
生活学习2024-03-11 19:41:54自考教育网



1. hourglass的含义:hourglass是一个英文单词,意为“沙漏”,指一种用来计时的古老器具,由两个玻璃球和中间连接着的细颈组成,里面装有沙子或者小珠子,通过倒转来计时。


2. hourglass的发音:hourglass的发音为/ˈaʊərɡlæs/,读作“au-er-glass”。

3. hourglass的同义词:hourglass的同义词包括sand timer、sand clock等。

4. hourglass的例句:a) She turned the hourglass and began to meditate as the sand slowly trickled down.


b) The old man watched the sand fall through the hourglass, marking the passage of time.



1. hourglass的发音


2. hourglass的读法


3. hourglass的同义词

- sand timer:沙漏

- egg timer:蛋计时器

- sand clock:沙钟

4. hourglass的例句

- The hourglass on the table had almost run out of sand, indicating that an hour had passed.


- She turned the hourglass over, signaling the start of their game.


- The old man used an hourglass to keep track of time while working in his workshop.



1. hourglass的意思是沙漏,是一种计时器,通常由两个玻璃球和连接它们的细颈组成。

例句:I turned over the hourglass and waited for the sand to run out before I could make my move. (我翻转了沙漏,等待着沙子流完后才能行动。)

2. hourglass的同义词包括sand clock, egg timer, sandglass等。

例句:She used an egg timer to keep track of her cooking time. (她用蛋计时器来记录她做饭的时间。)

3. 在英语中,hourglass也可以用来形容一个人身材匀称,上下身比例协调。

例句:Her hourglass figure caught everyone's attention at the party. (她的曼妙身材在派对上吸引了所有人的注意。)

4. hourglass也可以用来比喻时间流逝得很快。

例句:As I watched the sand trickle down in the hourglass, I realized how quickly time was passing by. (当我看着沙子在沙漏中滴落时,我意识到时间过得多么快。)


1. 沙漏 (shā huó): "沙"和"火"的组合,指代沙子流过的时间。

例句:She turned the hourglass over and watched the sand trickle through the narrow opening. (她翻转了沙漏,看着沙子从窄窄的开口中滴落。)

2. 计时器 (jì shí qì): 一种用来测量时间的装置,通常由两个玻璃球连接在一起。

例句:He set the hourglass on the table and started the timer for 30 minutes. (他把计时器放在桌子上,设定了30分钟的时间。)

3. 时间漏斗 (shí jiān lòu dǒu): 指代用来测量时间的工具,形状像漏斗。

例句:The hourglass was used as a timekeeping device in ancient civilizations. (在古代文明中,沙漏被用作计时工具。)

4. 时光之瓶 (shí guāng zhī píng): 指代保存时间的容器,形象地比喻为瓶子。

例句:She treasured the hourglass as if it were a bottle holding precious moments of her life. (她像珍惜一个保存着生命中宝贵时刻的瓶子一样珍惜这个沙漏。)

5. 时间流动器 (shí jiān liú dòng qì): 指代用来测量时间流逝的装置。

例句:The hourglass was a constant reminder that time was passing by. (沙漏是一个不断提醒时间正在流逝的装置。)


1. Time is running out like an hourglass - 时间像沙漏一样流逝

2. The hourglass figure - 沙漏曲线身材

3. Turn the hourglass over - 翻转沙漏

4. The sands of time in the hourglass - 沙漏中的时光沙子

5. Watching the sand fall in the hourglass - 观看沙漏中的沙子落下

6. The hourglass symbolizes the passage of time - 沙漏象征着时间的流逝

7. The grains of sand in the hourglass - 沙漏中的沙粒

8. An hourglass-shaped pendant - 沙漏形状的吊坠

9. The sands are running through the hourglass - 时间在沙漏中流逝

10. A race against the hourglass - 与时间赛跑

