
生活学习2024-03-11 16:10:28自考教育网




1. 同音异义词


2. [həˈmɑːdʒəniəs]的发音


3. [hɒməˈdʒiːniəs]的发音


4. 注意事项









1. homogeneous的意思是“同类的”或“均匀的”,它来自于希腊词根homo(相同)和genos(种类),在英语中常用来形容一种物质或群体具有相似性质或特征。

2. 在口语中,homogeneous通常被缩写为“homo”,可以用来形容某个群体的成员具有相似的背景、兴趣爱好等。

3. 读音为[hɒmə(ʊ)ˈdʒiːniəs],其中重音在第二个音节上。

4. 以下是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解homogeneous的用法:

- The samples in this experiment are homogeneous, which ensures the accuracy of our results.(这次实验中的样本是均匀的,这保证了我们结果的准确性。)

- This school has a very homogeneous student population, with most students coming from similar socioeconomic backgrounds.(这所学校拥有非常同质化的学生群体,大多数学生来自相似的社会经济背景。)

- We need to create a more heterogeneous work environment, as diversity can bring new perspectives and ideas.(我们需要创造一个更加多元化的工作环境,因为多样性可以带来新的观点和想法。)

- The homogeneous distribution of resources has led to a lack of development in certain regions.(资源的同质化分配导致了某些地区的发展不足。)

- The team is very homogeneous, with everyone sharing the same passion for the project.(这个团队非常同质化,每个人都对这个项目有着相同的热情。)


1. homogeneous mixture: 均质混合物

2. homogeneous society: 同质化社会

3. homogeneous population: 同质人口

4. homogeneous team: 同质团队

5. homogeneous culture: 同质文化

6. homogeneous distribution: 均匀分布

7. homogeneous solution: 均匀溶液

8. homogeneous system: 均匀系统

9. homogeneous reaction: 均相反应

10. homogeneous group: 同质群体


1. Uniform - This word can be used as a synonym for homogeneous and refers to something that is consistent and unvarying throughout.

2. Consistent - Similar to uniform, this word also describes something that is the same throughout and does not vary.

3. Identical - This word means exactly the same and can be used to describe a homogeneous mixture or group of things.

4. Homologous - Derived from the same origin, this term can be used to describe things that are similar in structure or composition.

5. Unvaried - This word means not changing or lacking diversity, making it a suitable synonym for homogeneous.

6. Congenial - Describing something that is pleasant and harmonious, this word can also be used to refer to a homogeneous environment or group.

7. Monotonous - This word means dull and unchanging, making it a suitable synonym for homogeneous when referring to something that lacks variety.

8. Unanimous - Used to describe complete agreement among a group, this word can also be used as a synonym for homogeneous when referring to opinions or beliefs.

9. Undifferentiated - Meaning not distinct or different, this term can be used as a synonym for homogeneous when describing something that lacks diversity.

10. Blended - Often used when referring to mixtures, this word means combined or mixed together in a uniform manner.

These are just some examples of synonyms for "homogeneous" which all convey the idea of sameness and lack of variation. It is important to use different words in your writing in order to avoid repetition and make your content more engaging for readers

