
生活学习2024-03-11 17:50:50自考教育网



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4. 字面意思

如前所述,hopping一词源自于hop这个单词,因此它的字面意思就是“跳跃”。在日常生活中,我们可以用这个词来形容人或动物跳跃的动作,比如:“The rabbit is hopping in the field.”(兔子在田野里蹦蹦跳跳。)

5. 使用场景

除了字面意思外,hopping还可以用来表示“快速移动”、“匆忙行走”的意思。比如,“I was late for work, so I had to start hopping to catch the bus.”(我上班迟到了,所以我不得不匆忙赶公交车。)另外,在美国俚语中,hopping还可以表示“去某处”、“前往某地”的意思。比如,“Let's go hopping at the mall this weekend!”(这周末我们去商场逛逛吧!)

6. 同义词及例句


- Jumping:指快速地从一个位置移动到另一个位置。“The kids were jumping on the bed.”(孩子们在床上蹦来蹦去。)

- Skipping:指轻盈地跳过一些东西。“She was skipping over the puddles on the sidewalk.”(她在人行道上轻盈地跳过水坑。)

- Bouncing:指弹跳的动作。“The ball was bouncing up and down on the ground.”(球在地上上下弹跳。)


1. 读音:[ˈhɒpɪŋ],注意发音时,字母o的读音为/ɒ/而不是/aʊ/。

2. 同义词:跳跃、跳动、蹦跳等。

3. 解释:hopping是hop的现在分词形式,意为“跳跃”。它可以作为动词使用,也可以作为形容词使用。

4. 例句:

- He was seen hopping around the room with excitement.


- The bunny was hopping through the garden.


- The children were happily hopping on the trampoline.


5. 注意事项:

- 在口语中,hopping也可以用来表示“快速移动”的意思,例如:“I'll be hopping over to the store to grab some milk.”(我会快速走到商店买点牛奶。)

- 在美式英语中,hopping还有一个独特的意思,即“旅行、巡回”,例如:“We're planning on hopping around Europe this summer.”(我们计划今年夏天到欧洲旅行。)

6. 拓展阅读:


- hop除了表示“单脚跳”,还可以表示“跳上、跳下”等意思,例如:“She hopped onto the bus.”(她跳上了公交车。)

- 在习语中,hop也可以表示“快速地做某事”,例如:“Let's hop to it and finish this project.”(让我们快点做完这个项目。)

- hop还可以作为名词使用,表示“单脚跳”或“短途旅行”,例如:“I did a little hop over the puddle.”(我在水坑上单脚跳了一下。) “We took a quick hop to the beach for the weekend.”(我们周末去海滩玩了一下。)


1. hopping的意思

Hopping是一个动词,表示“跳跃”的意思。它可以用来形容人或动物用一只脚或两只脚跳跃移动,也可以指连续不断地进行某种活动。例如:“The rabbit was hopping around in the garden.”(兔子在花园里跳来跳去。)“We went bar-hopping last night.”(昨晚我们去酒吧串门。)

2. hopping的发音


3. hopping的同义词


4. hopping双语例句

- The kangaroo is known for its ability to hop long distances.(袋鼠以其长距离跳跃能力而闻名。)

- The children were happily hopping around in the playground.(孩子们在操场上快乐地蹦蹦跳跳。)

- The frog was seen hopping from one lily pad to another in the pond.(青蛙被看到在池塘里从一片荷叶跳到另一片。)

- The rabbit was hopping over the fence to get to the other side of the garden.(兔子跳过篱笆来到花园的另一边。)

- The dancers were gracefully hopping and twirling on the stage.(舞者们在舞台上优雅地跳跃和旋转。)

- We decided to go bar-hopping in the city to explore different nightlife options.(我们决定在城市里串门去探索不同的夜生活选择。)


1. hopping mad - 极其生气的,愤怒的

例句:He was hopping mad when he found out that his car had been stolen.

2. hopping on one foot - 单脚跳跃

例句:The children were having a competition to see who could hop on one foot the longest.

3. hopping off - 下车,离开

例句:I'll be hopping off at the next stop, so can you make sure I don't miss it?

4. hopping on and off - 频繁地上下车,来来回回

例句:We spent the whole day hopping on and off different buses to explore the city.

5. hopping into bed - 跳进床上,上床睡觉

例句:After a long day of work, all I want to do is hop into bed and sleep.

6. hopping from place to place - 跳跃式地在不同地方之间移动

例句:As a travel blogger, she is constantly hopping from place to place, exploring new destinations.

7. hopping around - 蹦蹦跳跳地四处走动,忙碌地活动

例句:She's been busy all day, hopping around from one task to another.

8. busy as a bee/hopping like a bunny - 忙得像只蜜蜂/像只兔子一样快活

例句:During peak season, the hotel staff are always busy as bees, trying to accommodate all the guests' needs.

9. skipping and hopping - 跳跃着走路,轻快地走路

例句:The children were skipping and hopping along the beach, enjoying the warm weather.

10. hopping on the bandwagon - 跟风,盲从

例句:Everyone is talking about this new diet, so I guess I'll have to hop on the bandwagon and try it out


1. Jumping

- "Jumping" is a synonym for "hopping" and means to move quickly and lightly from one place to another.

- Example: The rabbit was jumping around the garden, hopping from one flower to another.

2. Bouncing

- "Bouncing" is another word that can be used in place of "hopping" and refers to a quick, light movement.

- Example: The kangaroo was bouncing through the field, hopping over rocks and bushes.

3. Skipping

- Similar to "hopping," "skipping" also describes a light and quick movement.

- Example: The children were skipping down the street, hopping over cracks on the sidewalk.

4. Leaping

- This word can be used as a synonym for "hopping," but it often implies a longer or higher jump.

- Example: The frog leaped across the pond, hopping from one lily pad to another.

5. Springing

- To "spring" means to move or jump quickly and suddenly, making it a suitable synonym for "hopping."

- Example: The grasshopper was springing through the field, hopping over blades of grass.

6. Pogoing

- This word is more specific and refers to a type of jumping done with a pogo stick.

- Example: The children were pogoing in the park, hopping up and down on their pogo sticks.

7. Vaulting

- Similar to "leaping," "vaulting" describes a high or long jump, often over an obstacle.

- Example: The horse was vaulting over the fence, hopping gracefully over each bar.

8. Galloping

- While usually associated with horses, this word can also be used as a synonym for "hopping."

- Example: The deer was galloping through the forest, hopping over logs and fallen branches.

9. Prancing

- This word describes a lively and playful movement, making it a suitable synonym for "hopping."

- Example: The puppy was prancing around the yard, hopping over toys and chasing butterflies.

10. Dancing

- While not typically associated with jumping, "dancing" can be used as a synonym for "hopping" to describe a light and graceful movement.

- Example: The butterflies were dancing in the air, hopping from flower to flower

