
生活学习2024-03-11 17:42:45自考教育网





当我们用Hope来表达自己的愿望时,通常会说“I hope”,例如“I hope to travel the world one day”(我希望有一天能环游世界)。这里的hope表示对未来的期待和憧憬。

除了作为名词,Hope也可以作为动词使用,意为“希望”。它的发音与名词相同,都是/həʊp/。当我们用Hope作为动词时,通常会接上to加上动词原形,例如“I hope to see you again soon”(我希望很快能再见到你)。这里的hope表示对未来某件事情的期待。

如果我们想要表达更强烈的希望或愿望,可以使用同义词wish。例如“I wish I could fly”(我希望我能飞起来)。

除了表示个人愿望外,Hope也可以指对某种情况或结果的期待。例如“We hope the weather will be nice for our picnic”(我们希望野餐时天气会很好)。在这种情况下,Hope可以理解为“期望”或“指望”




那么,在日常生活中我们还可以用哪些同义词来表达Hope呢?比较常见的有“desire”、“aspiration”、“wish”等。例如,“I have a strong desire to succeed in my career.”(我对事业有强烈的渴望),“Her aspiration is to become a famous singer.”(她的志向是成为一名著名歌手),“I hope all your wishes will come true.”(我希望你所有的愿望都能实现)。

除了以上提到的同义词外,还有一些类似意思、但用法略有不同的单词可以替换Hope,比如“expectation”、“anticipation”、“yearning”等。例如,“I have high expectations for my future.”(我对未来有很高的期望),“The anticipation of seeing her again made me excited.”(期待再次见到她让我兴奋不已),“She has a strong yearning for freedom.”(她对自由有强烈的渴望)


1. Hope的意思是希望,来自于英语动词“hope”,意为“期待、盼望”。它可以用作名词和动词,表达对未来的期待和渴望。

英文例句:I have high hopes for my future.


2. Hope的同义词包括wish、desire、aspiration等,它们都表示对未来的渴望和期待。

英文例句:She has a strong desire to become a successful actress.


3. 在口语中,Hope通常以非正式的形式出现,如“hoping”、“hopes”。它也可以用作祝愿他人好运或成功的表达。

英文例句:Hoping you have a great day!


4. 当表示希望某事发生时,可以使用hope for结构。

英文例句:I hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.


5. 当表示对某人或某事物持乐观态度时,可以使用hopeful形容词。

英文例句:The team is feeling very hopeful about their chances of winning.


6. 当表示对某事的希望可能不会实现时,可以使用hopeless形容词。

英文例句:It seems hopeless to try and fix the broken vase.


7. 当表示一种信念或信仰时,可以使用hope作为名词。

英文例句:She has a strong hope in God to guide her through difficult times.


8. 当表示对过去发生的事情感到遗憾时,可以使用wish和hope的结合形式wish + hope。

英文例句:I wish I had studied harder in college, but I still hope for a successful career.



1. Hopeful: 充满希望的,有希望的

例句:She is very hopeful about her chances of getting into her dream university.

2. Hopeless: 绝望的,没有希望的

例句:The situation seemed hopeless, but she refused to give up.

3. Hopes and dreams: 希望和梦想

例句:We all have our own hopes and dreams for the future.

4. Keep hope alive: 保持希望

例句:Even in the face of adversity, she always managed to keep hope alive.

5. False hope: 虚假的希望

例句:Don't give them false hope, be honest with them about the situation.

6. High hopes: 高度期待,满怀期待

例句:He had high hopes for his new business venture.

7. Hold out hope: 抱有希望,抱有期待

例句:Despite the setbacks, she still held out hope for a positive outcome.

8. Hope against hope: 不顾一切地抱有希望

例句:She continued to hope against hope that he would return safely from war.

9. Lose hope: 失去希望

例句:Even in the darkest times, we must never lose hope.

10. Renewed hope: 重获希望,重新振作起来的信心

例句:After receiving good news, she felt a renewed sense of hope for her future.

11. Shattered hopes: 破碎的希望,幻灭的梦想

例句:The loss of their child shattered their hopes for a happy family.

12. Faint hope: 微弱的希望

例句:There was only a faint hope of finding survivors after the earthquake.

13. False hope syndrome: 虚假希望综合症,对自己能力的过高估计

例句:He suffered from the false hope syndrome, always believing he could achieve more than he was capable of.

14. Hope chest: 储藏箱,盛放希望的箱子

例句:She kept all her cherished belongings in her hope chest, hoping to pass them down to future generations.

15. Hope springs eternal: 希望永远存在,无穷无尽的希望

例句:Despite all the challenges, she believed that hope springs eternal and things would eventually get better


1. Expectation

Hope can be used as a synonym for expectation, meaning to have a belief or anticipation that something will happen.

Example: She had high hopes for her new business venture.

2. Aspiration

Aspiration refers to having a strong desire or ambition to achieve something. It is often used interchangeably with hope.

Example: His hope and aspiration was to become a successful musician.

3. Trust

Trust can also be considered as a synonym for hope, as it involves having faith and confidence in someone or something.

Example: I have placed my hope and trust in you to complete this project successfully.

4. Optimism

Optimism refers to having a positive outlook on life and expecting good things to happen. It is closely related to hope.

Example: Despite the challenges, she remained optimistic and hoped for the best outcome.

5. Confidence

Confidence can be used as a synonym for hope in the sense of having belief in oneself or in someone else's abilities.

Example: With his confidence and determination, he hoped to win the competition.

6. Faith

Faith involves having strong belief and trust in someone or something, which is similar to the concept of hope.

Example: She had faith that everything would work out in the end, despite the difficulties she faced.

7. Wish

Wish can also be used as a synonym for hope, especially when referring to something desired or wanted but not guaranteed.

Example: I wish you all the best and hope that your dreams come true.

8. Dream

Dream can be used interchangeably with hope when referring to an ideal or desired future outcome.

Example: Her greatest dream was to travel around the world, and she hoped it would one day come true.

9. Longing

Longing refers to a strong desire or yearning for something, often accompanied by feelings of hopefulness and anticipation.

Example: He felt a deep longing for her and hoped that she would one day return his feelings.

10. Anticipation

Anticipation can also be considered a synonym for hope, as it involves expecting or looking forward to something in the future.

Example: The children were filled with anticipation and hope for Christmas morning

