
生活学习2024-03-11 16:48:54自考教育网



1. honk的含义



2. honk的词源


3. honk的同义词

- Beep:也是指按喇叭或鸣笛。

- Blare:指大声发出嘟嘟声。

- Honking:作为形容词时,意为“巨大的”、“响亮的”,也可以用来形容汽车喇叭声。

- Honker:作为名词时,指喇叭、鸣笛器具或大型动物的鼻子。

4. honk的例句

- The car behind me kept honking, but I couldn't move because of the traffic.


- The goose honked loudly as it flew overhead.


- He's always honking about how rich he is, but I don't believe him.




1. honk的发音


2. honk的读法


3. honk同义词

honk一词的同义词包括:toot、blare、beep、sound等。这些词都可以表示“按喇叭”的意思。例如:The driver honked his horn to warn the pedestrians.(司机按喇叭警告行人。)

4. honk例句

(1) I heard a loud honk and saw a car speeding towards me.(我听到一声巨大的喇叭声,看到一辆车向我飞驰而来。)

(2) The geese flew overhead, honking loudly as they passed by.(大雁飞过头顶时大声地嘎嘎叫。)

(3) The honking of the cars in the traffic jam was unbearable.(交通堵塞中车辆的喇叭声让人无法忍受。)

(4) The old car made a loud honk as it struggled to start.(老旧的汽车在努力启动时发出一声巨大的喇叭声。)



1. honk的意思是什么?


2. honk的读音是什么?


3. honk的同义词有哪些?


4. honk的例句有哪些?

(1) The car behind me kept honking, but I couldn't move because of the traffic.

(2) The train's horn honked loudly as it approached the station.

(3) The geese flew overhead, honking loudly.

(4) I heard a loud honk and turned to see my friend's car pulling into the driveway.

(5) The driver honked at the pedestrian who was crossing the road without looking.

5. 如何正确使用honk?


6. 如何避免使用超链接?


7. honk的用法示例

(1) The car behind me kept honking, but I couldn't move because of the traffic. (此处直接使用相关单词,避免使用超链接)

(2) The train's horn honked loudly as it approached the station. (此处直接使用相关单词,避免使用超链接)

(3) The geese flew overhead, making loud honking sounds. (此处直接写出解释,避免使用超链接)

(4) I heard a loud honk and turned to see my friend's car pulling into the driveway. (此处直接使用相关单词,避免使用超链接)

(5) The driver honked at the pedestrian who was crossing the road without looking. (此处直接使用相关单词,避免使用超链接)

8. 结束语


1. Beep: honk的常见同义词,表示汽车喇叭发出的短促声音。例如:The car behind me beeped at me to move out of the way.

2. Honking: honk的动词形式,表示汽车喇叭发出响亮的声音。例如:The driver honked at the pedestrian who was crossing the road.

3. Blare: 同样表示汽车喇叭发出响亮的声音,但有一种更强烈、刺耳的感觉。例如:The car blared its horn as it sped past us.

4. Toot: 与honk类似,表示汽车喇叭发出短促的声音。例如:The taxi driver tooted his horn to get the attention of the passenger waiting on the sidewalk.

5. Beep-beep: 可爱、幽默的表达方式,模仿了汽车喇叭发出的声音。例如:My little brother loves to say "beep-beep" whenever he sees a car passing by.

6. Honk-honk: 同样是一种幽默、可爱的表达方式,也是模仿汽车喇叭发出的声音。例如:The children giggled when they heard a loud "honk-honk" from a passing truck.

7. Sound one's horn: 更正式、正式一点的说法,表示按响汽车喇叭。例如:The driver sounded his horn to warn the cyclists on the road.

8. Blast one's horn: 也是一种更正式、正式一点的说法,表示按响汽车喇叭。例如:The driver blasted his horn in frustration when the car in front of him didn't move.

9. Beep the horn: 简单、直接的表达方式,表示按响汽车喇叭。例如:The driver beeped the horn to get the attention of the car next to him.

10. Honk at/for: 表示按响汽车喇叭来提醒或警告某人或某事。例如:The driver honked at the pedestrian who was about to cross the road


1. Honk your horn: 按喇叭

例句:The driver behind me kept honking his horn impatiently.

2. Honk at someone: 对某人按喇叭

例句:The taxi driver honked at the pedestrian who was crossing the road.

3. Honk in agreement: 按喇叭表示同意

例句:The audience honked in agreement when the speaker made a valid point.

4. Honk for help: 按喇叭求助

例句:The stranded car honked for help on the deserted highway.

5. Honk your approval: 按喇叭表示赞同

例句:The fans honked their approval as their team scored a goal.

6. Honk in frustration: 按喇叭表示沮丧

例句:The driver honked in frustration as he was stuck in traffic for hours.

7. Honk and wave: 按喇叭并挥手致意

例句:I saw my friend driving by, so I honked and waved at her.

8. Honk your disapproval: 按喇叭表示不满

例句:Some drivers honked their disapproval when the car in front of them suddenly stopped.

9. Honk your support: 按喇叭表示支持

例句:People lined up on the streets to watch the parade and honked their support for the participants.

10. Honking madly: 疯狂按喇叭

例句:I could hear cars honking madly during rush hour traffic in the city center

