
生活学习2024-03-11 18:25:32自考教育网









1. 发音


2. 词性


3. 同义词

horrible的同义词包括:awful, dreadful, terrible, horrifying, frightening等。

4. 例句

- The movie was so horrible that I couldn't even finish watching it.


- The weather yesterday was horrible, it was raining all day.


- The smell coming from the kitchen was absolutely horrible.


5. 用法小贴士

- Horrible通常用来形容令人感到非常不愉快或恐惧的事物。

- 当形容事物时,可以使用“be + horrible”结构;当形容人时,则可以使用“look/sound/seem + horrible”结构。

- 另外,也可以使用“horribly”作为副词来修饰动词或形容词,表示程度更强烈。


The children behaved horribly at the party.


6. 相关用法







1. horrible的意思是令人恐惧的、可怕的,常用来形容令人感到厌恶或不愉快的事物。例如:The smell in the room was absolutely horrible. (房间里的气味简直让人难以忍受。)

2. horrible的发音为[hɒrəbl],注意第一个音节读轻音,第二个音节读重音。

3. horrible的同义词包括awful, dreadful, terrible等,它们都可以用来形容极其糟糕或令人不快的事物。例如:The weather today is just awful. (今天的天气真是糟糕透顶。)

4. 下面是一些关于horrible用法和例句:

- It was a horrible experience and I never want to go through it again. (那是一次可怕的经历,我再也不想经历了。)

- The movie was so horrible that I had to cover my eyes during some scenes. (电影太可怕了,有些场景我都不敢看。)

- She had a horrible nightmare last night and woke up screaming. (她昨晚做了个可怕的噩梦,吓得大喊大叫起来。)

- The food at that restaurant was absolutely horrible, I couldn't even finish my meal. (那家餐厅的食物简直难以下咽,我连饭都没吃完。)

- I can't believe he said such horrible things to her, he's usually so nice. (我无法相信他会对她说出那么可怕的话,他平时都很友好。)


1. Terrible - 可以用来替换horrible的同义词,表示极其糟糕的、可怕的。

例句:The movie was so terrible that I had to cover my eyes.

2. Dreadful - 同样可以用来替换horrible,意为令人恐惧的、可怕的。

例句:The weather forecast is dreadful for tomorrow, we should stay indoors.

3. Horrific - 同样可以用来表达horrible的意思,强调令人恐惧和震惊。

例句:The accident was horrific, I couldn't believe what I saw.

4. Frightful - 同样可以作为horrible的同义词,表示可怕的、令人害怕的。

例句:The noise coming from the abandoned house was frightful.

5. Appalling - 可以用来表达horrible,表示令人震惊和厌恶的。

例句:The conditions in the factory were appalling, the workers were being mistreated.

6. Ghastly - 也可以作为horrible的同义词,强调令人感到恐惧和厌恶。

例句:The smell coming from the dumpster was ghastly.

7. Gruesome - 同样可以表达horrible,意为令人毛骨悚然的、可怕的。

例句:The scene of the crime was gruesome, it was like something out of a horror movie.

8. Abominable - 作为horrible的同义词,表示令人厌恶和反感的。

例句:The food at that restaurant was abominable, I couldn't eat it.

9. Monstrous - 同样可以用来表达horrible,意为极其可怕的、令人震惊的。

例句:The storm last night was monstrous, it caused a lot of damage.

10. Horrendous - 也可以作为horrible的同义词,强调极其糟糕和可怕。

例句:The traffic on the highway was horrendous, it took us hours to get home.

11. Atrocious - 可以用来表达horrible,表示极其残忍和恶劣的。

例句:The conditions in the prison were atrocious, the inmates were treated like animals.

12. Disgusting - 同样可以作为horrible的同义词,表示令人厌恶和恶心的。

例句:The smell of the garbage was disgusting.

13. Nasty - 也可以用来表达horrible,意为令人讨厌和不愉快的。

例句:The weather today is really nasty, I hate going outside in this rain.

14. Shocking - 同样可以作为horrible的同义词,强调令人震惊和不可思议的。

例句:The news about the accident was shocking, I couldn't believe it happened.

15. Deplorable - 可以用来表达horrible,表示令人遗憾和不幸的。

例句:The living conditions in the refugee camp were deplorable, it was heartbreaking to see


1. Terrible - This is a common synonym for "horrible" and is often used to describe something that is extremely bad or unpleasant. For example, "The movie was terrible, I couldn't even finish watching it."

2. Dreadful - This word can also be used to mean "horrible" and is often used to describe something that causes fear or dread. For example, "The thought of going to the dentist was dreadful for me."

3. Atrocious - This is a more formal synonym for "horrible" and is often used to describe something that is extremely cruel or brutal. For example, "The conditions in the prison were atrocious."

4. Ghastly - This word can be used to mean "horrible" but also has connotations of being terrifying or ghostly. For example, "The ghost stories were so ghastly that I couldn't sleep at night."

5. Appalling - This synonym for "horrible" carries a sense of shock or disbelief and is often used to describe something that is morally wrong or shocking. For example, "The news of the disaster was absolutely appalling."

6. Gruesome - This word can be used as a synonym for "horrible" but specifically refers to something that is gruesome or horrifying in appearance or nature. For example, "The horror movie was filled with gruesome scenes."

7. Abysmal - This adjective means extremely bad or hopeless and can be used as a synonym for "horrible." For example, "The team's performance was abysmal, they didn't stand a chance against their opponents."

8. Nasty - While this word can have multiple meanings, it can also be used as a synonym for "horrible." It often implies something unpleasant or unkind in nature. For example, "He had a nasty habit of making fun of others."

9. Frightful - This synonym for "horrible" can also mean something that is terrifying or causing fear. For example, "The storm was frightful, I was afraid our house would be damaged."

10. Horrendous - This adjective means extremely unpleasant or horrifying and can be used as a synonym for "horrible." For example, "The accident was horrendous, I couldn't believe what I saw."

通过阅读本文,相信大家已经对horrible有了更深入的了解。horrible是一个形容词,意为“可怕的,恐怖的”,它的发音为[hɒrɪb(ə)l]。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来形容各种各样令人不快或令人恐惧的事物。例如:“The movie was so horrible that I couldn't sleep at night.”(这部电影太可怕了,我晚上都睡不着。)除了horrible外,还有一些近义词可以用来表达类似的意思,如terrifying、frightening、dreadful等。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望本文能帮助到大家,并且希望大家多多关注我们网站的其他文章。谢谢!
