
生活学习2024-03-11 18:02:45自考教育网



1. 拼音:huángxiàng

2. 拼音解释:horizontally的拼音为huángxiàng,是一个由两个汉字组成的词语,分别为“横”和“向”。其中,“横”指水平方向,而“向”则表示朝着某个方向移动或延伸。


3. 概念解释:horizontally是一个副词,主要用来描述物体或者行为在水平方向上的运动或延伸。它可以用来表示水平地、横向地、平行地等含义。

4. 用法示例:

- The bookshelf is placed horizontally against the wall.


- The dancers moved horizontally across the stage.


- The river flows horizontally towards the sea.


5. 相关词汇:

- horizontal [形容词]:水平的;横向的。

- horizon [名词]:地平线;视野。

- horizontally [副词]:水平地;横向地。

- horizontal line [名词]:水平线


1. 概念解释


2. 发音指南


3. 词性变化

- 名词:horizontal(形容词)

- 副词:horizontally

4. 用法示例

- The painting should be hung horizontally on the wall.


- The table is designed to expand horizontally.


5. 搭配短语

- horizontally opposed:横向对立的

- horizontally integrated:横向整合的

- horizontally challenged:缺乏横向发展机会的

6. 同义词和反义词

同义词:levelly, flatly, evenly, parallelly

反义词:vertically, perpendicularly

7. 常见错误使用


8. 相关表达法

- vertically:垂直地

- horizontally challenged:缺乏横向发展机会的

- horizontal bar:横杆


1. 概念解释:horizontally是一个副词,意为“水平地”,是由形容词horizontal衍生而来的。

2. 用法示例:

- The picture should be hung horizontally.(这幅画应该水平挂起来。)

- The building was divided horizontally into two parts.(这栋建筑被水平分成了两部分。)

- She cut the cake horizontally, making even slices.(她水平切开蛋糕,使每块都均匀。)

3. 类似表达:horizontally还可以用来表示“横向地”、“横跨地”,例如:

- The road runs horizontally across the valley.(这条路横穿山谷。)

- The bridge spans the river horizontally.(这座桥横跨着河流。)

4. 幽默应用:当你想要表达某件事情很慢或者很缓慢时,可以使用horizontally,例如:

- I tried to explain it to him, but he seemed to be moving horizontally through the conversation.(我试图向他解释,但他似乎在对话中移动得很慢。)

5. 总结:通过以上的例子,我们可以看出horizontally既可以指物体的方向、位置,也可以指行动的速度和方式。因此,在日常生活中我们经常会用到这个词,希望你也能灵活运用它


1. horizontally aligned:水平对齐的

2. horizontally integrated:横向整合的

3. horizontally opposed:横向对立的

4. horizontally challenged:水平挑战的

5. horizontally polarized:水平极化的

6. horizontally scalable:横向可扩展的

7. horizontally symmetrical:水平对称的

8. horizontally transmitted:横向传播的

9. horizontally mounted:横向安装的

10. horizontally striped:横条纹的


1. "Side by side" - 指物体或人在水平方向上并排排列。

例如:The two buildings were built side by side, horizontally aligned with each other.

2. "Parallel" - 指两条线或物体在同一平面上保持相同的距离。

例如:The road and the river run parallel to each other, horizontally across the landscape.

3. "Level" - 指物体或表面处于水平位置,没有倾斜。

例如:Make sure the picture frame is level before hanging it on the wall, with both sides horizontally straight.

4. "Flat" - 指物体表面没有凸起或凹陷,保持水平状态。

例如:The table top should be flat and horizontally even, so that nothing falls off.

5. "Even" - 指物体或表面处于平坦的状态,没有高低不平。

例如:She used a ruler to make sure the lines were even and horizontally aligned on the paper.

6. "Across" - 指横跨某个区域或距离,在水平方向上延伸。

例如:They sailed across the ocean, horizontally covering a distance of thousands of miles.

7. "Levelled" - 指将物体调整到水平位置,使其保持水平状态。

例如:He levelled the ground before building his house, making sure it was perfectly horizontal.

8. "Lateral" - 指从一侧到另一侧的运动或延伸,在横向方向上进行。

例如:The football player made a lateral pass, horizontally moving the ball to his teammate.

9. "Flatwise" - 指物体或表面的宽度处于水平方向,与地面平行。

例如:The plank should be placed flatwise, horizontally on the ground, before being nailed down.

10. "Straight across" - 指从一侧到另一侧的直线运动,在水平方向上保持直线。

例如:She drew a line straight across the paper, horizontally dividing it into two equal parts

horizontally是一个英文单词,它的拼音为[həˈrɪzəntəli]。在英语中,horizontally是一个副词,意为“水平地”。它的用法和例句有很多种,比如我们可以说“请把画挂在墙上水平地”,即“Please hang the painting horizontally on the wall.” 除此之外,horizontally还可以构成一些词组,比如“horizontally opposed”(水平对立的)、“horizontally integrated”(水平整合的)等。
