
生活学习2024-03-11 16:35:25自考教育网




1. honeycomb的定义


2. honeycomb的含义


作为具有六边形结构的物体或图案,honeycomb则可以用来形容事物具有类似于蜂巢一样的排列方式。例如,在科学研究中,我们经常会听到"honeycomb structure"这样的术语,指代一种类似于蜂巢结构的排列方式。

3. honeycomb怎么读


4. honeycomb的同义词及例句

- 同义词:honeycomb的同义词包括"honeycomb structure", "hexagonal structure", "cellular structure"等。

- 例句:

a. The honeycomb structure of the beehive provides a strong and stable home for the bees.


b. The new building is designed with a honeycomb pattern, which not only looks beautiful but also provides great support.







除了honeycomb之外,还有哪些词可以用来表示同样的意思呢?如果你想要表达“蜂窝”的含义,可以使用“hexagon”(六边形)、“cellular structure”(细胞结构)或者“honeycomb pattern”(蜂窝图案)等等。当然,在不同语境下可能会有所差异。



- The honeycomb structure of the beehive is truly a marvel of nature.(蜂巢的蜂窝结构真是大自然的奇迹。)

- The artist used a honeycomb pattern to decorate the walls of the café.(艺术家使用蜂窝图案来装饰咖啡厅的墙壁。)

- The new building is designed with a honeycomb structure, making it both strong and lightweight.(这座新建筑采用了蜂窝结构设计,既坚固又轻巧。)



1. honeycomb的意思


2. honeycomb的读音


3. honeycomb的同义词

Honeycomb的同义词包括:honeycombed、honeyed、hexagonal structure等。

4. honeycomb的用法示例

(1) The walls of the beehive are made of honeycomb.

(2) This new material has a strong and lightweight honeycomb structure.

(3) The artist used a honeycombed pattern in her painting.

(4) The beekeeper carefully harvested the honey from the honeycombs.

5. 双语例句

(1) 虽然这个建筑物看起来像一个巨大的蜂巢,但它实际上是由钢筋和混凝土构成。(Although this building looks like a giant honeycomb, it is actually made of steel and concrete.)

(2) 这种新型材料采用了蜂巢状的结构,具有轻巧、坚固的特点。(This new material adopts a honeycomb structure, which is light and strong.)

(3) 她的画作中运用了蜂巢状的图案,给人一种生动的感觉。(She used a honeycombed pattern in her painting, giving it a lively feel.)

(4) 蜂农小心地从蜂巢中收获了美味的蜂蜜。(The beekeeper carefully harvested the delicious honey from the honeycombs.)


1. 蜂巢状的 (honeycomb-shaped)

例如:The honeycomb-shaped pattern on the dress was eye-catching.

2. 蜂窝状的 (honeycomb-like)

例如:The texture of the cake was honeycomb-like, making it light and airy.

3. 蜂房 (beehive)

例如:The honeycombs were full of busy bees.

4. 六角形格子 (hexagonal grid)

例如:The building's exterior was covered in a hexagonal grid pattern, resembling a honeycomb.

5. 蜂巢结构 (honeycomb structure)

例如:The airplane's wings were designed with a honeycomb structure to make them stronger and lighter.

6. 蜂窝纹理 (honeycomb texture)

例如:The artist used a honeycomb texture in her painting to add depth and dimension.

7. 蜂巢式排列 (honeycomb arrangement)

例如:The flowers in the garden were planted in a honeycomb arrangement, creating a beautiful and organized display.

8. 蜂脾气的 (bee-like)

例如:She had a bee-like personality, always buzzing around and getting things done.

9. 工蜂般勤奋的 (busy as a bee)

例如:He was busy as a bee, working on multiple projects at once.

10. 甜如蜂蜜的 (sweet as honey)

例如:Her voice was as sweet as honey, enchanting everyone who heard it


1. 蜂窝状 (honeycomb-like)

例句:The honeycomb-like structure of the building is both functional and visually appealing.

2. 蜂巢结构 (honeycomb structure)

例句:The honeycomb structure of the material provides excellent strength and durability.

3. 蜂蜜蛋糕 (honeycomb cake)

例句:The honeycomb cake is a popular dessert in many countries, known for its light and airy texture.

4. 蜂巢纸板 (honeycomb cardboard)

例句:The use of honeycomb cardboard has greatly reduced packaging waste in the industry.

5. 蜂巢图案 (honeycomb pattern)

例句:The designer incorporated a honeycomb pattern into the fabric, giving the dress a unique and modern look.

6. 蜂蜡 (beeswax)

例句:Beeswax is used to create the cells of a honeycomb, providing a natural and sustainable material for construction.

7. 蜂群 (beehive)

例句:The beekeeper carefully tended to the beehive, ensuring the health and productivity of the honeycombs inside.

8. 花蜂 (worker bee)

例句:Worker bees are responsible for building and maintaining the honeycombs in a beehive, as well as collecting nectar from flowers.

9. 采蜜 (collecting nectar/honey)

例句:The bees were busy collecting nectar from flowers to make into delicious honey for their hive's honeycombs.

10. 花粉 (pollen)

例句:Pollen collected by bees is also stored in cells within the honeycombs, providing essential nutrients for the hive

