
生活学习2024-03-11 17:56:08自考教育网



1. horde的定义



2. horde的发音


3. horde的同义词

- Crowd:指挤满了人的地方或聚集在一起的人群。

- Mob:指暴徒、暴民或乱民。

- Throng:指拥挤、拥塞或众多。

- Swarm:指大量移动或聚集在一起的昆虫、鸟类等。

- Horde与上述同义词均有“大量聚集”的意思,但使用场景略有差异。

4. horde的例句

- The horde of tourists flooded the streets, making it difficult to walk.


- The village was attacked by a horde of wild animals.


- A horde of fans waited outside the stadium to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrity.


- The horde of students rushed into the cafeteria as soon as the bell rang for lunch.


5. horde的派生词

- Horde-like:形容词,意为“像游牧部落一样的”。

- Hordeism:名词,指“游牧部落制度”或“大量聚集的现象”。

6. horde在文学作品中的使用


- The novel portrays a horde of barbarians who invade and destroy a peaceful kingdom.


- The protagonist was captured by a horde of savages and had to fight for his survival.



1. horde的发音及含义


2. horde的同义词

- swarm:意为“成群结队”,常用来形容昆虫等小动物。

- mob:意为“暴民”,通常指一群暴力行为的人。

- throng:意为“拥挤”,多用来形容人群聚集在一起。

- multitude:意为“大量”,强调数量众多。

3. horde的例句

- A horde of fans gathered outside the stadium, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite soccer player.(一大群球迷聚集在体育场外,希望能看到他们最喜欢的足球运动员。)

- The small village was attacked by a horde of locusts, destroying all their crops.(小村庄被一大群蝗虫袭击,摧毁了他们所有的庄稼。)

- The city was overrun by a horde of tourists during the holiday season.(假日季节,这座城市被一大批游客涌入。)

4. 如何正确读音horde

- 首先,注意发音中的“o”是长音,发作[ɔː],不是短音[ɑː]。

- 其次,注意发音中的“r”是轻轻滑过,不要太重。

- 最后,注意整个单词的重音在第一音节上,读作[hɔːrd]。

5. horde的词源及衍生词


- horde-like:形容词,意为“像大群”的。

- hordeism:名词,指“游牧民族文化或政治制度”。

- hordeolum:名词,医学术语,“眼痈”的意思。



1. horde的意思是一大群人或动物,通常指野蛮、不受控制的群体。例如:A horde of tourists flooded the streets during the festival. (节日期间,大批游客涌入街道。)

2. horde的发音为[hɔːrd],读作“霍德”。

3. horde的同义词包括crowd, mob, swarm等。例如:A crowd of fans gathered outside the stadium to cheer for their favorite team. (球迷们聚集在体育场外为他们喜爱的球队加油。)

4. 下面是一些关于horde用法的双语例句:

- The village was attacked by a horde of wild animals, causing chaos and destruction. (村庄遭到一群野生动物的袭击,造成混乱和破坏。)

- The internet trolls formed a horde to attack and bully innocent users online. (网络恶搞者组成一大群人攻击和欺负无辜的用户。)

- The nomadic tribe traveled in a horde, searching for new pastures for their livestock. (游牧部落结伴旅行,寻找新草场放牧。)

- The city was overrun by a horde of angry protesters demanding justice for the victims of police brutality. (城市被一大批愤怒的抗议者占领,要求为警察暴力受害者伸张正义。)


1. Horde of people


例句:The concert was so popular that there was a horde of people waiting to get in.

2. Horde mentality


例句:The horde mentality of the group led to them making reckless decisions.

3. Horde leader


例句:The horde leader gave orders for the troops to attack.

4. Horde invasion


例句:The village was unprepared for the horde invasion and suffered heavy losses.

5. Horde warfare


例句:Horde warfare often involved hand-to-hand combat and primitive weapons.

6. Horde migration


例句:The horde migration was caused by a shortage of resources in their current location.

7. Horde settlement


例句:Archaeologists discovered remnants of a horde settlement dating back to ancient times.

8. Horde culture


例句: The horde culture placed great importance on hunting and gathering for survival.

9. Horde mentality

含义: 群体心态,盲从的心态

例句: The group's horde mentality made them easily influenced by peer pressure.

10. Horde behavior

含义: 部落行为,原始部落的行为模式

例句: The horde behavior of the tribe was studied by anthropologists to understand their way of life.

11. Horde lifestyle

含义: 部落生活方式,原始部落的生活方式

例句: The horde lifestyle revolved around survival and community living.

12. Horde territory

含义: 部落领地,原始部落占据的领土

例句: The horde territory extended for miles and was fiercely protected by its inhabitants.

13. Horde language

含义: 部落语言,原始部落使用的语言

例句: The horde language was a complex system of grunts and gestures that only its members could understand.

14. Horde customs


例句:The horde customs involved rituals and ceremonies to honor their ancestors.

15. Horde beliefs


例句:The horde beliefs centered around nature and the spirits that governed it.

16. Horde traditions


例句:The horde traditions were passed down from generation to generation, keeping their culture alive.

17. Horde unity


例句:The horde unity was crucial for their survival in the harsh environment they lived in.

18. Horde hierarchy


例句:The horde hierarchy was based on strength and leadership abilities.

19. Horde rituals


例句:The horde rituals were performed to appease the gods and ensure a good harvest.

20. Horde migration patterns


例句:The horde migration patterns were studied by scientists to understand their movements and behaviors


1.群众:这个词可以用来代替horde,例如:“A horde of fans gathered outside the concert venue.”

2.大批人群:也可以用来表达horde的意思,比如:“The horde of shoppers rushed into the store on Black Friday.”

3.一大群人:这个短语也可以用来替换horde,比如:“A horde of tourists flooded the streets during peak season.”

4.一堆人:如果想要表达贬义的意思,可以使用这个短语,例如:“A horde of unruly teenagers caused chaos in the shopping mall.”

5.一帮人:这个短语也可以用来表示horde,比如:“A horde of protesters marched through the streets demanding change.”

6.大量人群:如果想要强调数量,可以使用这个短语来替换horde,例如:“The stadium was filled with a horde of excited fans cheering for their team.”

7.一伙人:类似于“一帮人”,也可以用来表示horde,比如:“A horde of volunteers came to help clean up after the natural disaster.”

8.成群结队的人:这个短语也可以用来代替horde,例如:“The park was filled with a horde of children enjoying the sunny weather.”

