
生活学习2024-03-11 15:46:47自考教育网




1. 词性:形容词

2. 词义:指的是舒适、温馨的,具有家庭氛围的,或者指与家庭相关的事物。也可以表示朴素、平凡的意思。

3. 同义词:

- cozy:舒适的,温馨的,与homely含义相近。

- comfortable:舒适的,安逸的,也可以用来形容homely的意思。

- plain:朴素的,简单的,与homely含义相近。

- simple:简单的,朴素的,在某些情况下可以替代homely。

4. 例句:

- The homely atmosphere of the small town made me feel at ease.


- I miss my homely room and my family's cooking.


- She doesn't have a homely face, but she has a kind heart.


- The homely decorations in the restaurant gave it a cozy feeling.



1. “homely”是一个形容词,读作[hohm-lee]。

2. 它的意思是“家常的,朴素的”,通常用来形容环境、氛围或外貌。

3. 同义词包括:plain, simple, unpretentious, unadorned等。

4. 以下是一些例句,帮助更好地理解“homely”的用法:

a. The restaurant has a homely atmosphere that makes you feel like you're eating at home.


b. She has a homely face, but her personality is very charming.


c. I prefer a homely meal with my family over fancy dinners at expensive restaurants.



1. homely的意思

homely一词可以有多种含义,具体取决于上下文和语境。最常见的意思是“家常的,家庭式的”,指与家庭或家庭生活有关的事物。例如:“I love the homely atmosphere of this restaurant.”(我喜欢这家餐厅的家庭氛围。)此外,homely也可以表示“朴素的,质朴的”,指简单但舒适和温馨的感觉。例如:“The cottage had a homely charm.”(小屋散发着朴素而迷人的魅力。)

2. homely的发音

homely一词在英语中有两种不同的发音,取决于其含义。当表示“家常的”时,读作 ['həʊmli];当表示“朴素的”时,读作 ['həʊmli]。

3. homely同义词


4. homely双语例句

- The house has a very homely feel to it, with its cozy fireplace and comfortable furniture.


- She always wears plain clothes and has a very homely appearance.


- The homely smell of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen.


- The homely atmosphere of the restaurant made me feel like I was eating at home.


- Despite its simple appearance, the homely cottage was full of character and charm.



1. 家常的:homely meals (家常饭)

2. 温馨的:a homely atmosphere (温馨的氛围)

3. 朴实的:homely clothes (朴实的衣服)

4. 质朴的:homely charm (质朴的魅力)

5. 平凡的:a homely life (平凡的生活)

6. 熟悉的:a homely face (熟悉的面孔)

7. 舒适的:a homely cottage (舒适的小屋)

8. 亲切的:homely manners (亲切的举止)

9. 自然简单的:homely beauty (自然简单之美)

10. 家庭式的:a homely dinner party (家庭式晚宴)


1. Cozy - 温馨舒适的

例句:The homely atmosphere of the small cafe made me feel right at home.

2. Familiar - 熟悉的

例句:The homely scent of my grandmother's cooking always brings back fond memories.

3. Comfortable - 舒适的

例句:The homely furniture in the cabin made our camping trip much more enjoyable.

4. Plain - 简朴的

例句:She preferred a homely dress over fancy designer clothes.

5. Unpretentious - 不矫揉造作的

例句:Her homely demeanor made her easy to approach and talk to.

6. Unassuming - 不张扬的

例句:Despite her success, she remained humble and homely in her appearance.

7. Modest - 谦虚的

例句:He lived a simple and homely life, despite being a famous actor.

8. Rustic - 乡村般的

例句:The homely charm of the old farmhouse was irresistible.

9. Inviting - 吸引人的

例句:The warm lights and cozy decor of the restaurant created a homely atmosphere.

10. Welcoming - 热情友好的

例句:Their homely hospitality made us feel like part of the family during our stay

