
生活学习2024-03-11 19:55:37自考教育网



1. 拼写



2. 发音


3. 重点提示

- 单词houses中的[hous-]与house的发音相同,只是在末尾加上了-s;

- 单词houses是house的复数形式,在英语中一般将名词变成复数形式时,在末尾加-s或-es;

- 单词houses中的-e不发音,只是用来表明s的发音方式为[z]而不是[s]。

4. 常见错误



1. houses的基本含义


2. houses作为名词的用法

作为名词,houses通常用来指代具体的建筑物,比如“我家有三栋房子(houses)”、“这座城市有很多漂亮的房子(houses)”等。此外,在英语中还有一些固定搭配,比如“guest houses”表示“招待所”、“doll houses”表示“玩具房子”等。

3. houses作为动词的用法


4. houses在习语中的用法

除了基本含义和常见用法外,houses还出现在一些习语中。比如,“to bring down the house”表示“引起轰动”,“to keep a roof over one's head”表示“维持生计”,“to throw stones at a glass house”表示“自相矛盾”等。这些习语都是由houses衍生出来的,具有一定的幽默性和俏皮感。

5. 我们为什么需要了解houses




1. "Houses"的基本意思是房屋或住宅,它可以指一栋建筑物,也可以指一组房屋。

例句:The houses in this neighborhood are all made of brick. (这个社区的房屋都是用砖头建造的。)


- a row of houses (一排房屋)

- a block of houses (一组房屋)

- a terraced house (联排别墅)

- a detached house (独立式住宅)

2. "Houses"也可以指政府机构或公司的总部所在地。

例句:The White House is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. (白宫是美国总统的官邸和办公地点。)


- company headquarters (公司总部)

- government house (政府大楼)

3. 在某些情况下,"houses"也可以指家庭或家庭成员。

例句:Our two houses have been close friends for years. (我们两家人多年来都是好朋友。)


- extended family household (大家庭)

- broken home (破碎的家庭)

4. "Houses"还可以用作动词,意为提供住所或容纳。

例句:The university houses students in dormitories on campus. (大学为学生提供校园宿舍。)


- house someone (提供住所)

- house animals (饲养动物)

5. 最后,"houses"也可以用来指藏匿或保存某物。

例句:The museum houses a collection of ancient artifacts. (博物馆收藏着一系列古代文物。)


- house valuable items (保存贵重物品)

- house confidential documents (保管机密文件)


1. Dwellings: houses refer to buildings or structures that are used as homes or residences. This term is often used in a more formal context and can also include apartments, townhouses, and other types of living spaces.

2. Residences: this term is similar to dwellings and refers to places where people live. However, it can also have a broader meaning and include not only houses but also other types of living spaces such as hotels, dormitories, or even temporary shelters.

3. Abodes: this word is often used in a poetic or literary context and refers to someone's home or place of residence. It can also have a more spiritual connotation, suggesting a sense of belonging or connection to a particular place.

4. Domiciles: this term has a legal connotation and refers to the place where someone legally resides or has their permanent home. It is often used in official documents such as contracts or legal forms.

5. Residences: similar to domiciles, this term also has a legal connotation and refers to the place where someone lives permanently or for a significant amount of time.

6. Homesteads: this word refers to a house and the surrounding land that belongs to it. It can also be used to describe a family's ancestral home or the place where they have lived for generations.

7. Lodgings: this term is often used for temporary living arrangements such as hotel rooms or rented apartments.

8. Quarters: similar to lodgings, this word refers to temporary living spaces but can also have a military connotation, referring to soldiers' living quarters.

9. Shelters: this term usually refers to temporary housing for those in need, such as homeless people or refugees.

10. Tenements: these are typically small apartments in urban areas with low-income residents and often have negative connotations due to poor living conditions.

11. Cottages: these are small, cozy houses, often located in rural areas and associated with a simple and traditional way of life.

12. Mansions: this term refers to large, luxurious houses, often associated with wealth and high social status.

13. Palaces: similar to mansions, these are grand and lavish residences, typically occupied by royalty or other high-ranking individuals.

14. Villas: these are large, elegant houses usually located in the countryside or near the coast.

15. Bungalows: these are small, single-story houses usually with a front porch and a low-pitched roof.

16. Cabins: this term refers to small houses made of logs or wood, often used as vacation homes in remote areas.

17. Chateaus: this is a French term for a castle or large country house, often associated with luxury and grandeur.

18. Farmhouses: these are traditional homes located on a farm or in a rural area and often have a simple design with practical features for farming life.

19. Condos: short for condominiums, these refer to individual units within a larger building or complex that is owned by multiple individuals.

20. Duplexes: these refer to two separate living units within one building that share a common wall or floor.

21. Huts: these are simple shelters made of natural materials such as mud, grass, or branches and are often associated with primitive living conditions.

22. Igloos: these are dome-shaped houses made of snow blocks traditionally used by Inuit people in Arctic regions.

23. Shacks: this term refers to small, poorly built houses that may be temporary or permanent residences for those living in poverty.

24. Townhouses: also known as row houses, these refer to attached homes that share walls with neighboring units but have their own separate entrances.

25. Yurts: these are portable circular tents traditionally used by nomadic people in Central Asia and are now popular as alternative living spaces


1. Apartments - 公寓

2. Condos - 共管公寓

3. Townhouses - 联排别墅

4. Villas - 别墅

5. Mansions - 豪宅

6. Cottages - 小屋

7. Cabins - 小木屋

8. Bungalows - 平房

9. Duplexes - 双拼别墅

10. Mobile homes - 活动房屋

11. Shacks - 茅屋

12. Huts - 棚屋

13. Shelters - 庇护所

14. Tents- 帐篷

15. Trailers- 拖车

16. Campers- 露营车

17. Yurts- 圆顶帐篷

18 . Treehouses- 树屋

19 . Igloos- 冰屋

20 . Houseboats- 水上住宅

