
生活学习2024-03-11 19:48:07自考教育网



The pronunciation of household

Oh, you mean "how-sold"?

Alright, alright, I'll give it to you straight. The pronunciation of household is actually quite simple. It's pronounced as "haus-hold", with the emphasis on the first syllable. You got it? Good.

Now that we've got that out of the way, let's dive into what this word actually means and how to use it in a sentence.

Household refers to a group of people who live together in a home and share responsibilities and resources. This can include family members, roommates, or any other individuals who live together and function as a unit.

But wait, there's more! Household can also be used as an adjective to describe things that are related to or used in a home. For example, household chores or household items.

Still with me? Great. Let's move on to some synonyms for household. Some common alternatives include family, household members, and domestic unit.

Now for some examples:

- My household consists of my parents, my sister, and our dog.

- We have a weekly rotation for household chores.

- Our household budget has been tight lately.

- She is the head of the household and makes all the decisions.

See how easy that was? Now go forth and impress your friends with your knowledge of the pronunciation and meaning of household. You're welcome

Is household an idiom?

1. Introduction

2. Definition of Idiom

3. Meaning of Household

4. Is Household an Idiom?

5. Synonyms for Household

6. Examples of Household in Sentences

7. Conclusion

1. Introduction

In the field of English language, idioms play a significant role in communication and expression. One commonly used word in everyday conversation is "household". However, some may wonder if this word is considered an idiom or not. In this section, we will explore the meaning and usage of "household" to determine if it falls under the category of idioms.

2. Definition of Idiom

Before delving into the main topic, it is essential to understand what an idiom is. An idiom refers to a phrase or expression that has a figurative meaning different from its literal interpretation. It often reflects cultural or historical references and cannot be understood by simply looking at the individual words.

3. Meaning of Household

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, household is defined as "the people who live together in one house". It can also refer to a family or a group of individuals living together under one roof.

4. Is Household an Idiom?

Based on the definition given above, it can be concluded that household does not fall under the category of idioms. It does not have a figurative meaning and can be understood by its literal interpretation.

5. Synonyms for Household

Although household may not be considered an idiom, there are other words that can be used interchangeably with it such as family, home, and domestic unit.

6. Examples of Household in Sentences

- Our household consists of my parents, my siblings, and me.

- She manages her household efficiently while also working full-time.

- The new law aims to provide financial support for low-income households.

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, household is not an idiom but a commonly used word in the English language. It is important to understand the difference between idioms and regular words to effectively communicate and avoid misunderstandings

Usage and examples of household

1. What does household mean?

Household refers to a group of people who live together and share resources, responsibilities, and living space. It can also refer to the physical objects and equipment used in a home.

2. How do you pronounce household?

Household is pronounced as "hous-hold", with the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms for household

Other words that can be used to describe a household include family, home, residence, domestic unit, and householders.

4. Example sentences

- Our household consists of my parents, my sister, and me.

- The new vacuum cleaner is a great addition to our household.

- She manages the household budget efficiently.

- We have some house guests staying with us for the weekend, so our household is a bit crowded at the moment.

- Taking care of a newborn baby can be challenging for any new household.

5. Common phrases using "household"

- Household chores: tasks or duties that need to be done regularly in a home.

- Household income: the total amount of money earned by all members of a household.

- Household name: something or someone that is well known by most people.

- Household goods: items used in a home such as furniture, appliances, and decorations.

- Household expenses: the costs associated with running a home such as rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, etc.

In conclusion, understanding the meaning of "household" and its usage in everyday language is important for effective communication. Whether you are talking about your own household or someone else's, this word is commonly used in various contexts and has several synonyms that can be used interchangeably. So next time you hear or use the word "household", remember its versatile nature and how it plays an important role in our daily lives

Antonyms and synonyms of household

1. Antonyms of household

- Nomadic: moving from place to place, not staying in one place for a long time

Example: The nomadic lifestyle is the complete opposite of a settled household.

- Single: not married or in a romantic relationship

Example: She lived alone in a single household.

- Abandoned: left and deserted without care or support

Example: The abandoned household was in a state of disrepair.

- Scattered: spread or dispersed over an area or among different people

Example: The scattered household members gathered for a reunion.

- Uninhabited: not lived in or occupied by people

Example: The remote island had an uninhabited household.

2. Synonyms of household

- Family: a group consisting of parents and children living together in a domestic setting

Example: The family household was busy preparing for the upcoming holiday.

- Domestic: relating to the running of a home or to family relations

Example: Domestic chores are an important part of maintaining a household.

- Domicile: the place where someone lives; home

Example: She moved to her new domicile, leaving her old household behind.

- Residence: the place where someone lives permanently or temporarily

Example: The residence was large enough to accommodate their growing household.

- Dwelling: a house, apartment, or other place of residence

Example: Their small dwelling was cozy and comfortable for their small household.

3. Example sentences using "household"

- I come from a large and bustling household with six siblings.

- In many cultures, it is customary for the eldest son to inherit the family's ancestral household.

- My grandmother takes care of all the cooking and cleaning in our multi-generational household.

- Due to financial difficulties, we had to downsize our household and move into a smaller apartment.

- It's important for everyone in the household to contribute to daily chores and responsibilities

Explanation of household

1. 定义


2. 发音


3. 同义词


4. 例句

(1) My household consists of my parents, my younger brother and me.


(2) She is responsible for all the household chores.


(3) This vacuum cleaner is suitable for household use.


b. Household作为形容词时,可以指与家庭有关的或者适合于家庭使用的;

c. Household还可以用来表示“一般家庭的人们”或者“家庭成员”。


