
生活学习2024-03-11 16:54:19自考教育网



The pronunciation of honored

1. What does "honored" mean?

"Honored" is an adjective that means to be highly respected or held in high esteem.

2. How do you pronounce "honored"?

The correct pronunciation of "honored" is [ˈɑnərd].

3. Synonyms for "honored"

Some synonyms for "honored" include esteemed, revered, celebrated, and distinguished.

4. Examples of using "honored"

- It was an honor to be invited to speak at the conference.

- She felt honored to receive the award.

- The company was honored with a prestigious business award.

- He was deeply honored by the recognition from his peers.

So next time you come across the word "honored," remember its meaning, how to pronounce it correctly, and some synonyms and examples of using it. You'll be sure to impress your friends with your knowledge!

Is honored an idiom?

1. 什么是idiom?


2. honored的含义

根据英文字典的解释,honored是形容词,意为“受到尊敬的、受到荣誉的”。它可以用来形容人、事物或地位等,表示被认可、被赞扬或被尊重。例如,“He is an honored guest at the party”(他是晚会上备受尊敬的客人)。

3. honored的发音


4. honored与idiom有何关系?

从字面上看,“honored”似乎并不符合idiom的定义——它并非固定短语或表达方式。然而,根据实际使用情况和语言习惯,我们可以发现“honored”在某种程度上也具备idiom的特征。例如,“to be honored with”(被授予)是一个固定搭配,无法用其他词语替换。这种固定搭配的使用方式和含义也与普通的动词短语不同,因此可以被认为是一种idiom。

5. honored的同义词及例句

为了帮助更好地理解honored一词,我们还可以通过一些同义词来加深印象。常见的同义词包括respected、esteemed、admired等。例如,“She is a highly respected professor in the university”(她是大学里备受尊敬的教授)。

6. honored在句子中的用法

除了作为形容词外,honored还可以作为动词和过去分词使用。作为动词时,它意为“给予荣誉或尊重”,例如,“The organization honors individuals who have made significant contributions to society”(该组织表彰对社会做出重大贡献的个人)。作为过去分词时,它可以用来修饰人或事物,并表示被赋予荣誉或尊重的状态

Usage and examples of honored

1. What does "honored" mean?

- "Honored" is an adjective that describes feeling great respect or admiration for someone or something.

- It can also refer to being given a special recognition or privilege.

2. How do you pronounce "honored"?

- "Honored" is pronounced as /ˈɒnəd/ (AHN-uhd) in British English and /ˈɑːnərd/ (AH-nuhrd) in American English.

3. Synonyms for "honored"

- Respected, esteemed, revered, admired, venerated, celebrated.

4. Examples of usage:

- I am honored to be your guest tonight.

- The soldiers were honored for their bravery in battle.

- She was deeply honored to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature.

- The company honored their commitment to donate a portion of their profits to charity.

- He was honored with a lifetime achievement award for his contributions to the field of science.

5. More examples:

a) She was honored with a standing ovation at the end of her performance.

b) I am truly honored to be chosen as the keynote speaker for this event.

c) The university bestowed an honorary degree upon the renowned scientist, honoring her outstanding achievements in her field.

d) It's an honor to have you as our special guest tonight.

e) The president will honor our nation's veterans with a speech on Memorial Day.

f) The company's CEO was honored with the title of Businessperson of the Year by Forbes magazine.

6. Ways to use "honored":

a) Feel honored: To feel privileged or proud about something that has been done for or given to you.

Example: I feel truly honored to have been chosen for this award.

b) Honored guest: A person who is given special treatment or recognition because they are highly respected or admired.

Example: The Queen was the honored guest at the state dinner.

c) Honored to do something: To feel grateful and proud to have the opportunity to do something.

Example: I am honored to have been asked to speak at this conference.

d) Honor someone/something: To show great respect or admiration for someone or something.

Example: The company decided to honor their employees by giving them a bonus for their hard work.

e) Honored with something: To be given something special as a sign of respect or recognition.

Example: The athlete was honored with a gold medal for breaking the world record.

7. In conclusion, "honored" is a word that carries a strong sense of respect and admiration. It can be used in various contexts, such as feeling honored, honoring someone or something, and being an honored guest. It is also important to note that "honored" can be used in both formal and informal settings

Antonyms and synonyms of honored

1. Antonyms of honored: Dishonored, disgraced, shamed, disrespected.

Example: He was dishonored by his actions and lost the respect of his community.

2. Synonyms of honored: Respected, esteemed, revered, admired.

Example: She is highly respected for her contributions to the field of science.

3. Other words related to honored:

- Distinguished: Having a high reputation or standing out from others.

Example: He was a distinguished professor at the university.

- Valued: Considered important or precious.

Example: We are grateful for your valued support and contribution.

- Commended: Praised or recognized for one's achievements or actions.

Example: She was commended for her bravery during the crisis.

4. Example sentences using "honored":

- I am truly honored to receive this award tonight.

- It was an honor to meet such a renowned author.

- We are honored to have you as our guest speaker at the conference

Explanation of honored

1. What does "honored" mean?

- "Honored" is an adjective that describes someone or something as being highly respected, esteemed, or admired. It can also refer to feeling privileged or grateful for a certain recognition or privilege.

2. How do you pronounce "honored"?

- "Honored" is pronounced as /ˈɑːnərd/ (AH-nuhrd) in American English and /ˈɒnəd/ (ON-uhd) in British English.

3. Synonyms for "honored"

- Respected, esteemed, admired, revered, venerated, celebrated, esteemed, lauded

4. Example sentences:

- She felt honored to be invited to speak at the conference.

- He was honored with a prestigious award for his contributions to the field.

- The soldiers were honored for their bravery and sacrifice.

- I am truly honored to have been chosen for this opportunity.

- The company was honored with the title of "Best Employer" by a leading magazine.

5. Related words:

- Honor (noun): a high level of respect or esteem; privilege; integrity

Example: He has brought honor to his family through his achievements.

- Honorable (adjective): deserving of respect and admiration; morally upright

Example: She is known for her honorable actions and kind heart.

- Honoree (noun): a person who is given special recognition or privilege

Example: The honoree of the event gave an inspiring speech about her journey to success.

6. Antonyms:

- Disgraced, dishonored, disrespected

7. Idioms using "honor":

- Honor one's word: To keep one's promise or commitment

Example: He always honors his word and never goes back on his promises.

- Do honor to someone/something: To show respect or admiration towards someone or something

Example: The students did honor to their teacher by organizing a surprise party for her retirement.

- Honor among thieves: A code of trust and loyalty among criminals

Example: Despite their illegal activities, there is still some honor among thieves in this gang.

8. Cultural significance:

- In many cultures, honor is highly valued and plays a significant role in interpersonal relationships and societal norms.

- In some cultures, honor is closely tied to family reputation and can even lead to violence or revenge if it is threatened or tarnished.

- Honoring someone through awards, titles, or ceremonies is a common way of showing respect and recognition in many societies.

9. Famous quotes using "honor":

- "Honor isn't about making the right choices. It's about dealing with the consequences." - Midori Koto

- "The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be." - Socrates

- "Honor your commitments with integrity." - Les Brown

10. Conclusion:

In summary, "honored" refers to being highly respected or esteemed, feeling privileged or grateful for recognition, and can also be used as an adjective to describe someone's character. It has various synonyms and related words that convey similar meanings. Understanding the cultural significance of honor can provide further insight into the meaning of this word. As shown through famous quotes, honor involves making choices with integrity and keeping one's commitments

