
生活学习2024-03-11 15:54:32自考教育网







此外,homes也可以作为动词使用,意为“使…安居”,“归于故土”。比如,“The government is working to provide homes for the homeless.”(政府正在努力为无家可归者提供住房。)或者,“She was homesed in her hometown after living abroad for many years.”(她在国外生活多年后回到了故乡。)

1. I love my home, it's where I feel most comfortable.


2. The new housing development will provide affordable homes for low-income families.


3. After a long day at work, I just want to go home and relax.


4. The cat was lost, but luckily it found its way back home.



1. homes的发音:homes的发音为[hōmz],读音为/həʊmz/,其中[o]发音为长音,[h]不发音,[s]发[s]音。

2. homes的意思:homes是home(家)的复数形式,表示“家庭”、“住宅”或“家园”的意思。它可以指代多个家庭或住宅群体。

3. homes的同义词:homes的同义词包括houses、residences、dwellings等,它们都表示“住宅”或“居所”的意思。

4. homes的例句:

a) Our new neighborhood is filled with beautiful homes.


b) The government is providing affordable homes for low-income families.


c) The holiday season is a time for families to gather in their homes and celebrate together.


d) Many people dream of owning their own homes one day.



1. homes的意思


2. homes的发音


3. homes的同义词


4. homes的例句及翻译

(1) My parents' home is in the countryside.


(2) They have been living in their new home for a month.


(3) He has built a beautiful home for his family.


(4) I miss my hometown, my home and my family.


5. homes与house的区别


6. homes与home的区别


7. homes作为动词

除了作为名词外,homes也可以作为动词使用,意思是“瞄准”或“聚集”。例如:The missile homed in on its target.(导弹瞄准了目标。)

8. homes作为缩写

Homes也可以作为缩写形式出现,如H.O.M.E.S.代表五大湖(Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior)。

9. homes的双语例句

(1) We have several homes in different cities.


(2) These houses are not just buildings, they are our homes.


(3) The refugees were forced to leave their homes due to the war.


(4) He is currently looking for a new home for his family.


(5) I always feel safe and comfortable when I am at home.



1. 家庭住宅 - household homes

例句:The new development project will include both single-family homes and multi-family apartments.

2. 故乡 - hometown homes

例句:After living abroad for many years, she finally returned to her hometown and settled into her childhood home.

3. 动物的栖息地 - animal homes

例句:The zoo has been working hard to create natural habitats that mimic the animals' homes in the wild.

4. 避难所 - shelter homes

例句:In times of natural disasters, many families seek refuge in shelter homes provided by the government or non-profit organizations.

5. 养老院 - retirement homes

例句:As they grew older, the couple decided to sell their house and move into a retirement home where they could receive better care.

6. 学生宿舍 - dormitory homes

例句:Living in a dormitory with other students can be a great way to make new friends and experience college life.

7. 租赁房屋 - rental homes

例句:The demand for rental homes has increased in recent years as more young professionals choose to rent instead of buying a house.

8. 梦想之家 - dream homes

例句:Winning the lottery allowed them to finally buy their dream home by the beach, fulfilling a lifelong goal


1. Residences - 住所

例句:These homes are designed for families with children.

2. Dwellings - 居所

例句:The village is made up of traditional thatched dwellings.

3. Abodes - 住处

例句:Their abode was a small cottage in the countryside.

4. Habitations - 居住地

例句:The city has a variety of habitation options, from apartments to single-family homes.

5. Residency - 居住地

例句:His residency in the city lasted for only a year before he moved back to his hometown.

6. Lodgings - 住宿处

例句:The students were provided with lodgings near the university campus.

7. Quarters - 住所/营房

例句:The soldiers were assigned quarters in the barracks.

8. Accommodations - 住宿/膳宿处

例句:The hotel offers luxurious accommodations for its guests.

9. Tenements - 出租房屋/公寓楼

例句:Many immigrants in the city live in overcrowded tenements.

10. Homesteads - 家园/农场

例句:They have built their homesteads on a large piece of land in the countryside

homes作为一个名词,表示“家园”,其读音为[həʊmz]。它可以用来指代一个人的住所,也可以用来表示某个地方的居民。在双语例句中,我们可以看到homes经常和“sweet”、“happy”等词搭配使用,体现了人们对家的温馨和幸福的向往。除此之外,homes还有一些常见的词组,如“make oneself at home”、“home sweet home”等。如果你想要寻找homes的同义词,可以考虑使用“residence”、“dwelling”等词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望今天的文章能够帮助到你,并且让你对homes有了更深入的理解。如果你喜欢我们网站提供的内容,请不要忘记关注我哦!谢谢阅读!
