms for "holy," and it is pronounced differently in American and British English

Usage and examples of holy

1. What Does Holy Mean?

Holy is an adjective that describes something or someone as sacred, divine, or worthy of worship. It is often used to refer to religious or spiritual concepts, but can also be applied to things that are considered pure or special.

Example: The holy book of Christianity is the Bible.

2. How Do You Pronounce Holy?

Holy is pronounced as "hoh-lee" with the emphasis on the first syllable. It rhymes with words like "solely" and "slowly."

Example: He couldn't believe his ears when he heard the holy chant.

3. Synonyms for Holy

- Sacred: having great religious significance and deserving respect

Example: The holy city of Mecca is a sacred place for Muslims.

- Divine: related to or coming from God

Example: The birth of Jesus Christ is considered a divine event in Christianity.

- Blessed: made holy by religious ceremony or divine favor

Example: The priest blessed the newlyweds during their wedding ceremony.

4. Examples of Holy in Sentences

- The holy man prayed for peace and prosperity in the world.

- I felt a sense of awe when I entered the holy temple.

- My grandmother's rosary beads are considered a holy object in our family.

- The holy water is used for purification rituals in many religions.

- The monks chanted hymns in front of the holy fire.

In conclusion, holy refers to something that holds great religious significance and should be treated with reverence. It can also be used to describe things that are pure, special, or related to God. Remember to pronounce it as "hoh-lee" and use synonyms like sacred, divine, and blessed to add variety to your writing

Antonyms and synonyms of holy

1. Antonyms of holy:

- Profane: This word refers to something that is not sacred or religious in nature. It is often used to describe actions or words that are disrespectful towards something considered holy.

Example sentence: The profane language used by the students during the religious ceremony was highly inappropriate.

- Unholy: This term means the opposite of holy, and is often used to describe something that is impure, evil, or sinful.

Example sentence: The unholy alliance between the two rival gangs resulted in chaos and violence on the streets.

- Irreverent: This adjective describes someone who lacks respect for things that are considered sacred or holy.

Example sentence: His irreverent attitude towards religion often offended his deeply religious family.

2. Synonyms of holy:

- Sacred: This word has a similar meaning to holy, as it refers to something that is dedicated to a deity or considered worthy of worship.

Example sentence: The sacred temple was a place of pilgrimage for many devout believers.

- Divine: This adjective describes something that is related to or coming from a god or deity. It can also be used to describe something that is exceptionally good or beautiful.

Example sentence: The divine intervention saved them from the disaster.

- Revered: This term means highly respected and honored, especially in a religious context.

Example sentence: The revered leader of the church was known for his wisdom and compassion.

3. Example sentences using "holy":

- The holy book of Christianity is the Bible.

- Many people make pilgrimages to Mecca, which is considered a holy city in Islam.

- In Hinduism, cows are considered holy animals and are worshipped by many people.

- The monks live in seclusion in their holy monastery high up in the mountains.

- She felt a sense of peace wash over her as she entered the holy temple

Definition of holy

1. 什么是holy?


2. holy的发音


3. holy的同义词


4. holy的例句

- The holy book is considered to be the word of God by many believers.


- The temple is a holy place for worship and prayer.


- She felt a sense of peace and holiness in the presence of the holy man.


5. 对holy有什么理解?



