
生活学习2024-03-11 18:09:08自考教育网








a) The sun disappeared beyond the horizon, painting the sky with beautiful colors.


b) As a photographer, I always try to capture the beauty of the horizon in my pictures.


c) The new job offer opened up a whole new horizon for her career.



1. horizon的定义


2. horizon的含义


3. horizon怎么读


4. horizon同义词


5. horizon例句

(1) The sun was setting below the horizon, painting the sky with beautiful colors.


(2) The company's expansion plan has broadened its horizons and brought in more profits.


(3) She has a limited horizon and can't see the bigger picture.



1. horizon的意思及发音


2. horizon的同义词

- skyline:指从地面或海面上看到的天空和大地的交界处,与horizon意思相同。

- vista:指远处可见的景色,也可以用来表示horizon所在位置。

- boundary:指两个不同事物之间的分界线,也可以用来表示horizon所在位置。

3. horizon的例句

- The sun disappeared below the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink.


- The ship sailed towards the horizon, disappearing from sight.


- As I stood on top of the mountain, I could see the horizon stretching out in front of me.


- The city's skyline is especially beautiful at sunset.


- The view from our hotel room was a stunning vista of the ocean and the horizon beyond.


- The boundary between the sea and the sky was blurred, making it difficult to tell where one ended and the other began.


4. horizon的双语例句

- The sun is slowly sinking towards the horizon.


- The horizon seemed to stretch out endlessly before us.


- We could see the outline of the island on the horizon.


- The city's skyline at night is a breathtaking sight.


- As we drove towards the mountains, a beautiful vista opened up before us.


- The boundary between these two countries has been a source of conflict for centuries.



1. skyline

例句:The sun slowly disappeared behind the skyline, marking the end of another day.

2. boundary

例句:The horizon between the sea and the sky seemed to merge into one, creating a beautiful boundary.

3. vista

例句:As we reached the top of the mountain, a breathtaking vista opened up before us.

4. limit

例句:His ambition knew no limit; he always aimed for goals beyond the horizon.

5. view

例句:From our hotel balcony, we had an amazing view of the horizon over the ocean.

6. perspective

例句:The artist's painting captured a unique perspective of the horizon at sunset.

7. outlook

例句:Her positive outlook on life allowed her to see opportunities on every horizon.

8. verge

例句:As we approached the edge of the cliff, we could see nothing but endless horizon below us.

9. rim

例句:The sun appeared to be balancing on the rim of the horizon as it set in a blaze of colors.

10. skyline

例句:The city's iconic skyline was visible from miles away, with its towering buildings reaching towards the horizon


1. Horizon的定义和意思

- Horizon (n.):地平线,视野,范围,界限

- Horizon (v.):提供视野,展望未来

2. Horizon的同义词

- Boundary:边界,界限

- Limit:限制,极限

- Scope:范围,领域

- Perspective:观点,角度

3. Horizon的相关短语

- Broaden one's horizon:拓宽某人的视野/范围

- Beyond the horizon:超出视野/范围之外

- On the horizon:即将发生/出现的事情

- Reach the horizon:达到极限/界限

4. Horizon的例句

a. The sun was setting on the horizon, painting the sky with beautiful colors.


b. As a language learner, it's important to broaden your horizons and learn about different cultures.


c. The company has reached its financial horizon and is now looking for new opportunities for growth.


d. The new project will expand our business horizons and bring in more profits.


