hook 是什么意思

生活学习2024-03-11 17:12:23自考教育网

今天我们来聊聊一个行业标题——“hook 是什么意思”。可能有些读者对这个词并不陌生,但是你知道它的拼音吗?它又是如何读音的呢?在这篇文章中,我们将会为大家揭开这个神秘的面纱。除了介绍hook的拼音和正确的发音外,我们还会分享hook的用法和双语例句,以及一些常见的hook词组。最后,我们还会给出一些hook的同义词示例,帮助大家更好地理解这个词。让我们一起来探索hook的含义吧!



1. "钩子"

hook 是什么意思

这是hook最常见的意思,通常用来指代一种弯曲的金属物品,可以用来挂东西或者连接两样东西。比如,在钓鱼时我们会使用fish hook(鱼钩);在衣柜里我们会有coat hook(衣服挂钩)等。

2. "抓住"

除了物品上的使用外,hook也可以表示抓住某物或者某人。比如,在搬家时我们会用到moving hook(搬家抓手);在打篮球时我们会用到rebound hook(篮板球),这里的hook表示抓住篮板。

3. "吸引"

另外一个常见的意思是指吸引力或者诱惑力。比如,在销售领域中,我们会使用sales hook(销售技巧)来吸引顾客;在写作中,我们也会用到attention hook(注意力点)来吸引读者。

4. "欺骗"

在俚语中,hook也可以表示欺骗或者诈骗。比如,在电影《海钓时刻》中,主角使用的hook trick(欺骗技巧)来捕捉大鱼。

5. "上瘾"

在美国俚语中,hook也可以表示上瘾。比如,当你沉迷于某种电视剧时,你可以说"I'm totally hooked on this show!"(我完全沉迷于这部剧了!)


1. 什么是hook?


2. hook的发音与含义


3. 如何正确读写hook?


4. hook在不同领域的应用


5. hook在计算机编程中的应用


6. hook技术的分类


7. hook技术的优缺点



1. Hook的基本含义


2. Hook的用法

a. 作为名词时,Hook通常用来指一种物品,如衣服上的挂钩、门上的门闩等。此外,它也可以指某种工具,如钓鱼时使用的鱼钩。

b. 作为动词时,Hook有多种用法:

- 吸引:当我们说某件事情“hook our attention”时,意思是它吸引了我们的注意力。

- 欺骗:当我们说某人被“hooked into doing something”时,意思是他被欺骗、被迫做某件事情。

- 钩住:当我们说某物体被“hooked on something”时,意思是它被钩住了。

- 连接:当我们说两个人或物体被“hooked together”时,意思是他们被连接在一起。

3. 双语例句

a. The hook on the wall is used to hang coats.


b. The fish was caught on a hook.


c. The movie hooked my attention from the beginning.


d. She was hooked into buying the expensive car by the salesman's smooth talk.


e. The dog got hooked on the fence and couldn't move.


f. The two boats were hooked together to form a raft.



1. Off the hook - 脱身,解脱

2. Get hooked - 上瘾,迷恋

3. Hook up - 连接,联结

4. Hook and loop - 钩环式绑扣

5. Hooked on - 对...上瘾,迷恋

6. By hook or by crook - 不择手段,千方百计

7. Let's hook up sometime - 我们什么时候见面?

8. Hook, line, and sinker - 完全地,彻底地

9. Off the hook for now - 目前不用担心了

10. Throw someone a curve/hook - 出乎意料地做某事

11. Hook someone in/into something - 吸引某人参与某事

12. On the hook for something - 对某事负责任或有义务

13. Take the bait/hook- 上当受骗,中计

14. Be hooked on something/someone- 对某事/某人着迷、上瘾

15.Hook it up with someone- 与某人搭讪、交往

16.Hook, line and sinker- 完全地、彻底地

17.Hooked nose- 鹰钩鼻

18.Hooked barb- 钩形刺

19.Hook shot- 钩射(篮球技术)

20.Hooks and eyes- 按钮和眼扣

21.Hook wrench- 钩形扳手

22.Hook and eye closure- 钩眼式扣合

23.Hooked rug- 钩绣地毯

24.Hooked on a feeling- 迷恋一种感觉

25.Hookah pipe- 水烟袋

26.Hook line and sinker- 完全地、彻底地

27. Hook someone's attention - 吸引某人的注意力

28. Hook up with friends - 与朋友聚会

29. Get hooked on a TV show - 对一部电视剧上瘾

30. Hook up the computer - 连接电脑

31. Be hooked on social media - 对社交媒体上瘾

32. Off the hook for the weekend - 周末不用担心了

33. Hooked up to an IV - 与静脉注射器连接

34. Hooking up with old classmates - 与老同学联系

35. Hook your arm through mine - 把你的手臂挽在我的手臂里面

36. Be hooked by a great book - 被一本好书吸引住了

37. Get the hook from the stage - 被从舞台上赶下去了

38. A hook for hanging clothes - 悬挂衣服的钩子

39. A fish hook in his finger - 他手指上有一个鱼钩

40. A hook-shaped scar on his face - 他脸上有一个钩形的伤疤


1. Lure - This word is often used to describe something that tempts or entices someone, similar to how a hook can lure in a fish.

2. Snare - A snare is a type of trap that catches animals by using a looped wire or cord, much like a hook can catch something.

3. Entice - This word means to attract or persuade someone to do something, just as a hook can entice someone into taking the bait.

4. Tempt - Similar to entice, this word means to attract or persuade someone by offering something desirable, like how a fish is tempted by the bait on a hook.

5. Capture - When something is captured, it is caught and held captive, much like how a hook captures and holds onto its prey.

6. Ensnare - This word means to trap or catch someone or something, similar to how a hook can ensnare its target.

7. Allure - This word refers to the power of attraction or fascination, much like how a hook has the allure of catching fish.

8. Bait - Bait is used to lure in an animal for the purpose of trapping it, just as bait is used on a hook to lure in fish.

9. Snag - A snag is an unexpected obstacle that catches and slows down progress, similar to how a hook can snag onto objects underwater.

10. Trap - A trap is designed to catch and hold onto something, just like how a fishing hook traps its prey.

11. Tangle - When things become tangled together, they are caught up and difficult to separate, much like how fishing hooks can become tangled with each other underwater.

12. Grapple - This word means to seize and hold onto something firmly, similar to how a fishing hook grapples onto its target.

13. Seize - To seize means to take hold of something suddenly and forcefully, similar to how a hook seizes its prey.

14. Snatch - This word means to quickly grab or take something, much like how a fish is snatched up by a hook.

15. Catch - The most obvious synonym for hook, this word means to capture or seize something, just like how a fishing hook catches its prey

