
生活学习2024-03-11 19:05:14自考教育网



1. hospitalize是一个动词,意思是“住院治疗”或“收入医院治疗”。

2. 它的发音为[hos-pi-tl-ahyz],重音在第一个音节上。


3. 源自拉丁语“hospitium”,意为“住宿处”或“客人待遇”。

4. 在英语中,hospitalize通常指因疾病、伤害或其他健康问题而需要住院治疗。

5. 例如,当某人受伤严重时,可能需要被送往医院并留在那里接受专业的治疗和护理,这就可以说是hospitalized了。

6. 在美国英语中,hospitalize也可以用作名词形式,表示“住院治疗的状态”。例如,“他正在经历一段艰难的hospitalization过程”


1. hospitalize的含义


2. hospitalize的发音


3. hospitalize的用法示例

a. The doctor decided to hospitalize the patient for further observation.


b. The injured player was immediately hospitalized after the game.


c. My grandmother has been hospitalized for a week due to pneumonia.


4. 与hospitalize相关的词汇

a. Hospitalization:名词,指住院治疗的过程或状态。

b. Hospitalized:形容词,指正在接受住院治疗的。

c. Hospital:名词,指医院。

5. 与hospitalize同义词

a. Admit:接纳、承认、允许进入。

b. Admit to hospital:让某人住院治疗。

c. Hospitalize:住院治疗。

d. Place in hospital:让某人住院治疗。

6. 与hospitalize反义词

a. Discharge:出院、解雇、排出。

b. Release from hospital:从医院出院。

c. Discharge from hospital:从医院出院。

7. 区别hospitalize和hospitality


8. 注意事项


a. 通常用于描述某人被送往医院接受治疗的过程,而不是自愿前往医院的情况。

b. 如果想表达“入住医院”的意思,可以使用admit to hospital或place in hospital。

c. 在一些国家,如英国和澳大利亚,也有使用hospitalise的拼写形式。两者意思相同


1. 什么是hospitalize?


2. 如何读hospitalize?


3. hospitalize的中文释义


4. 双语例句

- My grandmother was hospitalized for a week due to pneumonia.


- The injured player was immediately hospitalized for further examination.


- The patient's condition worsened, so he had to be hospitalized for intensive care.


5. 使用建议

当需要描述某人被送往医院进行治疗时,可以使用hospitalize这个动词。同时,在正式场合也可以用作名词,如hospitalization(住院治疗)或者hospitalized patient(住院患者)。但在非正式场合,也可以使用较为通俗的表达方式,如“go to the hospital”(去医院)或者“be in the hospital”(在医院)


1. hospitalize的含义

- hospitalize是一个动词,意为“使住院”,也可以用作形容词,表示“住院的”。

- 在医学领域中,hospitalize通常指将患者送往医院接受治疗,并在医院内住宿一段时间。

- 在日常生活中,hospitalize也可以指某人因疾病或意外事故而被迫入院治疗。

2. 相关词组

- be hospitalized:被送往医院住院治疗。例如:He was hospitalized for a severe case of pneumonia.(他因严重肺炎而被送往医院住院治疗。)

- hospitalization:名词,表示“住院治疗”。例如:The patient's hospitalization lasted for two weeks.(患者的住院治疗持续了两周。)

- hospital ward:医院的病房。例如:She was placed in a private ward during her hospitalization.(她在住院期间被安排在私人病房。)

- intensive care unit (ICU):重症监护室。例如:The patient was transferred to the ICU after his condition worsened.(患者的情况恶化后被转移到了重症监护室。)

3. 医学术语

- admission:入院手续。例如:The patient's admission was delayed due to administrative issues.(由于行政问题,患者的入院手续被推迟了。)

- discharge:出院。例如:The doctor decided to discharge the patient after a week of observation.(医生在观察了一周后决定让患者出院。)

- diagnosis:诊断。例如:The doctor made a diagnosis of pneumonia and immediately hospitalized the patient.(医生诊断出肺炎,并立即将患者送往医院住院治疗。)

- treatment plan:治疗方案。例如:The doctor discussed the treatment plan with the patient and his family.(医生与患者及其家人讨论了治疗方案。)

4. 常用表达

- be admitted to the hospital:被送往医院住院治疗。

- receive medical treatment in hospital:在医院接受治疗。

- be discharged from the hospital:从医院出院。

- be under observation in hospital:在医院接受观察。

- be in critical condition in hospital:在医院处于危险状态。

5. 示例用法

1) The patient was hospitalized for a severe case of food poisoning.


2) She spent two weeks in hospital and was finally discharged yesterday.


3) The doctor recommended hospitalization for further tests and treatment.


4) The patient's condition is stable and he is expected to be discharged from the hospital next week.


hospitalize作为一个常用的医学术语,表示“住院治疗”。相关词组包括be hospitalized、hospitalization、hospital ward等。在医学术语中,还有一些常用表达,如be admitted to the hospital、be discharged from the hospital等。最后,通过示例用法可以更好地理解hospitalize的含义和用法


1. Admit - to allow someone to enter a hospital for treatment or observation

2. Hospitalize - to place someone in a hospital for medical care

3. Admittance - the act of allowing someone to enter a hospital for treatment or observation

4. Inpatient - a patient who stays in the hospital overnight or for an extended period of time

5. Medicalize - to make something medical in nature, often referring to the process of treating a condition in a hospital setting

6. Institutionalize - to place someone in an institution, often referring to a mental health facility or long-term care facility

7. Confine - to restrict someone's movement, often used in the context of being confined to a hospital bed for medical reasons

8. Treat - to provide medical care or attention, often used interchangeably with "hospitalize" when referring to being treated in a hospital setting

9. Care for - similar to "treat," this phrase can also be used when discussing receiving medical attention or treatment while hospitalized

10. Attend - another term for providing medical care or attention while hospitalized

11. Hospitalization - the act of being admitted and staying in a hospital for medical treatment

12. Medical treatment - the process of receiving care and attention from healthcare professionals while hospitalized

13. Admission - the act of being admitted into a hospital for medical purposes

14. Stay/Stay over/Stay at (the) hospital- phrases used when discussing the duration of time spent receiving medical care at a hospital

15. In-care/in-hospital/in-patient- terms used when referring specifically to being hospitalized and receiving treatment within the walls of a hospital

